Show ABOY 6 A lamentable aed acci 10 ant at saltair Sal tair FIREWORKS EXPLODE X while A T taken I 1 a ken to the pier on a raft Mes mesmerism mesmerists merim at brigham the e provo prove military bind band b ind returned ret arned thib in morning orning irom from Sal Salta saltair tair lr where the boys bivs innia fumi Led abed the musi masis yesterday ill they ey report a su aahl il accident accident at the resort the gent gentlemen lamen in charge ot of the flie worda s were making makins arrangements for i a fine fie di splay display A rail started out for thi pier juer west of the pavilion having on board a it of fireworks and a crew consisting of wililiam walker harry lorEL willm milla d danda and li ff millard both young men and sous of prof Millar I 1 dand their brawers bro inars reuben and roy SlL XI lard Mard aped aged respectively 11 a and 8 years the tha party worked out slowly by means fians oi of pol vol esthe water being comparatively ively calm until the ralf rait was with n siz six or eight feet from the pier when a ter terrific squall struck it the raft was jolted joltin dinst the pier and the friction ignited the fireworks firework a the two boys boya were yet on the raft though the others haa bad succeeded in reaching the pier the sea sew became rougher all anda fee water clashed over the raft blia dg g and strangling bay the r boy amda sharp movement ol of M i aleo n t e 4 he wall waa drowned 8 H millard who by this time had recovered his presence of mind and grasped the situation lumped jumped back on the raft in the hope of saving ray bat it was too late Reu reabel benthe the other boy maintained his looting footing and worked like a little hero shoving the fireworks into the water he was wag hit bit just back of the ear with a rocket the hair was nearly all burned off his head bead he was saved however bo weyer and in all probability proD ability will recover |