Show blaw in to sinahlue Sinay lue probate editor oar last legislature passed an act entitled fruit trees and fruit delegating certain powers to and making certain things incumbent upon the probate judges and county courts of all counties where fruit trees ara grown the first thing under thin act I 1 desire to call attention to is the annual proclamation of tairi ite judge provided for in section 3 this proclamation should have Is sued not later than february ast 1st and to date there has been noua issued that the writer ia aware of tula may ie an oversight it may be carelessness or it may be to any or all of which ia a flagrant neglect of duty by my office as well aa in behall of the arnit industry at large 1 cesire to ask of each probate judge falling within the I 1 scope of thia law to issue euch proclamation at the earliest possible moment jt may not interest you directly but it dolfl your neighbors and the public at laree and 2nd I 1 beaire to direct the attention of tee county courts to section 1 under this act you are to appoint one or more inspectors mark it this act cops not provide atiat you appoint bat that appoint one or more inspectors if up to this time any court has failed te do this the duty should not pass another mealing unfulfilled 0 o county raising fruit should be with out oua competent inspector the year around and that inspector should be in the fjald all the time I 1 am pained to learn both from personal experience and on reliable binl ormi tion that some of our county courts have not regarded this subject of importance or 1 given it bach thought aado recommend to even acquaint themselves with the law on tha issue some have regarded it aa a summer wor therefore do not need a winter inspector a war on the coddling moth alone with the single weapon paris green or london purple ignoring the more efficient work that of winter and the preventative their range of vision had not gone beyond the old apple tree when the facts arbour jaw contemplates all kinds of trees all kinds of pesta aad all kinds of remedies it goes into the of importers on to iha stands of the retail dealers it contemplates a rigid inspection of all importations of fruit and nursery gooda pruning winter washing clearing and cleansing orchards and fruit cases hence may I 1 not bo allowed to ask any who have not to spend a few in at least reading this statute over il is a short one only two esit ia also a weak one aa well as imperfect but ic means something and if enforced by abo county courts will result in great good should this article reach a coasty that ia without an inspector let that county see to it at once that a competent compe tant man is appointed and put to work I 1 appeal to the county courts a intelligent tell igent and honest men men of trust mm who are and of right to be the guardians of our public and private interests men in chosa hands rest the future destiny of our horticultural ino teresta te rests eo long aa the law stands on our statutes aa it now ia to give the fruit growers of utah such attention and careful consideration as the importance of their industry demands and deserves this industry should not be made to suffer from neglect at your bands it should not be made the scapegoat goat for paying debts nor positions attaching thereto the dumping ground for political deana and ward healers I 1 not capable or otherwise unfit to occupy other of trust and responsibility now one word to inspectors I 1 you are abort of information and we are study up ant yourselves in touch with other and stronger men men of long experience and acknowledged ability provide yourselves with boott and paper on your work sudy the character and nature of the people in 1 your district ani get them to work with you and dont antagonize it is important to harmonize and keep peace in the family yon have the law acquaint yourselves with your duties as thoroughly aa and then per form them to the letter though the heavens fall you will meet some perhaps who will revile you some who will avoid you some who will probably lead you away from poda that should be inspected and condemned your duty is to the county and bbate bot to any one man nor set of wen ib u not the history of men that he who an s uit duty profits most thereby or baini for hims tha respect of men bat rather he who POPS a anty end performs it to he b t of hia PHILIP A tx t x prisident nf birti cucuro cu iuro |