Show DAILY ENQUIRER 1895 JOHN 0 manager ia 27 L 3 la column 30 centa pir line each insertion annot ha santto office not later than 10 a m to inest on bame dav awarded highest honors worlds fair MOST PERFECT MAD A pure grape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS tue T dr priced cream baking powder worlds fair highest award was n herald canard A marnin contemporary perpetrated another cold blooded fake yesterday when it published a brief bat sensation al article to the effect that PJ Daly and other legal were drawing up a petition for presentation to the T aird district court for an order enjoin ini john hery the af the constitutional convention froni anine i nine the when it aha lave been completed on the ground hat he is not legally a member of tha tody never having received a ata of election and in f ct nero having been daly elected a member there is practically not a word 0 uth in the entire article which i based udon a rumor that asa been go ing the rounds for weata attorney P J baly ia not enraged in ap dinv inv anch petition pei tion and batas most emphatically that he in lend to draw it ap Tri hane when baby was rick we gar bw CM torte when she wai child she arted for she becala mam he clang to castoria when the had aha car thorn OM the a S govi reports show baking powder ia vers the worlds fair tests showed no baking powder so pure or so yeat in leav balag power ss aba royal YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN ar 7 at druggist and physician humboldt neb who suffered i with heart disease for tour years trying every remedy and all treatments known to ahlm and fellow practitioners believes hat heart disease Is curable he writes 1 I wish to tell what your valuable medicine has done for me for four years I 1 bad heart disease of the very worst kind several physicians I 1 consulted bald it was rheumatism of the heart it was almost unendurable with shortness of breath palmita eions severe pains unable to sleep especially on the loft side no pen can da scribe my sufferings particularly the last months of those four weary years DR JH WATTS I 1 finally tried miles new heart cure and was surprised at the result it put now life into and made a new man of me 1 have not bad a symptom of trouble since and am satisfied your medicine has cured me for I 1 have now enjoyed since taking it three years of splendid health 1 might add that I 1 am a druggist and have cold and recommended your heart cure foe I 1 know what it has done for mo and only wish I 1 could state more clearly my suffering then and the good health now enjoy your and other remedies aisa alva excellent satisfaction 3 n WATTS humboldt nab may 9 M dr allea heart cure Is sold on a that tho first bottlo will all druggists sell it at 1 8 bottles for 5 or it will bo sent prepaid pre paid on receipt of price ty the dr miles medical co elkhart lad dr milesa heart cure restores health CALL AT mba W E FOB millinery hats coquets Co etc latest and newest styles to be b ad la the market for tha griec aw t t aad 0 drugs paints oils and wall paper largest hrock south of salt lake city at EXCELSIOR DRUG full line of liquore and bottled beer family trade solicited H S PYKE mgr THE SENATE MEAT MAREE keeps constantly on band U illas M M aai awl i SAT S AT CALVES AND HOGS WASTED i free delivery to any part of the city centre st prove third door east of cosmopolitan J FHEO JKo yo new to purchased the of salt lake city will continue to sell at ON THE DOLLAR until al 1 is disposed of come early and get your choice of lotions rhe rh e ane cah TROVO 1 0 B 1 R barris Br CLEVELA TNT ti t i T V if f v sy ca t to to bee them 5 the greatest value in utah yea in the a efta |