Show I 1 I 1 SERENITY OP OF JAPANESE WOMEN they art are not fretted to death byth 1 petty atty car cares that vex americans the secret P perhaps e r says a te traveler 0 o of the s sweet w e e ex expression an and d habitual serenity of the J japanese women can be found in their freedom from small worries the fason fashion of dress never varying saves the wear of the mind on that subject and the bareness of the houses and simplicity of diet make housekeeping a mere I 1 bagatelle everything is exquisitely clean and easily kept so there is no paint no drapery no crowd of little ornaments no comin coming into the houses with footgear ear worn in the dusty streets and tere there is the peaceful feegh feeling g of living in rooms that can be turned into balconies and verandas at a moments notice of having walls that slide away Ls is freely as do the scenes on en the stage ind let in all ont oat of doors or change the I 1 ie suites of rooms to the shape and me ize that the whim of the day or the vir nr requires |