Show MONDAY 12 1891 john E booth president john henry smith vice JO graham 7 aeo arai r s r 1 john W 0 D J R boshard BECHE TABy AND J M jansen io ta 0 graan n entered at the Poat office at lav second class matter TERMS OF BY MAIL daily edition on year a parts of a year per month semi vearin advance C TO CITY subscribers daily delivered sunday 80 cents per month address ank ENQUin sK co provo city etab chero delivery deli verv ia ii regular ulease complaint et throne h telephony Tele phona no 27 THIS ca Merca aota ax san franci M 0 whre c be maide or I 1 LP fishell pifer ADVER agent 21 Ex chanco san as our agent tula caper la kept on alia la ochse THE has a circulation hat every week that of all the other newspapers in central and southern Son thern utah combined tn it has a circulation that ex deeds that of all the other territorial papers combined A sure cure for piles itching piles are known by moisture like perspiration causing internee itching when warm this form aa well as blind Bleed lna or protruding yield at once to dr pile remedy which acta directly on parts affected absorbs tumors ablaya itching and effects a permanent cure acts druggists or mail circulars free dr philadelphia pa sold by pyne madbea chills and fever of three years blanding cured by simmons liver regulator E wathina Wat kina house ky WANTED pushing of T i good address and expenses paid weekly tion BROWN BROS co nursery men portland oregon cura toe areat chuzh and croup cure is for sale by smoot drug op pocket aizo sizo coc taina 0 o dodea only 25 conta love it 3 the midwinter mid winter abe midwinter mid winter fair at san francisco will boon be opened tho management haye carefully the best worlds fair exhibits so who were unfortunate 11 not pet gnp the chicago exposition will lipavr an opportunity to inspect the forbid exhibits at san the kio grande western railway in line with its usual progressive spirit mil in con nc action tion with hie so pac co put in effect a low round trip rate during the existence of the midwinter mid winter fair the R G W rv as yon know runs through to ban francieco without both tourist and first claib pullman acs ping care two tip to tlc alc people of brovo I 1 am ready to aaget any cut rates on flour our flour must aft introduced here even it at a sacrifice of 50 c ants a sack give us a call aej we wi 1 con binco vou that we keep the beet and cheapest flour in town respectfully J R BOCH RD A example of newspaper enterprise under difficulties is by the Ehod desia chronicle and advertiser a Masho south africa paper which is a foolscap of sixteen pages not printed on type but written by hand and duplicated by an office process THE most northern newspaper is alie Kord kap published at hammerfest Hammer fest the editor and his staff work in a small turf roofed wooden house comes by mail boat and the festers are made aware of the worlds events echt days late and as the paper is a weekly its news s often a fortnight old COMPOUND A recent discovery by aa old successfully wed ia c ladet ig tho only perfectly f rel laLlo als coy cred bedara lit win offer inferior in placa or tor boli a cotton hoot compound take no t tute or tl and 0 cents in postage in etter nna we will bead sealed by petern mall Fute particulars la plain envelope to ladled only 2 pal lily company yo 3 ansher block detroit Det rolt auch sold in city and u all w rf e CROUP grandmothers ADVICE tn family 0 nine children my only tern urty for youens colds and croup was it tody to dy us it wab forty yeara aeo wow my talta dr aann onion syrup baloh la already prepared and iab aada sold everywhere evry where larse bottled 00 benta alm BO it there good by ayno maiben easily quickly permanently restored WEAKNESS nervousness DEBILITY and all the train 0 evils from early errors or later excesses the results 0 overwork sickness worry etc full strength development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body simple seen failure references book explanation and proofs mailed sealed free ERIE MEDICAL CO BUFFALO NY bah bank the attention oe those desiring to open aings it called to the utan county savings bank which allows in mereat on deposits at the rate at 5 per sent per annum compounded quarterly to loan on approved rea estate CAPITAL DIRECTORS a 0 SMOOT arcs B BACHMAN V pius pi US J C GRAHAM W H KING W K PIKE jonn B MILNEE w n ay cashier haying accepted the agency foi provo of the ST PLEASANT ROLLER CO he will hereafter carry a heavy stock of that giua products including its famous flour one door north of S 8 jones gos store will sell as cheap as the cheapest for cash and shall be pleased 10 meet my old frienda and customers when the are in want of in my line will guarantee iua rantee you the best of flour at the verv lowest price delivered to any part of the city call and see us acts LOOper BottI cures coughs sore throat croup promptly relieves whooping cough and asthma for consumption it baa no anva has cured thousands where all obbera failed will CORE YOU it taken in time sold by druggists on a guarantee for lame bacic or chest use ossy REMEDY have you thia remedy la guaranteed to cure you injector irett As old as the hills and never excelle JL aed and proven is the verdict 0 f millions S immons liver regulator is tha only liver and kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a than cure A mild laxative and purely vegetable act ing directly pills on the liver and kidneys try it sold by all druggists in liquid or in powder to be taken dry or made into a tea the king of liver medicines I 1 have used your simmons liver regulator and can kin of all liver medicines I 1 consider it a medicine chest in itself W JACK tacoma 0 PACKAGE sa ha the Z in red oa pien you can get the finest and most durable claths cloths made at home as yon can also get the best tailoring done call and sea if what I 1 sav is not true S PETERSON tailor one door bouth of deseret telegraph office J street riest OF teal mm 0 SMOOT president W E JOHN C GRAHAM GEO GEO Q CANNON J P fl E F SHEETS D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago san francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards 11 abl M 1 SALT LAKE CITY conducted on the american and european plan MH 1 TO FES bal this popular hotel is equipped with all modern conveniences in electric bells steam beat hot and cold water baths steam elevator fire escapes etc JOHN MORGAN prop GOOD ADVICE every patriotic citizen should give hb personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home teaches the american policy of protection it is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible after the homo paper 13 taken care of why not subscribe for the AMERICAN ECONOMIST published by the american tariff league one of its correspondents says no true american caa get along without it I 1 consider it the greatest and truest political teacher ia the united states send postal card request for free sample copy address wilbur awata man general secretary ecat aya 0 H BERG undertaker carries a fall line of AND RETAIL solid walnut rosewood and burl abid coffins of all sizes white and black cloth covered SOLID OAK AIR TIGHT CASKETS superseding the metal caskets orders by mail or dispatch promptly attended to liberal discount given to the trade J street one block north of bail way depot 0 IS I S becq caveats and trademarks trade marks obtained and all pat i cat business conducted for MODERATE FEES i i OUR is OPPOSITE u s PATENT lid we can secure patent in less time than thom remote from seed model drawing or photo wibb de scrip alon we advise it p or not free st charge our fee antt due till Is secured A pamphlet patents aia cost of fume in the U S and foreign cou atri sent aee Adi iress V 1 a PATENT omec washington 0 C v vav W aock springs lump nut castle castle gate nut pleasant valley an 1050 hauling per ton extra YARD TELEPHONE 17 SMOOT the daily ONE YEAR FOB EIGHT DOLLARS the price alone of the ENQUIRER we frake pleasure in informing our subscribers that we have made arrangements with THE COLORADO SUN publishing co to clab our daily paper with THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN at the deiy low price of eight dollars or the semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER with THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN foi in each case the subscription payable in advance the colorado weekly sun has secured a phenomenal circulation and cloveres the eathie field west of the missouri river it is a large eight pape paper and contains all the news of the worlds literary Litera rj features mining news departments for the home the farmer and the children must accompany all orders address THE ENQUIRER CO provo utah TO AND m A 1 fi allona broo ratib liou mill phlip gilb 1 L 1 l for tickets and information apply to C K ALEY agent E G VV provo OR W F mcmillan benl agent boom 50 C dooly block salt lake city E J WARD SONS proprietors U has no equal alone aa the BROOS now sold IB ao all e and care for rheumatism NO each formula printed on by and complete boothe bottle aarfor BROWNS sarsaparilla i BROWNS aad aged to be the best remedy diarrhoea lyo ly o v i 1 bowel complaints it contains the active medicinal virtue of jamaica ginger and blackberry roots combined with arc K p riSi ur an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sold by all ireada Ire aUa pills cur constipation cure constipation ellla cure constipation anaa Prent laa prentiss rectifying RECTIFY ING HLL almost ellla and hero la a pill that cures torpid allter biliousness rheumatism lc and and allter troubles without or trace ot constipation which Is the prime cause ol 01 all sickness becaro ot it habitual and chronic TOU these pills will curo you rectifying RECTIFY ING hlll because it li the only sofo and harmless remedy that will burely BEAUTIFY tha clear tho skin and demot all blotcher blot chea troia tho taco try a box aad aeo ator your aalt SOLD ONLY IN aalee PACKAGES ay CITY orah sent bv mail on receipt of price Prent laa rectifying Rectify ing ellla cura plu cure ellla curo frent laa ellla chro THE ENQUIRER during tho past eleven years haa ilves to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER wis alie first hour paper to introduce this popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to bend THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER and AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber residing anywhere in the united who will forward to us we have recently introduced another feature to premium department one that is of st 7 3 for only we will mail to any subscriber in tha united astete postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE IX w ftc wr i aatu iv a adl ja an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that has already be wai ioimo ako tko J badiea of teis f iasi ti we are prepared to receive orders r make contracts for buildings yf ill descriptions estimates furnished en application have the facilities for miring the best and moot durable qualities of in any required quantities samuuel co UTAH the st louii alobe democrat semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY wilt be given one year with the daily enquirer for the usual arico payable in advance and with the semiweekly semi weekly enquirer one year for only address your orders aa follows THE ENQUIRER CO provo city utah THE mm m mm Bal hoad scenic line of the world the only line bunning two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO I 1 COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER EFFECTIVE 19 1883 train no 2 iravea ogden 7 00 a m salt lake S 05 a m arrive at palblo a m colorado springs a m denver a m train no 4 leaves ogden a m salt lake D m arrive at pueblo 7 SO p m colorado springe p m denver 1130 p m connections made at springs and denver with all lines east elegant day coaches chair gars and pullman sleepers on all trains take the D R G and have a comfort able trip and enjoy the finest beeners on the continent A b HUGHES S K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver colo denver colo 3 F NEVINS general agent salt laae city ut |