Show THE JEM BIO mm railroad scenic line of the world the only line bunning two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER train no 2 leaves 9 26 a m an ive at pueblo a m colorado a m denver 1030 a m cripple greek am Tra inNo provo p mi injure atu eblo m colorado springs p m denver p m connections made at springs and denver with all lines east ellgant day coaches chair oara and bleeders Blee pers on all trains take thada B 6 and have trip land enjoy the finest on the continent shortest line to Cr ripple creek colo badoa great bold camp trairi no 2 provo at a m arrives at cripple creek next borni ins A b B S K HOOPER traian canaper Ma naper Q P T A v denver colo ra t arent salt laface city irav pw art |