Show arnica salve the beat salve in the world for oats bores ulcers salt rheum fever bores chapped hands chil blaina borns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect Batia or money refunded price 26 cents per box for gale by smoot drug co highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report the in old age and hasten tb us and the grave happily research and kill hare allied la furnishing us reliable means ailments incident to declining years and ol 01 renewing waning physical energy ats name is hos tet terii bitter a widely compre hensile remedy in chese and aa luetna abie to the eld enythe the convalescent aliments trouble with the and lumbago are among the mora common ailments of the are effectually counteracted by the bettera which Is likewise a prevention and curative of malarial complaints dyspepsia constipation and it h highly ol 01 appetite sleep and the acquisition ol 01 eliter coffee is more wholesome whole somo and palatable if instead of usina milk or cream you use the gail borden eagle brand condensed milk or if you prefer it un sweetened then bordena Bor deni peerless brand evaporated cream KABIS ROOT the new blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and onrea constipation and sold by smoot ame co 6 electric bitters this remedy is becoming ao well known and BO popular as to need no special mantion all who have used electric bitters sing the same bonc of praise A purer medicine does not exist and it ie guaranteed to do all anat is claimed electric bitters will care all diseases of the liver and kidneys will remove rait rheum and other affections caused by impure blood will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers for cure of bead ache constipation and indigestion try electric bitters entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refu ded price 50 cents and 1 I CO per bottle at smoot drue co 5 1 W A PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE jl of tha bowels aeh day if for theae pills cupply whytt the aia they cura tilt bif cd lear the complexion better eo cetlia they 0 o ralp nor loka u other do to convince TOX ot their merelta w will biall aples free or a oin box tor 30 cents sold ltd co sold bv pyne maiben H can be found at bis old business in the COUNCIL BASEMENT shaving hair and dressing done in the most expeditions exo editions and approved stylea call and see him f i t H E PEOPLES MARBLE MONt tombstones SOLICITED TO SUIT THE TIMES satisfaction guaranteed GUARAN rEED first door east of coop co op store alios A beesley W HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST APPROVED OB xeal IN THE justices of the peace attorneys and all others requiring blanks will find it to their advantage to order from ns FULL STOCK of SCHOOL SUPPLIES ale as wed us buyers will receive the best COMPLETE S 1 I our are way zu t attention riven to mail ordain PROVO BOOK 00 CITY UTAH CEO S TAYLOR maar TAH manufacturers of and dealers in FIRST glaas FLOUR FEED quality guaranteed come and try om gorsi J W HOOVER i n x ni FADE GAS beet sugar per sack best sugar 15 pounds all packet coffee two for 55 loose coffee per ib to r 40 tree tea three papers 50 schillings tea 22 choice tea per packet 12 tomatoes 10 best canned corn 2 cans 25 all packet starch per packet 10 coal oil 5 gallons so ALL OTHER GOODS IN proportion corn meal per sack graham flour per sack perfection wheat per sack t SELL FLOUR AT PRICE LIST PUBLISHED BY BOTH MILLS everything the market affords at bottom prices ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH OR SENT 0 0 D TELEPHONE NO 20 FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY PP prop CHICAGO COTTAGE EMERSON A H WHITNEY SMITH lbarnes NEWMAN BROS HILLSTROM mr frank sherrell late of new york an experienced tuner will be pleased to meet all who desire to inspect our instruments martien wishing piano tuning done please leave word at our office lumber lath shingles elus tic flooring doors andl windows AND OF s Matey lil shaving re centy bought out the entire stock of the ainslie lumber co and just received a car of doors and windows we are better prepared than ever to fill orders all of the tove goods we will sell at i those desiring goods in our line will do well by calling n before buying as we will not bo by any arm in ata we mean just what we say COME AND TRY US laabs TS ts nsf is sj it 2 SS sio H H apa adf opposite R B depot provo city ratified ati fied dithmer di tomer i oni bet when you want to buy dry goods and notions cazia SEE WE BUY FOB CASH AND WE BUY TO WB BUY DIRECT AND WE IN quantities ALWAYS FIND OCR STOCK COMPLETE WE SELL AT ONE PRICE LOWEST 3 K a EW biar konstan t ina Is to olve alta esst boods at bottom ra ralles loes YOUR your child will be served as cheaply and cokely as yourself A comparison of our prices will convince you that you should trade with us PROVO OO 7 9 ia WS jwj ati T a |