Show first district court the case of gaan 1 huntsman et at ag yg the U P sy co when eue for for sustained bv eunice mau in an ac aident that occurred on the union pacific between juab and nephi in annl was given to the jury at 1030 the case of edah huntsman vs the U P by co next came up for trial the plaintiff buea the railroad company for on account of injuries sustained through the derailment of a car on the railroad in april the suit erows oat of the accident in which eunice huntsman one of the in the former suit was injured king houtz are plaintiffs attorneys and sutherland and thurman appear for the defendant corporation T H reynolda co of have filed a suit against N H back for 2000 due on a promissory note secured by in the case of hana fred hansen vs joseph adamson motion to dismiss appeal domed |