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Show flipping Out Looiber I 1 For Canyon Mms Nlek Ier8on, tho veteran fciyon saw mill inon, came down VcujgWay with his countenance boarngfebo-cause boarngfebo-cause of ordors coming in froll'tho. miners for saw mill timber. Mr.vlvcr-Bon Mr.vlvcr-Bon says that talk docs not mako'Vr-dors. mako'Vr-dors. Only thoso nro counlodlScH Uint arc written In black aridVhtWK This week ho received an or'Wpr ten thousand feet from thol'ittllifc pcoplo nnd bnB his mou rlppitig'JMt. as fast na logs can bo gotlcu$tht mill. Ho nlso has n signed prjrf1or tho Williams Leasing compatiKfor four thousand feet for uso ltrtt3fer-lug ltrtt3fer-lug tho old Knlnmazoo tunnbMd erecting ore bins on tho oldiKer property. Tho Williams Lcoslng'ftS; pnny Is nn aggregation of Parlcwi people, who this wcok rcportcdsei-countering rcportcdsei-countering omo good looking ormTof) tho Miller Hill. f&tQ Mr. Ivcrson also Btnlcd that JyM Mineral Flat leasers had nearly iv'if load out for Bhlpment. ' Tho oroli4 coming from tho Flat Is of a'Jgi looking grade than nny ho bnsipM seen taken out before. tl Tho Dutchman leasers hnvo.-Sxap-M countered somo strlngera of oroWI their tunnel, but linvo not yet reacjvw the nro far which tho tunnel Is P9MM drheu. They now linvo eight mcnift work on the, Dutchman, two shift down tho tunnel nnd 0110 Bortlug ov& the old Dutchtnnii dump. 'Q Mr. lycrflou snyB that tho PlttsbiSc will this wcok putin ten moro.mdV making eighteen In nil. Experts froS Park City nrc dally visiting the. ptm perty, nnd ludlcntluuH ,aro Hint dJM nicnts will conuncjico- at nu carmfl Tho leasers of thq. Dog: mlnpiHj exhibiting somo rilccr.sampb?BglJH from their, working tpia ;w'0k'inH progress, was retarded .-e,yerBlA:ilM While they enmo dowh;'for a PMm9 Tho mlno contains :somo waleir?JwM can be kept in working' condltlNflE the operation of n hand pump MverMl bourn per day. V fjm |