Show jal AT L AW booms 11 and 12 corn aid bank building PROVO CITY UTAH talim LAW bank building PROVO CITY UTAH T M X WA LAWYERS i w roona roo na 13 14 and 15 union block PROVO GITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING ATTORN yu y U lul and 7 bink building PROVO UTAH THOMAS AT LAW excelsior alock ap Bt aira PROVO CITY UTAH EE DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH D D HOUTZ ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 4 and 5 smoot block UTAH S attorney at law loius 1 2 3 aind 4 marjioe Mart ioe bank city UTAH J E aloey at guv LAHD OFFICE AGENT 23 N J street provo city at LAW collection agency office bank Build ms PAYSON CITY UTAH ROBERT ATTORNEY AT 4 rooms 4 and 5 reed smoot block UTAH SAM JEP landscaped sign painter UTAH coraor F and ath street R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath at W B CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power plans special cay surveyor of prove deputy TJ S mineral office at court house CITY UTAH hours 9 to 12 a m li to 4 p m PHysic sa m SURGEON office palace block residence 2 block Beast bank corner no 45 office ko 28 PROVO UTAH J F HOYES M D physician and argen K block over pyne druk store UTAH aaa iu wu bour d kraii lataren lat ared nj 51 0 ber cuic in the i sut 0 a rt rl beare lia courts promptly s 11 es really pr jawin MC illif or of in of lUini make aiso 01 to th tries ol 01 cliar jee ac efte ent secand Oe cand being in atan danec there it li app r nt f haye lura ir ica for roa tor toy aej ot toi ai to mr jire 1 the timet tune yeta i er to ranfis lr inta aa J R LITTELL i ithol and attorney in patent Waa hington D 0 opposite 17 8 office SH A S F T attorney a lur room 9 ednk UTAH J D JONES homey at baw u office bauk building UTAH JACOB attorney at law baak UTAH S H ALLEN Jj sargeon R U W railway jakc kt rei smoot honigs 1 ast of UTAH fire and life insurance J uon of new york horwich union of dna northern of LD on british Amer icari of toronto To Na tiona life 0 Veri Dont bankers da moice Mo ioe office at swasey martinis Mar titis bank provo city utah n E KNOWLDEN JE L knowlden jones general aire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH X i 6 a J S dentist all moden for the practice of operative ano artificial ann BRIDGE A all work dooni block provo dr W S holdaway jr DENTIST formerly v dr JN opposite post office J st guaranteed CITY UTAH to adv cart of the city bock springs lump gate lump pleasant valley lamp winter quarters lump broek spring nut castle gate nut 4 60 anthracite 1100 YARD 17 agents CAW I 1 A PATENT for prompt answer and an honest opinion write tc 1 l A CO who have had nearly fifty years exper lenca in ane patent busin cBS lions A boit 0 information conce minx ana bow to obtain them sent free also a catalogue of mechanical and scientific books sent free patents blunn co special notice in the american and thus are widely before the public without cost to the inventor ahls paper issued weekly elegantly elee antly illustrated has tho lareesa circulation ot any scientific work in the world sa a year sample copies ent free edition monthly a year single copies as centa every alful plates in colors and ot boncea with plans builders fo show the latest aadil contracts alares chih CO afew YOUK agi THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine f up THE ENQUIRER was tho first home paper to introduce this popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to send postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER aud THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re aiding anywhere in the united states who will for jb K us 4 jasi we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of for only wo will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE and an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that has already jaba become a home necessity among the adies babst DAILY FRIDAY armi 26 1895 that idame smelt can toe vita dr miles PLASTER only NO fo owners of cemetery lots in provo city cemetery Cem tery all boldios deada to cemetery lots are to present their deeds to the cita ric arder for record in the mayors record of cemetery deeds nd those persona who have node edri as yet ant claim lots should ah w evidence of oh to jhb maor and hava their claims adjusted aa provided for by i and further order Is made that no cemetery lots or fractions thereof be transferred by owners of of paid iota to other per pons except by the consent of the city council by order of the oita council of provo city JOHN D DIXON ci v recorder april 15 1895 for over i alty henrs MRS boothm lentS Be for over fifty beers by millions of mothers lot children while with perfect sue aeng it boothes the child softens alie aunis allay all pain cures wind colic ind Is the ix st remedy for it will relieve the little sufferer immediately sold by Brug gUts in every part of the world twenty five cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs Bo othine syrup and teke no other kind cured by dr miles PAW one cent a at all druggists PUKE watell parties desi tiona ot taking the city water will do well to call on the supers in for the cost of connection to the water main bates or any other questions pertaining to cos and use ol 01 the city water iran uy answered by dpn bupt dr miles pain ellla cure oar free offer the long winter evening can be terr profitably devoted to reading bat there anro some things that we mast read the year round one of these is a local paper the beet in the country la batora yoa another ie 0 good home paper of een eral circulation ecca as womankind for instance which cornea once a month floied with tho beet things tor the busy bouee wita we are able by nta with the publishers to hoffr womankind free for a year to ov ry paid nn advance to oar capr and we are glad to ao 30 so for we ro convinced that no hoial paper in america contains more of value to woman bright stones clever poems the labeit fashions news of comans womans work everywhere articles on motherhood cultivation of flow o ere a comans womans for the dia of mattera of interest are a few of the bright features of womankind to the bead of the house we offer on tao same terms farm eswa an able paper edited by a practical daimer miller esq late state lecturer of the ohio farmere Far merB al and filled each month wilb i from abas correspondents that make it an absolute necessity to every wide awake farmer this paper ia yourn for the awaiting aai ting provided yon ara i to our paper remember every paid in advance to is entitled to his choice of either of these papers tall your about this offer A sample copy of both may be obtained by addressing addre asing arx co provo utah come in and oay R year in advance to and et one of at papers free t MO ulna children my only en tay for oo beha acids and croup onion it f iab as affa ii us it waa forty yew eo yc aw alee dr annn onion syrup prepared preT ared tid baor to the alite sold everywhere diarse 0 ilire f hold icv pyne osiber FANCY stationery furnishes food for refined tastes and those who delight in artistic stationery can nod all they disiro in our stock weve made a baudy of art specialties and unique ideas in our line the result is a collection eliat challenges study an fitted up with our specialties special tie in writing papers envelopes etc is a sight to see and a worth having too it cost much more to have it than it does to have something not worth seeing give your eyes something to feed on we agree to honor all such drafts promptly handsomely and completely amo N ani ea bornt henrichsen dealers and manufacturers of the california patent oil gas generating stove these stoves are absolutely eafe cheap and odorless and cost cent an hour for two burners will fit any stove on exhibition and for tale at the provo cooperative co operative institution provo utah easily permanently restored weakness anil all tho train ot evila irom early errora or later the results of sickness sick nesa worry etc ruu strength davel 1 bno tona glisn to and portion kjof the body lenat binm i nm biral methods immedi HA I 1 wl at improvement been failure impossible 2000 references boost and proofs mailed sealed tree ERIE MEDICAL CO buffalo HY BANK illano st salt lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded four times a year UTAH TITLE INSURANCE ca capita full paid president W S mc vice president A L THOMAS secretary and bashier Ua shier PROVO and sayings t wh al 41 PROVO Cati ilal DIRECTORS reed fifoot breet D T preat john jonea jampa A bean roger farrer E E eldrence Eldred ce s L chilia SH ilIa J R general banking business transacted zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays five per cent interest per anaam m any you maze write for parti alar WoOD HUtT M gautron GAO TrON prest Oa ahler DR J H I 1 asli I 1 tars 5 BLOOD A folt or loir apin dyspepsia pleasant tonic with the ladles price 1 iolj by all THE DR J H MCLEAN MED CO ST l at amont dru co thia water is a buro cure for rheama tiem miners leading Lea dinc indigestion catarrh constipation chronic palpitation of the heart and all kidney and arvous troi blea towels and auita washed by empire laundry outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND fon all kinds of supplies fc sTORK giant powder gaps and fuse groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 bax 1166 SALT LAKE CITY MI OF md mn mm eracli Tra cli DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT president W R PIKE vice president J 0 Q CANNON B 8 josea E F SHEETS D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago ban francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards SHALL SHORTLY REMOVE put before doing FO we will make special prices on full line of HARDWARE and new arrivals of goods every day we hae FUSE in stock HARDWARE CO L D waters mer A send for prices for FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES AND ornamentals ORNAMENT ALS evergreens EVER GREENS ROSES SHRUBS CLIMBERS LAWN GRASS SEED HARDY GARDEN ROOTS BULBS greenhouse PLANTS FANCY BASKETS FUNERAL AND WEDDING PAMPAS PLUMES estimates made on parks and landscape gardening part pay ment in trade to suit the times west 3 st P 0 39 provo city only gold madal in utah held for fancy japan foliage plant DOCTOR LW SHORES ca w ca PRICE 2 A BOX positively to cure every caia ol 01 nasel catarrhal diseases require both local and constitutional treatment direction fur busine usine dr G W alores Sl ores camoin remedies in all catarrhal chronic diseases K your have catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fear or any complicated affection of the nose it bronchial lubes or lungs use dr G W shores catarrh cure cough cure and tonic and blood purifier to cure the catarrh stop lh cough cleanse and purify the mood improve the appe and digestion if complicated with kidney liver or bladder trouble use dr G W shores kidney and cure an lc all cases take one of ur G W shores anti con pills at bedtime if your trouble Is chronic and deep seated write dr G W shores personally tor his new symptom list and have your case dlag and vet expert advice tree dr 0 W shores tunic end blood purifier cleanses and purifies the blood rives strength laj vigor cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases anca il per beitle dr 0 W shores kidney and liver cura cures all diseases of the kidneys liver and bladder price 1 per bottle dr 0 W shores cough cure cures all coughs colds and bronchial affections one dose will stop croup keep a bottle in the bouse large exo bottles dr 0 W shores mountain sage oil stops tha worst pain tn one minute for headache toothache neuralgia cramps or colic use it externally and in prevents and cures diphtheria if used iu a bottle handy price a bottle or 0 W shores pepsin destroy intestinal worms and removes the little round nest aher they hatch and breed it never fails pric csc a botts dr 0 W shores wintergreen Winter ereen salve cures ah diseases of the skin removes red spots and black pimples from the face heals old seres in 3 to S daff Price 25 a box dr 0 W shores anti constipation plu cures chronic constipation sick headache ht adache and fc fous attacks price a battla these famous remedies are prepared only by doctor G W shores blont medical institute salt lk city for feinle by smart co provo utah Cv cats aid trademarks obtained and n pat teat busi ices conducted for MODERATE TEES f OUR US tad we can secure patent time than inocel dramins or photo dacri afoa we if or not free of chares our fee not flu till pa teat ia secured g A IET how ta oata n patrols watt i joost of daae n tlc alc U S and foreign coun trio tent ires AC tsa ia aptt lf 11 l 1 i f vs |