Show AT 14 CENTRE ST IN THE hathenbruck BUILDING WITH A imea and stylish line of WE AHE MAKING specialties OF stylish idrass and ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF from B to F w toe you boons aies and lacea in all nei and colors keep your eye on us we iiii interest you mm leomon AT LAW bank building PROVO K f J KNIGHT LAWYERS rooms 13 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING bank baldine BaH dine PROVO UTAH J W H ATTORNEY AT LAW 11 and 12 corn and savings bank balding PROVO UTAH THOMAS johnf ATTORNEY AT LAW excelsior block up CITY UTAH S K KING attorney at law 1 2 3 and 4 martina Mar tinB bank bedz PROVO GITY UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 baak bonding CITY UTAH D D HOUTZ attorney AT LAW booms 4 and 6 reed smoot block PROVO UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT LAW booma 4 and 5 reed smoot block PROVO OLTY UTAH J E BOOTH althey at LAW 23 N J street city AT law collection agency office bank building PAYSON UTAH SAM coraor V and lib strat fire and life insurance J oon in antal of new york korian union of london northern 0 ln on bitiah of toronto guinal NU inal life 0 vermont li of Ds AI oine at marrina bank fafro CHAS at law room 15 bank building centre bt PROVO OUT UTAH J M STULL ATTORNEY AT LAW 2 doore south of rockhill hotel SPANISH UTAH E A WILSON attorney at law BOOTHS 6 and 7 bank baildon Bail din PROVO CITY attorney at law room 9 bank Bahdi DK UTAH S H ALLEN cosily physician surgeon B 0 W office at residence smoot bakk house 1 east of tabernacle PROVO UTAH DR G H KEYSOR feimst DEi mST crown and bridge work a specialty t all work fully guaranteed booma 2 and 4 bank building PROVO UTAH W B SEARLE CIVIL irrigation and vater power plans Spy cial city surveyor ot deputy U a mineral buve office at boube provo ciry UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO J F filyes M D physician and excelsior block over ayce drag stora PROVO CITY UTAH effice haars hoars 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m 4 me curtain M J PHYSICIAN AND office palace blocs residence 2 glocka east bank corner no 45 office so 28 brovo UTAH K X ENOW LDaH E L JONES knowlden jones general fire aud life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 POYO UTAH PATENTS a f tf ao fi fmc taff asart i towered tot ered and all other in the sal offlie and before atia joura promptly prosecuted receipt of model or of lo 10 mako careful ad lae as ot ebar altti iny oalif s af cay row fae pot ni beio in abere it I 1 apparent that I 1 have ra for matins prompt lor toe auca ot for pa tent and lor to alt to my are tn the hortet po aibe time potent lutor maHon arf an y stool and attorney in patent D 0 opposite U H patent offic caveat marks obtained cad all pat i conducted tor ous OPPOSITE uis PATENT cace and we can secure patent ia leu laae bui setd or photo altti cos we ft or not frea of charpe i A PAMPHLET how obtain patents erst 0 in abo US and foreign AC esa t t cr PATENT aice 0 C SM 0 ivy dovw 13 ward conferences ward conferences will be held in abc oanh stake ag Plea panl or ve mcd ward sept meeting at 10 a m and 2 p m alpine sept meeting at 2 om ind 7 SO p in am 1 ork oct meetings at 10 3 in and 2 p m lehi nov ard 3rd meetings at 10 a as aad 2 p rn EDWARD DJOHN REED MOOT otake presidency E E dalip of pan agnel cal bayn 1 I m trying in a measure to pay the of cough for the arsat good their remedy ha done me for years I 1 wa a constont con stort weik lunea and ahma MT reet at was d by a hacking cough BP that I 1 full miserable the greater part of the tim ganv remedies recommended by friends were tried none of which proved eui tahle to my case I 1 did not any benefic al aults until I 1 beean takina oonah remedy after iwo battles ot the larie size have been ased I 1 am pleased to state my health is batter than it has been for year taft has lett my begs and chest and I 1 can breau e it has done me so much bood that I 1 want all who are sune from uns tron bleB as I 1 wag to give it a trial for sale by smoot drug co tesac hinline inline jufa ran be T dr miles old people old poop who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kinnere will find the true remedy in electric batera Bi tera thia medicine does not stimulate and whiskey nor other intoxicant but acts ag a tonic and alterative it acts on the stomach and bowels adding strength cirii giving tone to the organs thereby aiding nature in the performance of the functions bittera is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion old people find it just exactly want they need price fifty cents per bottle at excelsior dausi paint co drug store national irrigation constnce ConsT ce N N appt 16 to 21 the union pacific will sell arcand trip tib to N RI at the rate of 05 sept ia and 14 tickets food returning artil oct 10 1895 for par ticul ara call on or write to the nearest anian pacific agent or DE geu abt dept salt lake city for over fifty tr ahra bus been nsf or years by million of mothers te their caldren while perfect abc aemi it soothed the child otten the abma ell crises anid colic iid ig the boet remedy fr it vill fellete the poor little sold by in averi wt of the world twenty alte enta for mr byrna fk boether kind eisteddfod and conference dunles via kio western for the grand wah at salt lake city october ad and ath and the annual conference L L S and comans womans conference L D S at salt lake city october ath jtb and aih the rates arft to bait aske beurn from rate lehi an fork 1 sa geneva 1 50 brovo iau sonneville 2 id Be Djamin payson santaquin San 2 35 gashen 2 76 eureka twilver glov 32 clear creek PV junction scofield gate helper prica green river Qa 10 CO cisco 30 00 F A general passenger and ticket agent alost A ladya gojii watch on sanday fire jooa N L belsons nelsons Nel sons residence fourth ward finder will bal rewarded by leaving barab at the enquirer office for sale A 15 horae horizontal engine and up debt boiler almost new can be purchased together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box prove cita USE PUKE WATER of tauna the city water will do tell to call on tha dupar in for coat of to abo water main rates or atay abi to coit and nse ol 01 abe city bater kindly br era boast sw our bree B ree offer the long winter eran inza can be acry profitably devoted to nf bat there bre ome things that wo must the yar round one of these is a local inper the beet in the country is before you another is a good home capar of ken ral circulation enan sa s a womankind for instance which come once a month blied with the beit tor the busy housewife we ars able by pedal arrangements arrange menta with abe publishers ta offer womankind free for a year to every paid in adynne to our paper and we are glad to do so for we MC convinced that no home paper in america contains mor of practical kalua to woman bright atorino ator clever the latest fashions fas hiona news of domang everywhere articles on motherhood cultivation of flow era a domane parliament for the dis cession of matters of inta reet are a few of the bright feil urca of womankind to the head of abe hauca we offer on tha acme dormi farm newa an able paper edited by eal daimer miller carrm egg late batata lecturer of tha ohio Fara aera al liance and filled each month with from able anat biaka it an necessity to vert wide awake farmer this paper to conra for the asking ore a subscriber to our paper Eam enber every adia to axx is entitled to big choice of either of ahr papera tell your Belh boni about abia offer A of both b obtained by birx oo 00 proto utah come m and pay a year la ad anc t tips and att ctt ot theoe at capra fm IS i f Casto piSa j WE FINEST VIRGINIA y TOBACCO TOE SKILLED WORKMEN W MAKING THESE tobacco 0 o successor thin water is a surf cure for rheama Rh euma cism minera leading ca constipation chronic palpitation of the heart and all kidney and troi blea towels and auita washed oy laundry west erid mry asi mito shops engine boiler and bicycle repairs boiler flaps welded or replaced with new ones iron and brass castings el stagg manager provo city DOCTOR GI SHORES w oss a ea W 33 ta c PRICE 2 A BOX positively guaranteed to cure every can of catarrh catarrhal diseases both local anil constitutional treatment directions for uslie dr G W shores famous curative remedies in all catarrhal calar rhal chronic dl seaf if your have catarrh asthma bronc hlll aty fever or any complicated affection of the bojc throat bronchial tubes or lungs use dr G V shores catarrh cure cough cure aej tonic aal blood purifier to cure the catarrh stop the chueh and purify the blond improve the appetite and digestion it complicated walh kedney liver or la uie dr G W snores kidney and liver cure aal in all casts take one of dr G W shores pills at beit it your Is chronic and deep seated writ dr G W shore personally for his new symptom list and have your case iz cosed and zet expert advice ret dr Q W shore tonic and blood purifier cle ansta and puri fis the blood elves strength ani cleor cures dyspepsia and alt nervous diseases price 1 per bottle dr 0 W shores kidney and liver car cures all diseases of th kidneys allvar and bladdie blad dir price 1 per bottle dr 0 W shares cough cur all couth colds and bronchial affections on dose will toy croup keep a bottle in til hour larf axe bottles dr 0 W shores mountain aage oil stops th worst pain in one minute for headache loo thach cramps or colic use it externally and in prevents and cures diphtheria if ased la a bottle handy price a bottle dr 0 W destroy dest intestinal worms ind removes the little round nest where they hatch and treed it oever falls pric ase a botte dr Q W shore salve cure an diseases of the skin removes red spots and black I 1 pimples from the fac heals old sores a 3 to 5 day price as a box dr 0 W pua curti chronic constipation sick and attacks price ase a battla ahse famous remedies are prepared only by doctor G W ebors alon medical salt lab city utah for sale by smart co druggists provo utah ARKET keeps always on hand home hams and bacon bologna and fork HOME MADE PAID FOR FAT LIVE STOCK MY GIOTTO lowest ances consistent with best quality and honest quantity D EKsoN proprietor drugs paints oils ass and wall paper largest fock south ot sat lake city at rr cin 0 frt art bu afi full line of liquore nuil bottled beer family FA r ltd H 8 PYKE mgr SAX 15 PIERCE HARTLE located in basement on J street under arc 0 hardware and iron co cigars in all cases NAME OF BRANDS billy pierces free silver 16 to I 1 billy pierced Pier cea leader also perfect model PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY PROVO CITY UTAH AT pyne maidens Mai bens drug store j sa LOOK OUT FOR big stock of lew book spec ados scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra charge p pioneer newspaper of centra and southern utah IN ITS TWENTY SECOND only daily paper donth of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of tho world vigorous Ig orous aggressive and fearless sf our semi weekly edition has a larger circulation au the tho first judicial district than all other newspapers combined e tho is the oran of utah republicanism protections protect ios and the encouragement of home industries for of subscription top of first column oa 11 3 sf |