Show A terrible visitant pain is always a terrible visitant and often domiciled domiciles domi ciles itself with one for life this infliction is in cases of rheumatism bv a timaly resort to hos stomach bitters which checks the of this obstinate and dangerous malady at the outset fhe term dangerous is used advisedly for rheumatism is always liable tc the vital and terminate life no testimony la more conclusive and concurrent then that of physicians who beatify to the excellent effect of the bitters in this persons incur a bettine in rainy or snowy weather and who are exposed 10 draughts should use the bitters aa a preventative of ill effects malaria dyspepsia liver and kidney trouble nervousness and debility are aso amon the ailments to which this popular medicine for the corp nees and stiffness ot the aed it is highly beneficial dr miles pain alvis stop headache |