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Show Is Making Money at Fisti Springs Somo of thoBo who liavo rccontly mndo tho trip to tho Exfosltlon with their nutoes by tho way of FIbIi Springs say that John J. Thomas, n former l.chl resident, Is making all kinds of money from the. tourist travel Hint posses his place on the Lincoln Highway. As many as ten auto loads stop nt his plnce In ono night for accommodations, now gasoline, supply sup-ply etc., and John J. sees that they got royul trentmejit. Ono of his sources of revenuo has been pulling tho nutos out of tliu mud holes on the famous Fish Springs Flat, charging them from $10 to $25 each, One, evening nftor he had pulled four or flvo of them sovcral miles to his ranch nnd Bnfoty, und refused to go bnck any moro that night, a woman whoso car was left lu tho mud said, "why Mr. Thomaa If you can't como back for us won't you scud a neighbor?" neigh-bor?" Thomas's answer was, "why lady, that Is Impossible, I liavo to go sixty mllos for yeast before I can bnko bread for breakfast." |