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Show Erioan fork locals J,0 Saratoga on tlw 2 Jth. 17-lt B C B. Young lciivca today for n E, Visit Mt Hrlghton, Utnh. and Mrs- Clmrlos W. Enrl ot (pent Tuesday hero visiting with nd Mrs A,,,m Knr1, Hban lloblnsoti In constructing a .roomed nddltlon to "In resl- ft g. a nismoro ot Salt Luke, H'tho first of the week lioro with ,, Will ami w'fc- B n. J Murdock of Provo, Bpcnt Kst of the week hero with her Hs, Mr and Mrs. S. L. Chlpnian. m Carl Jones of Hall. Lake Is Jlsitng with her tnothcr, Mrs. Bc Adams CHMauil Drown is visiting in Salt hih Mm Will Twelves and Mr Kollo. 4H; Nil punir- nt Hnrntopi .Inly Htucrn the American Fork and TijBitr tennis Don't Miss It. 17-tt -waiter IlniiBon nnd children ) ijikc. nro hero vlaltlny with feBcnt8, Mr and Mrs. K N. Wag- SHfiescs Hhodn Scnrlo and Lll-JBjEon Lll-JBjEon held a kenolngton at the jKjort Thursday afternoon for uiB Hive C.lrls. iewB and Mrs .1 Arthur Wright A.r,Wi, roiue down Tuesday to Bhe funeral services of Mae trinfl C'jBsIll he an appropriate pro-AltHcn pro-AltHcn In the Tahcmacln Sunday M It will also he a hoineeoin-mty hoineeoin-mty tBtlon for liny Nlcholcs, a rc-nnrfBlstloiiary rc-nnrfBlstloiiary ;il!((iS g. VjBi Mrs. A II. Stout and chll-We chll-We talked ilown from llrlgham City ltd S?B find spent a few days with nee '! sister, Mrs. W. D. Ed- is d)'s going to Saratoga on . Brho day has been reserved , UOhV0911 'ork "ml lmlf tno ,own iHd to lslt this popular re- 1 wBonccr Da" rmitiH nlllBr' afier entertained the d Society Thursday nftor-. nftor-. Hd afternoon was pleasantly t (sowing nnd luncheon was wjHtho following; Mrs. Isaac B D. H. Hoywood, Mrs. John Wt M. Alice lflfc" Bvcv, who has hern working BScrmountnlu Llfo Insurnncc Hhls week received ns 111, recompense for his excel-Bltli excel-Bltli the company, a ticket I fIUoii mill a chirk to envoi Bi while on the trip. Vft-amlng smile that will nueo many a policy to b t otherwise might have by -,.. was giu-ii Wednesdaj IjBonor of Miss Amelia linn- Hymn Crookston, Mrs Bod nnd Mrs (J. II. Robin-home Robin-home of Mrs. CrookBtou Wc lioniiilfully decorated heme being In pink and Biwrro won i,y u, MnHet hiky Wootion ami Mist At eiiu oVlock a do-eon do-eon wiib served to about Bms 'itlct Wrappers. (f |