Show oratorical contest to tag Cui cAfio april 26 b vice adlai stevenson will preside at abd tbd first methodist of ayana tou on the occasion of the annual oratorical contest between the picked debaters 0 the michigan and north western the debate will be upon the shall tu united states construct and control the nicaragua canal th ann arbor will ba by I 1 B oxtoby of louid mich biem 8 Kiin ball of Animo ea la and frank P sad er of grove aith III the north west Brn B are ell P bennett of barah pa harry F ward a resident 0 linden england up to 1891 and who hau since resided ic silt lake ailt and dan francisco and horace writ cook of miles la at ahe close of the contest vice president S will be tendered a public at the of major elect lect william A |