Show WEDGWOOD AT LAW bank baldine bovo UTAH J J KNIGHT K M khight LAWYERS coomb 1314 and 18 PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A AT LAW rooms 6 and 7 bank building PRO VO CITY UTAH J W H TOte ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 corn and savings bank building PRO VO CITY UTAH THOMAS AT LAW excelsior block up Bt aira UTAH E E attorney at law boom 9 bank building PROVO UTAH D D ATTORNEY AT LAW booma 4 and 5 beed smoot block UTAH S K KING attorney at law 1 2 3 aad 4 swasey martine bank alde CITY UTAH J K BOOTH AT LAW OFFICE 23 N J street provo city ATTORNEY AT LAW collection agency office bank building PAYSON UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON LAW rooms 4 and 6 beed smoot block PROVO CITY UTAH SAM JEP landscape ign painter coraor and lib street R 0 architect and superintendent corner M and ath at PROVO W B CIVIL ENGINEER irritation and water power plans special city surveyor of provi deputy U S mineral Save officio at coart house cily cil Y UTAH office 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A me curtain M Z PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON office palace bloch 2 glocka east bank corner telephone rel ephone no 46 office so 28 PROVO UTAH J F M D physician excelsior block over pyne adrae store UTAH coteat an trad mal all other patent cua in the S Q 0 bedora the court wp lof of in T 1011 1 careful examination and ai nil llly troa ns cay office offic 8 across rom A itaf kir ii belac that I 1 ta or t lor ane inor JUKI P pi ion ol 01 tor patent and 01 a 1 l basi nesB ed so m time reut ta patent IrMin nt J B LITTELL stool and attorney in patent causes washington D 0 opposite U S patent offia J D JONES attorney at baw in thurman office bank building CITY UTAH JACOB attorney at law with bank building F attorney at law room 9 bank UTAH S H ALLEN physician B G W ballway office at residence smoot brick hauae 1 block east of tabernacle PROVO CITY UTAH fire insurance J continental of new york norwich union of london northern of london british american of toronto national life ol 01 vermont bankers life of des office at swasey martins bank provo city utah R B K L knowlden jones general fire and life AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH i F F dentist save all modern instruments instrument a for the practice of operative ana DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS BRIDGE A aall work boom excelsior block provo dr W S holdaway jr DENTIST rooms formerly occupied hv dr J N opposite post office J st satisfaction Guarante edl CITY UTAH A lame man is scarcely more than half a man either in comfort or effective work porous plaster cures all sorts of lameness of the back or limbs result ing from strain or taking cold also congestion of the chest everything that an external remedy can reach beware of imitation do not be deceived insist upon having adcocks AH cocks corn shields Ali cocks bunion shields have no equal a a relief and cure for corns and Brand reths pills remove indigestion constipation liver and kiddney complaint no MORE BACK ACHE v AVEL r constipation jp oft BLADDER ALL KIDNEY DISEASES 2 A TOILET Is not complete without an ideal combines every element 05 beauty and purity it is beautifying soothing healing healthful and harmless and when rightly used is invisible A most J delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate B lv insist having the IT IS FOR SALE everywhere JJ anre foggitt Fo gitt cure for less of manhood seminal emissions self distrust loss of memory ac will make you a vigorous MOH pries sa s1 00 S boxes 5 00 directions rahail I 1 with each box address fallo ST LOUIS MO we lead THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first biome paper to introduce thic popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to bend postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re siding re in the united states j who will forward to us aft a we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of J ITT T m tho ami for only wo will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE and W an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that has already become a home necessity among the ladies of utah OR J H MCLEANS 2 BLOOD AN ANTIDOTE IOB I OB boss or appetite biow spirits stomach and dyspepsia pleasant to the taste and a favorite tonic ditl the ladles price 1 THE DR J H MCLEAN MED CO ST LOUIS avio at drug MINERS outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND FOB all kinds of miners supplies 0 tinning TO N f s giant powder caps and page fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box SALT LAKE CITY AND ALL KINDS OE MUSICAL AND selving CHINES tuning and done on the shortest notice leave orders at toy lor bros store savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays biye per cent interest per annum on any deposits you maae write for particulars WIX GEO M breet cashier W cavetta aad trademarks trade marks obtained andril pat conducted for fm 11 aua abd we can secure patent ia less ume thia cxoe remote from washington Washing toa i edid model drawing or photo with i 1 tion we advise if or sot free ot i charge out fee not due till balent is secured A PAMPHLET how ta obtain patents ata cost of same in the u S and foreign coun i gent free Aca 3 i j pATr ari cs yc i at look look and then come to the spring opening of pattern hats bonnets and millinery at abd W E wednesday and thursday mar 27 28 the latest designs and best quality to be had for the money call and le convinced west center st bet F and G FANCY stationery furnishes food for refined tastes and those who delight in artistic stationery can find all they desire in our stock weve made a study of art specialties and unique ideas in our line the result is a collection that challenges study an torie fitted up with our specialties in inkstands ink stands pens writing papers envelopes etc is a sight to see and a sight worth having too it cost much I 1 more to leave it than it does to leave something not seeing give your eyes something to feed on we agree te honor all such drafts promptly handsomely and completely amo M aai ca corbett Henric lisen dealers and manufacturers of the california patent oil gas generating stove these stoves are absolutely safe cheap and odorless and cost one cent an hour for two burners will fit any stove on exhibition and for sale at the provo cooperative co operative institution provo utah FIRST OP PROVO ibri mw mm incisi Inc tsi A 0 SMOOT president W R PIKE vice J C gao Q CANNON B S JONES E F SHEETS D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new tork chicago san francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards COAL delivered to any part of the city bock springs lump castle Grate Lump pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump bock springs nut Cast leGata nut anthracite 1100 YARD TELEPHONE 17 caal and BAKH BA KH PROVO CITY UTAH capital surplus DIRECTORS reed prest D T dark vice preat john jones james A bean boger farrer E E eldredge L S J E general banking business transacted trana acted 5 per benc interest on savings deposta compounded four times a year THE silver pumps 1895 arri well built of iron and brasa durable and reliable have metal valves and desits with outside packed PLUNDERS the most darime arrangement known the velch can be tightened in a moment and entirely renewed in a few inan anted leather or leather packed buckets to dry out aej decay and renewal fc pump tested at pounds to the equale inch equal to feet bad and all made to and interchangeable any ump already to or roade lu attah for capacity durability and breedom arora derangement THREE SIZES elzea HI single price S ob provo size B IH duplex irace SOO lizs 01 duplex dilce we have a few 1891 which we will dose out at 5 each arox WORKS centea st corner E st provo utah general blacksmithing and wagon repairing done on the shortest notice HORSES SHOEING A SPECIALTY first class work at living prices J street 1 blocks north bank city DAVID for some days we have been advertising that we wanted an agent in provo we know we would get the right men after awhile we think we got era until further notice we will be represented in provo by xe dont forget the name and place xe jad He dixit we expect to sweep the bicycle trade of provo right into their store with the line of bicycles they will carry we cant see how it can be otherwise A A STARTER we call your attention to alie lady crescent bicycle no 5 a high rade bicycle for that s what it is luok at one of alem th worth mark shows in every part its exactly like bahng heir to 50 to get one of these machines LEB and M yell it but you may want to go higher well here is the STERLING Built like a watch it on 3 hundred sold less than 50 spent in repairs if we keep on selling many it will kill our repair shop never have adv repairs on i Sterlin rr LEE and will sell it THE SWELL SPECIAL Is the leading cleveland wheel this year watch out for it it will carry utah by storm positively the finest bicycle ever made since the world began LEE and HEDQUIST will sell it REPAIR SHOP can repair anything wheels enamelled enamel led in our natural gas en amel liing ovens good as new the only complete repair shop in utah LEE and HEDQUIST will take charge of your work and send it to us THE PREMIER typewriter is the best machine on the market easy in touch never out of alignment LEE and HEDQUIST fell it send for catalogue OSCAR president 0 A EMISE and treas ball 0 A T T A in la P main st salt lake city SAVINGS BAHS main st salt lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on de of or more and compounded four times a year TITLE INSURANCE CO capital f full paid president W 8 mc CORNICE vice president A L THOMAS secretary and jaskier Jas bier I 1 PRICE 2 A BOX positively guaranteed to cure every caso ot catarrh catarrhal diseases require both local and constitutional for dr G W shores famous curative remedies in all catarrhal chronic diseases if your hive catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fever or ny complicated affection of the cose throat bronchial tubes or lungs use dr G V shores catarrh cure cough cure and tonic and blood purifier to cure the catarrh stop the chuh cleanse and purify the blood improve the appetite and digestion if complicated with kidney liver or bladder trouble use dr G W snores kidney and cure and la all cases take one of dr G W shores anti con pills at bedtime if your trouble Is chronic nd deep seated write dr G W shores personally for his new symptom list and have your case diagnosed exert advice free dr 0 W shores tonic and blood carlder cleanse and purifies the blood aves strength and vigor cures dyspepsia and all nervous disease price per bottle dr 0 W hoac kidney bad liver care cures all diseases of the kidneys ilver and bladder price 1 pr bottle dr 1 V shores couch cure cures all coarns colds and bronchial affections one dose will stop spasmodic croup keep a bottle in the hous larg lie tollies dr 0 W shores mountain oil stops th worst pain in one for headache toothache cramps or colic use it externally and in tm omally ally prevents and cures diphtheria if used in time keep a bottle handy price a bottle dr Q W shores pepsin destroys intestinal worms and removes the ittle round nest where they hatch and breed it never fails pric csc a botte dr 0 W shores wintergreen salve cures n diseases of the skin removes red spots and pimples from the face heals old sores la 3 to 5 days 25 a box or 0 W shores antl cures chronic constipation sick headache and bilious attacks price a bottle these famous remedies are prepared only by doctor G W shores blont medical institute salt laka city utah for sale by smart co druggists provo utah WM J power utilize utilise plans for factories mills and power plant slow burning construction especially considered water power hydraulic work measurement of water etc member american society mec cail engineers SILVER IRON WORKS PO box I 1 |