Show CHICAGO FISH SUPPLY how it la affected by the financial stringency ency ard nave caused the people to mix on their mat bull where the fish are principally obtained the report of a shortage of bushels in the oyster crop of chesapeake bay does not disturb tha equanimity of the chicago dealers our business is mostly in fish this winter one of them declares hard times have caused people to economize on high priced oysters and meats and turn to fish as the staple food fish are very cheap and plentiful chicago eats pounds of lake fish and pounds of ocean fish annually the lake fish were caught and frozen last fall and so conff as they remain in ice continue as fresh as when taken from the water however if anyone demands a newly caught fish the mackinaw fishermen are sending down choice trout daily taken from the straits As to oysters the crop of baltimore and new york might totally fail without embarrassing the public in the least or raisin ff the price of the bivalve the gulf of mexico produces fully as fine flavored oysters as are taken anywhere many people like the gulf oyster best new orleans could easily supply the world with oysters as its coast environment is enormously prolific in oysters delicious crustaceans and fishes these gulf edibles are sent north in refrigerator cars which have conveyed dressed beef south they also come by express the failure of the fish and oyster crop would be a great boon to gulf coast trade the fishmonger mentioned that the pacific codfish had invaded the chicago market to the detriment of the maine massachusetts namesake there is no difference in the appearance of the rivals but epicures epi cures think the pacific cod the choicer the pacific cod is now shipped to massachusetts salted and sent out as atlantic cod no one can tell the difference A popular fish in chicago is the red snapper taken in the gulf of mexico and called by many the gulf cod it is a handsomer fish than the cod and of much finer flavor large fleets engage in the catch of this fish and it is forcing its way into all the markets of the world brook trout rom two to five pounds are plentiful in the local markets they come from private fish ponds where they were taken out and frozen last fall the finest yellow perch are taken in the detroit river at the st clair flats longe reach the market from the interior lakes of wisconsin the lake trout varies in color both of skin and flesh the flesh is yellow from the southern to the northern waters of lake superior in the northwest comer of lako superior the flesh becomes red and the skin a facsimile of the brook trout this latter variety which is the finest of trout Is believed by some to be a brook trout from the nippon ri very which in times past left the stream and bred a deepwater variety of itself it is scarce in the local market there is a suspicion that the local dealer sells it na a large brook trout eels mostly come from fulton H Y where on the oswego river i the largest eel industry in the world ocean fish are not popular in the west nor are lake fish popular in the east the condition is natural crawfish come from new orleans where they are the staple food of the french people the crawfish makes the most delicious bisou known to the epicure |