Show ALIAS SUMMONS in tho district C rt of taft fart judicial D strict of the territory of utah utah bunty gudruda 1 minus alias T john there the people 0 the territory nt utah end Thoin birson you arft beeby required to appear in an scan brought you by the above named plaintiff in the couil 0 the first judicial litrico or the territory of auh and in the fullil therein within tei daya exclusive ol 01 liy ol 01 service afar irie bervice on yon of altu pere 1 tuii county rl l out of ahti baun y hut in wenta lays n forty day or judgment bv default will te batern tatern you according to prayer of tu the said action la brought 0 o a deer e out ot aiila court ng ahe bonds t now jhb Pan tiff lirla and doen dart kierein that alalu iff be awarded the custody of i heir manir children that e tn ho tha own r or lot 3 bleci 38 plat A fork city survey also one alch cow that defendant be adjudged to ny to plaint ff ine sum of dollars per lintn ril herself am or the sum of fifty dollars attorney fee ana dorco te f a on man li oth 1883 ana ifft evers luca sill time njg ngi ecle anaf bleil to support lir or cohabit blits her as his wile for fuller certified carti fied copy of coin attached and reference 13 made and you are hereby nollner that if yon tail d answer the ald as ald to the court for ibe lefief and costs t salt witness the hoa judge and the beat of the district court pahe first judicial district SEAL n and for the territory of ard 3rd dai the our loid one thousand elshot hundred and alve clerk I 1 tor plaintiff |