Show THE EB APRIL 2 1895 john E booth president bolm henry smith vice J 0 graham 0 D W D robinson A singleton oscar AD MH graham rohn 0 graham manader Ma naser entered at the postoffice Post office at provo as necona class matter 1 TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL daily edition one year in advance ato parts of a year par month in ad van ce 80 qumi yearda advance TO CITY daily io livered sunday excepted 80 cants per month in advance or 25 ceata u lybek go provo city utah delivery deli verv is irregular gleaso complaint at the office or through no 27 CEIS PAPER WW anancy 61 and 65 ax ano han oal can bo raade for 11 tas haa a niron lation hat every week exceeds that of all rhe other newspapers in central and southern utah combined in utah county it lias a circulation that exceeds that of all the other territorial combined to loan on farm and city property low interest apply to P block provo for over fifty years MRS WINSLOWS SOOTHING been nse tor over fifty years by millions of mothers foi their children while with perfect success it soothes the child softens the tx sins allays all pain cures wind colic mid is the best remedy for diarrhoea it will relieve the pooi little sufferer immediately sold by in every part ol 01 the world twenty five cent bottle be ture and aak for mra soothing syrup and tahe no ether kind our free offer tho long winter can bo very profitably devoted to reading bat there are some things that we mast read the year round one of these ia s local paper the beet in the country Is before you another is a good home of pen eral circulation each as womankind for instance which comes once a month filled with the bast things tor the auar housewife we are able by arrangements arrange menta with the to offer tt womankind free for a vear to every advance to our paper and we are glad to do ao for we are convinced that no home paper in america contains more of practical value to woman bright atones clever poems the latest fashions news of comans womans work everywhere articles on motherhood cultivation of flow rs a comans womans parliament for the dig matters of interest are a few of the bright features of womankind to the head of th ahouse wo offer on the aade terms farm news an able paper edited by a cal farmer miller purvia esq lato lecturer of the ohio farmers AI liance and filled each month with from able correspondents that make it an aba necessity to every wide awake farmer this paper la tor the asking provided you we a subscriber to our paper remember Ee member every paid in advance subscriber to ia entitled to hit choice of either of these palem abbot thia offer A sample copy of both may be obtained by addressing co proto utah chomg in and pay ft year in advance to ENQUIRIES end eat one of ibex at paper free tf children ChiS dren kyfor pitchers Castor lae for infants and children that Taree oric batemann Ba temana drops godfreyh godfreys God freys cordial many so called soothing syrups and most remedies tor children are composed of opium or morphine t do yon know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons T po yon that in most countries druggists are not permitted to aeu narcotics without labeling them poisons 1 do yon know that you should not permit any medicine to bo given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed T do yon know that castoria is a purely vegetable preparation and that list ot its ingredients Is published with every bottle 1 do yon know that bactoria Cac toria is the proscription of the famous dr samuel pitcher that it has been in use for nearly thirty years and that more castoria is new than of all other remedies for children combined t po yon know that the patent office department of the united states and of other hate issued exclusive right to dr pitcher and his assigns to tise the word M castoria and its and that to imitate them Is a state prison offense T po yon know that one ot the reasons for granting this government protection was because castoria had been proven to be harmless harmles 7 po you know that 35 ageros doses ot castoria are furnished tor ga or ona cent a dose f po yon know that when possessed of this perfect preparation your children may be capt well and that you may have unbroken rest r well theao things are worth blowing they are facts the fao simile I 1 on every of wrapper USE PUKE WATER parties deBu iona of jakine the city water will do well to call on tho eupert inton dent for the cost of connection to the water main bates or any othni questions pertaining to cost and nse of the elty water kindly answered by era snik joac persona who are a abject to attacks of billions colic will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be bad by taking chamberlains colic Cholera and diarrhoea remedy its quickly and can always be depended upon in many cases the attack mav be pre vented by this remedy as boon I 1 aa the tha first indication of the disease appears 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by sibolt ding cu for sale A 15 horse horizontal engine and UD r boiler almost new can be purchased together or separately taly cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo chy aha CROUP grandmothers ADVICE nine children my only rest ady for islda and croup was onion it a today to day as it waa forty year so kow my grandchildren tala or oanna onion byrna auca la already nd ilia laita sold lance bottle CO benta t ao it theroa othla M coa sold by ayue maiben easily quickly permanently and au tho train 0 eella from early errora or latr excesses the results of overwork sickness worry etc full strength development and tone given to levery organ and portion of the body simple natural methods Ira ate improvement seen failure impossible 2000 references book explanation and proofs mailed sealed iree ERIE CO buffalo IU S 0 white leghorns Leg horns camou kaapp strain for hard times price only 50 cents a setting all orders for eggs aud birds shipped promptly address mner prove olty lumber co bos FINEST IS TOWN ladies call and see our beautiful display of PATTERN HATS JUST IN and our elegant stock ol 01 MILLINERY GOODS latest fashions and most reasonable prices t mias ELLA 1 blocks north of first nat bank SJ J U GRAHAM manager OWE ONLY may april the nettie pat josie rooney comedy supported Sap ported by a select company ftc in company tha screaming farce comedy and 1 advance baio of seats at theatre box onico on monday 10 a m CAPS I 1 A PATENT vw ft prompt answer and an opinion write to jatunn C who haab had yeara in tho patent business aloni tor matlon and bow to obtain teem lent frea also a catalogue of leal and boots seat trw patent taken annn co renelva pedal notice in the and was are widely before the without coat to tho inventor tilen dd paper weekly has by ia tha circulation t any work in tha Sr copies t S centa eatery elmber a rear thol platea in colors and i santee aco successor to prove L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and 6 flooring ha lumber order scroll sawing and turning done utah balley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and aard opposite JR B depot T BOYO PO box 79 telephone no 20 a y W CODAS l of and dealers in FIRST GLASS FLOURA JD SD quality charant Cu arant IF YOU ABE to gags CITY ST louis or any point east and wish to enjoy a daylight ride through the grandest scenery of the bocky mountains be sure to aarfor a ticket that reads via ane no tiresome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively the quickest route to the great rivers and atlantic seaboard elegant and thoroughly modern equipment and Ee clinine chair care in which the beate carefree are free to holders of regular train tickets call on or address S V DERRAH commercial freight pass abt boom 21 morlan block salt lake OR H 0 TOWNSEND general paa st louis mo NEW SERVICE TAKE R W ily leaving Provo p m connecting at denver with the burlington ROUTE train lor amaba kansas liev at joseph st louis and chicago through pullman sleepers free reclining chair cars dining cars A la carte secure ai RG vey office R F nealen W F mcmillan trat pas abt gereral room 11 over no 10 W second south st bait lae city utah DIAMONDS WATCHES AT 5 pyne fe mat bens dang store Q LOOK OUT FOR big stock of lew goods spectacles scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra charge m mm m ammi WILL SELL FRUITS BERRIES VEGETABLE POTATOES HONEY FISH GAME STOCK HORSES SHEEP HAY AND GRAIN it will pay you to call at their office corner ath and J streets Pro on any of the officers for any information desired no middlemen to take a iare profit it we soil for you F H boyer evan provo beof lake view D M smith pleasant grove john amiller spanish fork georda D snell spanish fork W H kelsey Springy ille prea thoe leonard Vi cePres F J covert provo J E booth provo frers WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND ATCHISON TOPEKA AND sania FE RAILWAYS the only line which runs pullman palace sleeping cars between ogden salt lake city aud chicago without change and pullman palace bed miner chair cars between salt edke city denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if so bura and becore tickets reading over the SANTA FE roure grandest Gran dept and greatest railroad on earth gleave ogden salt lake city or prove on the evening train in order to see the moat beautiful scenery in america train leaves rio grande western depot provo at p m H 0 dooly building general agent passenger department SALT LAKE CITY UTAH pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah IN ITS TWENTY SECOND only daily paper south of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of tho world 4 vigorous and fearless our semiweekly edition jaas a larger circulation all the counties comprising the first judicial district than all other newspapers combined the is theoran of utah protection encouragement of home industries for terms eya of see top of first column second page 3 sy |