Show st will take to run them DURING NEST YEAR session of the school board in the district court board ot education met in regular sesh ion last night roll quorum present minutes of be last meeting read and approved appi oved win atae james U albert DIxon Sadie forayth and A E hatton oyer 18 years of aeto asked ann abey be allowed to continue con in attend ance at school without paying tuition granted as to james 0 banow albert dizon and H E hatton not granted as to win aae and granted in the case of sadie upon payment 0 tuition mcewan fovad to reconsider action of win ebes application lost mrs jennie wilkins teacher at the webster aaker for extra campen cation on account of increased labor referred to committee on teachers and school work nettie B brott applied for a position aa teacher the report of the superintendent for the term presented and the same was and filed y the report of the committee on teach era and school work was presented re commending that tha repairing rep airine and painting of blackboards be deferred till the summer vacation adopted the finance reported that the rera report waa correct adopted Adon ted the committee on bites and builds ingal to whom was referred the mattar of certain portion of the dm brict recommended that that portion of ahn district north of fifteenth street and west of provo river be detached pro aided vided the matter meets the approval of the county court and that the portions of the district north of fifteenth street and east of provo river bo not detached at present adopted tha eama committee reported that they had mafle an estimate of the cost of improvements necessary for the school year beginning july including enlarging the franklin school erecting a stairway in the parker and finishing the upper floor of the oens to coat 2878 and stated that the capacity of the district was 1183 arnle there 1900 children of school see in the district report not accepted reccea was taken for 15 minutes glazier was called to the chair and wilson offered the following resolution which waa amended bv to read instead of and adopted al opted that the board certify to the assessor and collector in the manner provided by law that the district will need from local taxation tor tho school year commencing july J 1895 the sum of said means to be used together with the territorial and county funds 1 for the the full four terms 2 for the improvements prove ments recommended by the report of the committee on sites and to the and schools 3 for the payment of the obligation of 2000 now the commercial and savings bank and 4 for small feces I 1 eary improvements and repairs several pupils were supplied with I 1 second readers on motion of hardy glazar introduced a resolution providing that thu members ol 01 the board be paid 25 per quarter adopted CLAIMS ALLOWED smoot spafford coal 17 25 silver iron company go 14 57 90 jorgan bansen 3 00 rN Taylor jesse fuller 3 00 graham barnes prococo op 7 25 S P eggertsen Eg gerteen 2 75 janics matthewa 30 Josep hEvang 3 00 thai holiff HO luff 3 GO H boagard Bo ahard 12 85 tho reported that the teachers were willing to an extra week without the board concluded to run nine keaka board adjourned |