Show THE of lincoln penisi HIS HONORED celebrations of our matured president s birthday 1 the land i I 1 special to TUB ENQUIRES III feb 12 this is the of the birth ot him whom history designates as the great emancipator and the martyred marty red president coara have elapsed since abraham loncoln ws brought into ex on kentucky soil and nearly thirty years since he fell a victim to the bullet of the assassin but his memory is still green and ayery succeeding year the celebration of the anniversary be bomea more general in abia state under an act of the latura tho day is leg holiday in accordance with custom large numbers of people visited lincoln monument today and laid about the abaft IM CHICAGO I 1 CHICAGO fao 12 there will be numerous celebrations of Lin colne birthday asre this the fore most 23 a masa demonstration at the auditorium under the auspices of lin coin of the national union the oration will be delivered by rev dr of denver tho bohemians Bohem ians american society will hare exercises patriotic a jugs andora tiona by mayor hopkins and judge longe kfir the social union of the university of chicago gave a reception hotel windemere this afternoon which will ba followed by a banquet abe members of the various camps 0 chicago and vicinity of the soon of veterans assembled this afternoon at the soldiers home gane old war songs and listened to an oration on abraham lincoln nu ner oua 8 ial have adea alao ulao arranged for in honor of th day sona OF NUT YORK feb aj abraham lincoln birthday is known aa union defenders day in the calendar cf tha sona of veterans of tha united states and in accordance with the orders is eadd by commander joseph B mccaba it will bu observed with appropriate exercises by camps of the order throughout the country at every meeting will be read an address tha commander in chief in anich ha says among other things to the rons of soldiers who under him fought for the flag and the union there can be no laora precious privilege than the honoring of the memory of abraham lincoln let us hope that not only ourselves but all thoughts may ba quickened in remembrance of life nd work may be inspired anew with tiam and loyally LW WILL indianapolis ind fab 12 gen lew wallace will preside thin evening over a meeting of the ludiana loyal labion at the commercial club to commemorate me tha binh ot lincoln at the banquet which will follow ane formal exercises the jeneral will speak on the military geneua 01 lincoln and W J will natheta some nian arto erto unpublished recollections IN philadelphia philadelphia PHILA DILPHIA pa feb 12 the members of tha union league will banquet tonight in celebration af lin coans Representative a burrows of michigan of north carolina and cousins of buwa wil be the principal speakers at tue exer aises which follow |