Show at alic opera house tonight dainty katie putnam will be at provo opera bouye tonight inthe little maverick miss ms Bupp company abia year is the strone eat ehe has ever had including gus cohan a comedian that made a great hit in the past season he introduces specialties that are new and clever eings parodies on all the latest successes sines johnny my old friend john a new laughing song etc H B emery is too well known to require any extensive description hia work with the katie putnam company has stamped him as an around versatile actor and there are euch well known people as alawia 0 hart georee klimt B findlay barton williams john M gillia L M adyar adio radcliffe anna watson ropa leigh and ada fremont misi has lots of new attractive costumes abia and b e aidea her chic dancing and banjo alny ing sings A number of late auch aa dunn her golden hair was hanging down her bak little alabama coon etc |