Show goto the new york cash store everything 60 cents on the dollar MANAGES graham went to salt lake today HIGHEST market orice paid for eggs i butter and all kinds of garden produce THE millinery department at S janes company is doenz a fine business bu einess hats are quoted very low and and quality are the best EIGHTEEN pounds of sugar lor one dollar at and receipts carefully compounded at smoot drug co MB james clove is the happy father ochia first girl J W mcadam has a favored goei tion for the grocery trade and has to euit the times bead his ad ement you can buy outing flannels prinle or L L factory for acts at barneis barneys Bar THE best cheap for floors is japanese mattine sailing from a yard to come and see it at gates furniture co store TUB union pacific is in line with a special conference train for schedule see the special notice in this issue t case against nela gray charging him with the taking of trout has been in need of green and fancy groceries call on J W me adam co who will give the beat 0 goods for the lowest prices POULTRY fence netting 4 R and G feet wida juat arrived at L 1 waters hardware store cana of tomatoes for 25 cents at BOSHARD k SAXBY carry all the leading brands of hour at lowest priced BABY carriages and lots of them at the gates furniture store come and see them they will euit you as to style and price still boea at coat at bar neye SUCKERS by the thousands are again running run nini up the streams emptying into utah lake the boys are in their glory SPECIAL conference train via the union pacific see notice elsewhere in this paper CALL and see our new goods every day we always have something new to show you S a jones Oom t go to the city lumber co for your combination fence we manufacture four different kinds at hard lime prices tas new department at S S jones companas Comp anys where the new spring suits are beine made has a very busy look and the busy seamstresses are working early and late to got the work out that ia already on hand gam bupt welby and gan ger agent wadleigh of the rio grande were at the opera houam last night mccrandall MJ Crandall the last of the thirteen pioneers who located Springy illo dropped dead last evening at 7 while doing his chores from heart failure he was 65 baars of age J W mcadam and co have opened a green and fancy grocery store in the stand recently occupied bv taylor poulton east of taylor bros furniture co free delivery to any part of the city t booney comedy company wai as advertised fast and furios but that wa all there was to it it did not draw avery lage house last evening were this afternoon issued in justice booths court against charles hedquist W R H and jos kirkwood charged with illegal liquor selling I 1 one who has been by the use of dr williamg pink pill will write to provo city they will receive information that will DO of much and to them bean was arraigned in dudlets dudleys Dud leys court yesterday af charged with committing fornication ni with catherine M smith at lehi last october ast 1st he waived examination aad WAS placed under bonds to await the action of the grand jury G T jr ana W W became bis sureties the girls father swore to tho complaint TUB two remaining drug store clerics came before booth this moraine for sentence W B H waa fined 65 and A hedquist 80 A stay of sentence een tence was granted until next saturday if tho druz batore do not take out a license it ia likely other enita will follow for the marshal has other cages and the city will exact its license or equivalent in fines no long aa diug stores continue liquor |