Show it wi T age Us first victory COMMITTEE PASSED only twenty nine for separate submission ebberts speech there were tremendous crowds at the convention hall tuesday to hear the closing debate on comans womans sun raga pr iver waa offered by apostle if M lyman of the charch cf jeeni christ ef latter day saints mr green of bait lake presented a irom forty eight citizens 0 bingham precinct aekins for prohibition referred A similar petition from american fork signed by persons was also presented similar reference mr eldredge presented a petition from mary T freeze and a dozen ladies asking to adjourn to the salt lake theater on motion of varian the petition was tabled the committee on irrigation submitted the following articles on irrigation SECTION I 1 the waters of all natural lakes and collections of still water within the boundaries of tha state are hereby declared to be the pru nerty of the state but such owner shall in no way impair any existing acquired right to the use of said waters SEG 2 priority of appropriation for beneficial uses snail give the better right no appropriation ahall be denied except when such denial is demanded by public interest the right of eminent domain shall extent to land and water rights SEC 3 the legislature shall divide the state into evitable eni table water district and provide by law for the appointment of a state eng mear the election of a board of control and such other officers as may bo deemed necessary SEC 4 the board of control shall be presided over by the engineer and it ahall have the supervision of the waters of the state and of their appropriation pria tion distribution and diversion under ench rules and regulations as may be prescribed by law its decisions to be subject re to review by the courts ol 01 the state the article waa placed on the calco dar and referred to the committee of the whole on motion of Obi deater tha conven itself into the committee of the whole ivana of washington in the chair crane of millard also introduced a resolution asking the convention to adjourn to the salt lake theatre roberts here took the floor and was about to proceed when mr raleigh of salt lake claimed the privilege of speaking ha said that he would have gone on record yesterday but found the crowd so areat on the outside that he was anable to get in briefly mr raleigh said the convention should strike the maracles manacles man acles from the hands of woman and allow her to ahe chairman cad no sooner an bounced the pending question than mr whitney arose to a point of personal privilege he said in my remarks on saturday I 1 mentioned the fact that in the church to which the gentleman from davia coun ty and myself belone sd women were allowed to vote and incidentally referred to mr roberts baen elected to a aih ecclesiastical office ly a congregation two thieda of whom were women because of this I 1 have been of bringing into this discussion mattera which should have been left outside and some have aono so for as to say that I 1 advocated the idea that the state of utah should model its in after of the mormon church I 1 am not afraid that my eloquent friend in replying to me for in his intelligence and fairness I 1 have confidence will revamp such an absurd and ridiculous idea but I 1 wish him to understand me clearly that he may answer not what I 1 have been falsely represented as saying but what I 1 really did guv let me now state what I 1 sail or meant to say I 1 referred to the tact that in the church to which mr roberta and myself belong the right of self agency is and exercised for the women ol 01 the church vote as well as tha men and vote independently and of their own volition and I 1 added that it a church is generally though mistakenly supposed to be illiberal especially to women could afford to recognize that right the state of utah could afford to be equally liberal that is what I 1 said and that is what I 1 meant I 1 did not say or mean or intimate that tha state of utah should model its institutions after those of the on church mr roberts then toot the floor amid tumultuous applause and proceeded to answer or try to answer the arguments for suffrage mr came in for the greatest share of his attention referring to th comparison of speaker to a bull without judgment and balsams Bala ams ass without inspiration mr roberts warmed up the speaker then narrated the atory of that animal and the prophet who beat him as chronicled in holy writ and he did it in a manner and with a success that caused the convention to convulse itself with merriment and how the animal taught his cruel master a most wholesome lesson aid how the master finally confessed hia wrong he would rather ba a modern balsams Bala ams ass than a refined poet delegate without better ju dement than to indulge ic such coarse comparisons of a brother delegate applause but while it was irrelevant and bad nothing to do the merits of the question if it was soul satisfying to the poet he would not complain he proposed to show thai the conventions balsams Bala ams asa could teach even perhaps a poet delegato laughter then he called attention to the wisdom of the animal of sacred history and said he did not think it would be presumptuous for him to say that the convention could profit by its sequel he spoke for a lang time on the gen oral arguments and deprecated the statement 0 a member who had eaid mr roberts was but ft decoy for the church sir roberta dae lared he was in earnest tearfully in earnest when the question came to a bote on ee parate submission only twenty nine voted for it aa follows roberts davis county varian salt lake ryan juab kiesel weber Pe tereon grand stover summit eichnor salt lake murdock summit gushing salt lake green salt lake mackintosh salt lake sharp emery page sanpete San pete lund sanpete San pete strevell weber adams weber rick sevier button salt lake mcfarland weber gibbs box elder hill salt lake piece sale lake james salt lako ballWeber Kim havnen salt lake bowdle salt lake total 30 mr Kie eela for male su frage only was defeated atad without division and the equal suffrage was likewise approved the rest of the day was spent on the elective article |