Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings JUDGE jacob of spring city is attending first court dry goods notions etc etc at 60 cents oa the dollar new york cash store t FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly dy tho grocers bombard HAVE vou been ladief summer for at barneis barneys Bar dress patters from upwards at S S company go to the brovo city lumber co for your combination fance we maun facture four different kinds at bard time prices FAMILY washing 6 cents per pound at the troy steam laundry of PORE and reliable drugs at smoot drug co t remains ot mrs sarah B dera were laid to rest ibia afternoon FRUIT growers and bee keepers can ret their oplies eu at the lowest prices at geo Y mill Provo city for young married hoople and old ones too in bed room suits and other at the gates furniture co give us a trial KiNO Lisia wood cheap at smoot Sp affords coal yard in building material and contractors can save money by sending their for mill work to geo W mickela Mickel 8 utah t IF you want a good meal or a good bed go to mrs snyders opposite abo opera house patronage patro naze especially solicited rates per day 1 or 5 per week mas W E weidner the popular west end milliner has some elegant styles of hata to exhibit to the ladies WANTED A man or lady to manage sample cards books ciras do correspondence benil sylvan booy detroit mich docta for BRin plea soap ac and bot special offer to you iw reports already ruled and printed kept in stock at ENQUIRER officio 1 headquarters HRAD QUARTERS for fresh oysters at B F Fl einera cafe sold by the can or served to order who delict the ear are in lord elonet at the opera house to night sumao sale of skiing wraps at R A barneis barneys Bar district styles prices guaranteed to be lower than any 25 acts per at P P Hindma paint 1 paint 1 paint 1 ready mixed paints sons 1 per gallon can ALL kinds of produce wanted in ex chanze for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO HAVERCAMP A co are making three to five years farm loans interest 10 par cent gall on or write them at provo 1 made suits at WOOLEN MILLS CO AN exchange says of the farce comedy lord rooney wit in ile evara line and the situations are and ludicrous to a decree that fairly deluzen the auditorium with laughter thera is lomance in it too pretty love making scenes that fill the of abe fair ez with n boy only they know bow ta dege ribe or ao preci ate paavo chop arse is the place exactly to get a booi gooi square meal open and basement of excelsior block center street wm oneill IT will you to go to the gate furniture gos store and examine their fine line of carpets and and chinota matting for floors go to the pi ovo city lumber co for your fence we manufacture four different kinds at hard time prices IT bad been told around town that 11 A barnev merchant had the kio grande western and when that mammoth lot of goods arrived the other day certain credulous people thought it was so frere appropriated last evening la city salaries and claims and 1000 for the extension of the water mains the warrants are aa good aa baah many aers today and promptly paid jt is not so with county warrants and it wa not 83 with the city warrants when democrats had control cokman the manazer of S B jones companas Comp anys dress maccine department part ment announces the following prices street auita from upwards street baits with wrap to match upwards silk dresses from upwards ball costumes from upwards eitra waists from upwards childrens dresses from upwards academy spring term begins april 8 and ends june 12 careful work and thorough drill promised parents dont let time ran to waste I 1 huso iw official base ball guide for 1895 is out today the guide is edited by the veteran henry chadwick Cna dwick and is the moat valuable statistical book and reference egide ever issued this years book is larger than ever and contains 21 half tono page pictures of all the leading baft ball teams of the country the new rules are pub in full this years guide should be in the hands of all the cranks price 10 cents from any news dealer I 1 |