Show IT I 1 CUSTOMARY eor most business louses to take an inventory twice we once or a year are going to take stock on february ast 1st between now and then we must sell at least winter goods comprising all kinds of goods and of which we hare too much nothing in reserve we will keep busy and warm during this month we will do business if great sacrifices will aid us we are going to cat gut cut deep and slash prices as they have never yet been slashed read ate v o a sooae oo oae and see soy aness GOODS DRESS GOODS at a discount of 25 per cent this is a great sacrifice absy AND ALL GOODS AT GIVEAWAY PRICES table claths cloths for goats and these are fine imported linens choice patterns and sold for nearly twice what we now ask we have too many i yon need any or dont need any get some THEY ARE DIRT CHEAP fine turkey red damask for a yard worth 32 acts fine white elegant table clothing 25 30 32 worth 35 40 and 50 cents libeu towels for 10 centa a piece linon towels worth and for coats and a pair this i a tremendous reduction fin marseilles for and these are elegant goods and worth inspection your cheaper grades for 85 cents 90 cents and excellent values eyob is all winter underwear for men women and children at a reduction of 40 per cent this is your gain Over shirts at a reduction of 33 per cent ve have broken lots in these goods but enormous quantities SHOES SHOES SHOES our line of shoes for men women and children is without a doubt the largest and most complete too large in fact we wilt aall ALL AT A REDUCTION OF 20 PER CENT considering the small margin of profit we make on our this is an IMMENSE DrS GOUNT and should be taken advantage ot many kinds at many prices ANY AMOUNT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS ALL GO ALL GO AT IMMENSE abas sas why why at a reduction of aa per cent all boya and girl should have one parents should see that their children are supplied with one cheap as kindling wood space permits for no more watch for our dodger which will contain a few sample of the prices to be maintained during this L y we advertise facts always do as we say remember until february ast 1st only 14 CENTRE STREET FORMER STORE OF hathenbruck CO r S R THURMAN A AT LAW stoic building CITY M M F P WARNER and CO AT LA W 13 and 14 anion mock PROVO UFAH W H john AT L AW 11 and 13 bank building CITY UTAH J E booth EA wilson A labooth BOOTH ATTORN E TSAT LA W and land office aganeta att as N J street stati E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 building UTAH J Y ATLA W boom 1 first national bank UTAH S K KING lawyer office in national bank of commerce cervo UTAH DON C JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW soom no 3 bank bail dine SPRING VI LLE biah A H 0 edwards attorneys at law 0 CITY UTAH AT coll office bank UTAH 0 architect and superintendent 2 and 3 eldredge block prove MRS S A GRAHAM G street between 4 and 5 CIT st lions 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A me curtain AT A ani SURGEON olace palace blom 22 blocks east bank corner besimi e telephone no 45 office no 28 F F REED dentist dave all modern instruments for the practice oi operative ana prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS BRIDGE WORK A work cuaran teea itogni excelsior block provo SAM landscape sisian painter UTAH coraor F and ath street MJ manager lor THE foreign claims t booma 1011 and 12 excelsior block nobce a adao cause Q 0 arc you willing to work for the causa of protection in placing reliable information in tho bands of your ac quain if you are you should bo identified with ithe AMERICAN protective TARIFF LEAGUE W ST NEW cut out and stead tt to abo league your poel doo aad ftc a tad all free those who haye used dr kings new discovery know its value and those who have not have now the op unnita to try it arse call on the advertised druggist end get a trial bottle free send bour name and ad dices to AE bucklen co chicado Chic aeo and get a B aiole box ot dr binea new life pills i 8 3 wela aa a PY of guide to health and household instructor free all lf which ia guaranteed to do you good ad cost you nothing at smoot drug go saved her life mrs C J wooldridge of wortham texas saved the life of her child by the ube of ayers cherry pectoral one of my children had croup the case was attended by our physician and was supposed to be well under control one night I 1 was startled by the child s hard breathing and on going to it found it strangling it had nearly ceased to breathe realizing that the childs alarming condition had become possible in spite of the medicines riven I 1 reasoned that such remedies would be of BO avail having part of a bottle of acerb cherry in the house I 1 gave the child three doses at short intervals inter vala and anxiously waited results from the moment tle pectoral was ghen the childs breathing grew easier and in a short time sha was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally th child is alive and well and I 1 do not hesitate to say that ayar cherry pectoral saved her life cherry pectoral prepared by dr J C ayer co lowell maas sure to cine albl ex aL JL aa es 3 FOE THE midwinter Hid winter fair via the lines of the B S W ej or U P system and pacific co hound trip tickets GOOD FOR 30 DAYS amo city to hafl francisco AND luc ludins FIVE Gate Tickets to fair EXCURSION TRIPS bak to olber points in california will bo allowed purchasers of special midwinter fair tickets at the following round trip rates TO STATIONS MILES FROM SAN AND one way fare TO STATIONS MILKS OR SAN AND liia way fare for exact rates and full inquire of G W claie C R ALEY R G pov u utah acure s alib ined r H gen traffic astr G u panne ji babu frau cisco cal BY archbishop OF DUBLIN IRELAND owing to the great demand for archbishop Wals hs pamphlet on manoi and the brunious effects on IRI we have reproduced it on elegant book paper neatly bound containing SO pages it is one of the most logical practical illustrative and convincing KT bimetallism ever been published this pamphlet is having a wide circulation and should be read by every citizen of the united states it has attracted the attention of europe and america and is one of the mont scholarly extant on the suba ct of bimetallism mailed postpaid to any address ou receipt of 25 ceata special terms tu agents address COIN publishing GO monroe st chicago w OWES reputation AND SUCCESS TO ITS OWN merita MERIT 5 IT IS PURE DAND FOR RAPID CLEANSING POWER EQUAL IT is invaluable SN citchen LAUNDRY SOLD BY ALL GROCERS ST LOUIS RIO GRANDE COLORADO MIDLAND ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAYS the only lino which runs palace sleeping cars between ogden bialt lake city and chiampo without chance and pullman palace chair cars between oden salt alake city denver and THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SOEN fiRl EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if BO be sure and secure tickets reading over the SANTA FE borte grandoit Gran deit and greatest railroad on earth ogden salt lake city or provo on the evening train in ord r to pea the most beautiful mcenery m america train leaves rio grande western depot salt alsko city at p m aad at 1034 p m burrs dooly building general agent passenger department SALT LAKE CITY atah FOR inventions equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of th incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents for the value of a patent depends greatly if not sn upon the care and skill of the attorney with the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents we have retained counsel expert in patent practice and therefore are prepared to obtain patents in the united states and all foreign countries conduct interferences make special examinations prosecute rejected cases register trademarks trade marks and copyrights render opinions as to scope and validity of patents prosecute and defend infringement suits etc etc have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof 4 gether with a brief description of the important features and you will be at once ai as to the best course to pursue models are seldom necessary H others are infringing on your rights or if yon are charged with infringement by others submit the matter to us for a reliable before acting on the matter THE PRESS COMPANY wa F STREET NORTHWEST washington OC JOHN wedderburn managing attorney jey cut ails out end t with your InQ TEN days loss of time on account of and a doctor bill to pay ia pleasant for a man of a family to contemplate whether he is a laborer merchant or pub fiaher jas 0 janes publisher of the leader mexia texas waa sick in bed forse yea days with the grip during its prevalence a ear or so ago later in the season he had a second attack he baya in the latter jaag X used chamberlains ber lains cough remedy with condid erable success I 1 think only beant iq bed a little over two days the second attack I 1 am satisfied would have been as bad as tha first but for the use of this remedy it should be borne in mind that the grip is the same as a very severe cold and re percia ely the same treatment when you wish to cure a cold quickly and effectually rive this remedy a trial 25 and 50 cent bottles for baa by pyne maiben alow rates are still in effect to eastern cointa via the rio grande western ember 1 ther G W is noted for the elegance 1 of ita equipment its new coaches its free chair cars its tourist of colonist Blee pera and it new and artistic man drawing boom palace sleeping cars which run through to chicago without change speed eed safety and comfort is its well earned motto two main line fast express rains to the baat daily PATENTS aveau and S ae cured aade mark entered and all other patent causes in the f office and before the coneta promptly aaa carefully prosecuted upon receipt ot model or ot in jaffoni JAl fonI make careful ad alses to the creot with my omecea directly across from the fat ent being in personal attendance there it la apparent that I 1 hava au ta facilities for maxing prompt preliminary je arches tor ane more yie orona ana ol 01 applications for patent and tor to all to my are in the shortest test possible time attention fewness ajjia anaf rezneat neat J E r ithol and Attorney in patent causes washington D 0 opposite TJ S patent Offic fl |