Show at all colors at T G webbert Web bera meeting of W T sherman rost G A R in honor of birthday waa a most enjoyable ane patriotic speeches and ernsts made the time beem too abort oxford sheet and pillow case party in Southworth shall baat evening was a very enjoyable affair as all of the parties given under the auspices of the club are immigrants and returning voyagers lind ie acerb sarsaparilla Barsa parilla a cure for eruptions boils pimples eczema etc whether resulting from sea diet and life DU ships board or from any other its value AS a tonic and alternative medicine cannot be overestimated ONE would think from appearances that toe acock had been renewed ats ri joness old stand and they woul bot bs much out either business is picking up they bay ALL parties interested should take notice that if they do not call and get their coeds on or before february we shall not be for said boods after that date J beckman t BY paying in advance you can beet both the semiweekly semi weekly the colorado weekly sun FRAMK K haa secured a position aa traveling salesman with the C D smith drug co of st joseph mo he will represent the firm in utah idaho and montana MR W miles manager of the denver branch of the overman wheel company is in provo and will remain for a day or two in business consultation with skelton co agent in this city for the overman company anilois ani LOHs is what yon need for dyspepsia torpid liver yellow skin or kidney trouble it is auar to biye you satisfaction price sold by smoot drug co 6 buys a good warm wrap at T G webbert Web berB T LAST wednesday chas demoisy applied for admission to the bar I 1 W kenward Ken wara P D houta and S A biag were 1 a committee to examine him aa to his eions cleveland has pardoned robert B dolley ol 01 apah convicted of adultery and sentenced to eighteen months in atie penitentiary in septem ber 1893 A pardon was denied joseph F parker 0 utah aso serving a term for adultery 0 W 0 hardman sheriff of tyler co W va appreciates a gcoy thing and does not hesitate to eay so he was almost prostrated with a cold when he procured a bottle of chamberlains cough remedy he says it gave me prompt relief I 1 find it to be an invaluable remedy for coughs and colds for sale by pyne maiben druggists TODAY at 2 a farewell banquet was given in the first ward meeting honse to those members of the ward who haye been transferred to the second ward by the recent division of the first ward this evening a ball will be kiven in honor of the leaving members on wednesday next the second ward will give the new members a reception banquet and ball in its meeting house labac nelson died at his home in the second ward at five this morning after a long illness bo was about three years of age and haa resided in provo lor many years and wab a member of the high priest quorum the fanneral will take place from the second ward meeting house tomorrow at 1 we aro requested to announce that twelve are wanted ag pall bearers A 13 year old son of mr john warwood met with his death at lehi junction on wednesday morning bv a U P train the boy was walking on the track and a blinding snow storm pro bailine at the time he failed to see an approaching train which knocked him down and broke his legs in two places medical aid wag eum monad but could render but little assistance he died wednesday evening and the remains were taken to salt lake for burial |