Show I 1 L I 1 I 1 z r t wa i amo s an I 1 ii 1 q 1 I 1 I 1 51 li 1 1 M 25 I 1 i t I 1 azilia i A I 1 i I 1 J 0 I 1 r 1 t i I 1 I 1 I 1 6 it I 1 I 1 MEM I 1 11 I 1 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 t A J 1 I 1 I I 1 i I 1 I 1 MW I 1 I 1 I 1 11 Q f C I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 t I 1 I 1 11 I 1 I 1 I I 1 t C I 1 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 I 1 III 1 t I 1 mu I 1 I 1 L i r i L 11 I 1 I 1 F I 1 I 1 e 7 IVA I 1 I 1 X WN WE ARE GOING TO SELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF I 1 ad q a tz vs E M i 7 tl V g da C I 1 1 akal 03 s I 1 I 1 dry dr goods 6 1 I Clop C 1 aftin Z tig 91 notions sho p in 91 L watches W I 1 alche rf A I 1 A jewelry I 1 etc etc 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ST 11 r I 1 U 1 wb I 1 I 1 I 1 L ag AC freow rolt I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 a 0 i WE KM KOT M if boik A f ING I 1 TO Q 1 I 1 Z PROVO I 1 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 t 1 I 1 1 W I 1 I 1 4 we merely contemplate a change of business I 1 and we start with a new aud and t 1 I 1 I 1 2 r complete stock therefore we want to dispose of olour jo ur entire E 1 n j 6 stock and take ta ke t the h e above means for doing so as we think it the quickest quick est 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 N o 0 w is the time to t abuy buy J goods for your own prices I 1 y y ht H 4 t I 1 I 1 r GOMM a pway ja X U U W 1 a W A A IET F ai 1 ad R 4 J I 1 I 1 af ld 1 M I arf 2 and 7 p m saw ab anth liisi A i 1 a f 4 I 1 T auctioneer 8 9 ca r I 1 r h 0 amr wak 1 I 1 T ay iy VAT on 1 A IW ivak 1 9 W i I 1 1 P I 1 uain 3 1 i 1 FF 1 y 8 11 I 1 1 LOCATED ED IN DUNN GOS COS OLD STAND PROVO I 1 N B we T e wish to assure our patrons that during this sale wp we will misrepresent I 1 4 1 none of bf our goods oooo everything erfling kv sold bold for far just what it is I 1 I 1 I 1 COME ONE AND ALL I 1 I 1 1 I 1 W J W I 1 U I 1 i T I 1 A KE 1 1 I 1 zooms 11 and 12 pint first kt Nat bali Bank k ebud lag ing PROVO CITY UTAH DON C JOHNSON 4 AT TORNEY AT LW LAMI koom no 3 bank build building inz SPRING springville VILLE d orah gaii WILLIAM i 1 i D HOUTZ attorneys at law ROOMS 6 5 and 7 firsa national bank building PROVO CITY t E booth E A wilson A BOOTH WILSON I 1 A ATTORN E YS A ATLA W and land office agonia ag zits 1 vo 28 2 3 N J UTAH E R ae E D ajl L y 11 attorney at law room 9 blak building CITY UTAH KINK X WOODS zAs eeb Ee 2 rEss laloi p office ia ba national bank ol of comerce PR V UTAH JOHN W BLACKBURN Attorn attorney dy and counselor at law room boom 1 eldredge block PROVO PRO VO CITY UTAH A H 0 EDWARDS edwards Ea wards attorney sa s at A t law orry UTAH I 1 I 1 rise MRS so A DOUT R K S c by 11 street between F and G streets I 1 L alto vo corx U III UX VA X V AU A W I 1 I 1 R G 1 i architect and r I 1 j I 1 su VAI nt ai 14 11 it kooms oo 00 M 2 aud 3 r I 1 E lyk ra 0 0 4 my y feyt e f I 1 H provo arrovo A X B i mm ff H 10 attorney I 1 manager cd aih collection ap arnoy OMCO office ROOMS union block opposite tabernacle drs fl J R I 1 AND AIND JF W I 1 taylor I 1 physicians and surgeons office at their residence nce the fornier former residence of dr pike anice hoaas hoars 9 to 12 a ra 2 to 4 p m 1 1 A me ate curlain cur Our tain lain A jfe A PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON office palace belocic residence aj ax blocks east bank corner F no 45 office no 28 V ovo U UTAH TAU arr F F REE do dentist dabb all modern instruments lor fo the th practice of operative ancl ana r IC DENTISTRY DENTI ATIly artificial CROWNS AND smidge A lacy y LW aall all ork guaran to a doom excelsior block provo dr J A CM surgeon dentist electric gas administered when dd aa ired teeth extracted by it without with pain P all kinds kindis of dt D nw work in the debt best and latest etyler all work from this date will be guaranteed guaran tedd according to LO agreement or the money re S t F kooms no 2 and 4 bauk bank Bd ildi provo P city cit utah AND cok ka I 1 rh 1 V alt v we lye are prepared P rep a rod to receive orders ir make contracts for buildings BaU dings of ail 1411 apa descriptions estimates t 68 furnished en an application loe abe facilities for aano fao ining aring afa we e best 0 abt an ana most durable oi an fay y required quantities fa A I 1 symuel S kuciel 1 li I liard co I 1 1 I 1 UTAH SAM I 1 JEP sofi 01 I 1 land P 1 U nip A U I 1 painter I 1 alp tovo UTA k comor JT JF tad and ith street I 1 S R THURAL AN I 1 I 1 I 1 A AT LAW bank building PROVO CITY UTAH I 1 VOlt OK I 1 J tta to dle the patent t chemick Chemic boal 1 ink arza pencil ane most use ul ud nj novel in f on of tuf age era brug 3 ina ebeor lutao in two works eikema like marlc ic aj to per cent profit agents making 50 per week we wa alro wan a general agent to take charge ii A t atory and suba agents A rara cliance chance to make money writs write tor for terms term ant specimen of erasing munro monro amaer mag mfg 0 lacrosse lACro aaa wl wis WORLDS FAIR CHICAGO Cal calumet avenue and nd street streel HOTEL I 1 kb n a fireproof reproof Vl rooms ruoms near fair l aar grounds batha oa wery very coy 9 amerl and d E wa 1 lola nm r f it 1 bot vda x r 1 RAT PATENTS E N TS and aaa stukes secured brads mark C I estered oe and all patent cabass in the I 1 1 office cc and before me courts promptly aal ewi prosecuted gouged apon up 0 n receipt of model or imi fc kotch eli 0 of in 3 A alfon t 0 on I 1 make cantu I 1 examination sad and adsem adue ue wes Ili free of with MY darnay aarm from the aa stat OU being in pe nall attendance ait there it la in apparent jasti bays superior or tg ta acil lue tor for making prompt preliminary je arches for or ane more orana ana successful ot of for pa tent and lor for attending to ai air I 1 JUS Oa ginesa ent mated to atre tn the me ph honest ray my tare possible tune tua akin Es MA zm Inton nUon att var al aad 0 I seat an request 1 JB J U litzell LITTEL and attorney in patent causes washington D da 9 U lugt 0 patent mo I 1 I 1 1 1 1 7 4 W wa being e ng located near the government departments part ments we are able to give your claims beiter att nUon tho atone elsewhere be re special 14 birta to difficult and eje ted claims ci ainis it II yur present attorney ae loas not suit you md and ta is alo A write ur aid R ld ter lera a who ho have lost boelz discharge can obtain dewones ew ones charca fatle artion rem reave wea l no PEE FEE UNLESS unless yon 1013 GET PENSION ALVICE FREE sold ers at al twelve dollars por par ard Pu frering I 1 from disability in addition i 1 to that named lo io belr vension c ate may obtain increase n itla it la riot not necessary tor for von TOU to tc have gotten in war to gat jen under the new law pensions for and children ildren cn without I 1 to cause f soldiers deth denh fr ro in others and fathers shi sh i are ara no 7 depe dependent adent whether they were le pendent on OD soldier old ler when he d exi ea or not nol tor for services rendered in antl indian eus ais mexican peni asim imkin c in now bei I 1 n easert to 12 ft L month 1 I CS PI NOEL VE RESTORED bem gilr M avea ave ag a trade aar mrs s D delans De ahem lyns copyrights opy rights tad il til I 1 patent busin business esq cn conducted ducted for 1 FEES i and advice c iven t invent irs wl toul charge address THE NORMAN CLAIM AGENCY P PO 0 B box washington D C U T 1 1 I 1 i t i r I 1 I 1 Z 2 IDE A j I 1 ai U ST LOUIS OF 1 11 SEJO GET I 1 M 0 a 9 a 9 im g 71 U L A ag H U TTE v I 1 R A itt F II wim which I 1 rn IS BOSS I 1 fmc ITS MERITS IS r OR CLEANING V D V x I 1 JJ THE CLOTHES 7 ASSURE AMURE IT A WELCOME WHEREVER IT 1 FAIRBANKS C LAIRET 1 E U THE BEST FOR FOP EVERY HOUSEHOLD ALL GROCERS GRO CE I 1 R S KEEP IT aaa ape PE ONLY BY N aln ara on a I 1 RDA N I 1 t at CU aft ST LOUIS AL b I 1 0 1 t rr a college 9 or I 1 UTAH Is a territorial institution having ba vi ng live five full departments of instruction viz agriculture domestic 0 arts mechanical engineering gi gin civil engineering and a commercial course four of these being four years courses all departments are equipped with apparatus for illustration while practical exercises either on the farm in the dairy in the cooking 1 I cutting sewing or laundry rooms in shop work in wood wod andiron and iron and in foundry world together fog effier with other mean of illustration are arc a joined to the class room instruction its ita first students e entered september 1890 1990 last year it enrolled the fall term opens september ath for information address J W SANBORN logan lo 1 utah R 0 W N IS S A n CA ra A M N is V P F aa IX I 1 16 and has no equal for stands a tone alone as the a creat ae AT BLOOD 0 0 P U R I 1 F 2 R core ture rheumatism NO IJO sarsaparilla now sold gold is so go fully endorsed by and Drugg druggists ista complete formula printed on each bottle aarfor ask for BROWNS sarsaparilla and use cother co no ther other BROWNS BUMBERRY AND GINGER Aci Ac mowie knowle aged to be the best esmede bor or diarrhoea dysentery and all bowel Bo WelCom complaints P I 1 am ta it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica Jama ginger 0 and blackberry roots boots combined with aroma bics tics making it an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sold by all druggists jire insurance life 6 KNOWLDEN accident tk 1 I plate glass t 1 GENERAL AGENTS live stock 9 rubber stamps and M to seals collections made PROVO UTAH a ONEY TO L UJ A nm on long time at a low rate of in merest lerest on farm anywhere in the county and improved city property in provo C op 1 A I V JL I 1 Provo Utah IF YOU WANT information ABOUT 1 r 1 d i wk i I 1 I 1 p i ai I 1 I 1 1 I aa V ADDRESS a 3 LETTER I or OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn WEDDER BURH managing attorney P 0 box washington D C honorably discharged eold cold lera lerit and sailors who served ninety days or over in the late war are entitled if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor whether disability was caused by service or not and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances WIDOWS of such soldiers and sailors are entitled if not remarried whether soldiers death was due to army service or not if now dependent dekende n u upon their own labor r for support widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled tit ld if f the ac soldiers death dea wae ma due suppa to bennee ice are arc entitled if under sixt sixteen e en years in almost all cases where there was no widow or she has since died or remarried PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child provided soldier died ta in eer vloe or from effects of service all and d they are now dependent upon their own labor for support n avy it makes maes no difference di whether wh ather soldier served or died in in late war or in regular army or soldiers of the late war pensioned under one law may ay apply for alsher rates under othar otha laws without losing any rights I 1 thousands of soldiers drawant from fram 3 2 to to 10 per month under the old law are entitled to ta higher rates bates under new law pot only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned but also for others whether due to service or not soldiers and sailors disabled in lize line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also entitled whether discharged for disability or not survivors and their widows of the blade black hawk caell cherokee Ch eroLee and seminole or florida florda flori I 1 indian wars of 1833 1832 to 1842 are entitled under a recent act mexican war soldiers and their widows also entitled if sixty two years of age or disabled d or dependent dent defendent efen 0 old claims declaims completed and settlement obtained whether pension has been granted under later laws or not rejected claims repp reopened ened and setti settlement ement secured if rejection improper or illegal i certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and tailors sailors of the late war who have bave lost their original papers bend for laws and information no chargi charge for advice so no fee unless successful address adar Ad dr THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn I 1 managing attorney 1 P F 0 box WASHING WASH TOW DC D C gentlemen and ladies ox or gitis girls can got et a bicycle for YA D 20 0 0 tl 1 0 can call and 8 see I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Z 1 I 1 A ami I 1 I 1 1 4 I 1 I 1 I 1 e I 1 I 1 I 1 11 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 0 I 1 I 1 t I 1 f I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 11 p I 1 kg I 1 11 I 1 ma I 1 I 1 ami 3 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 W ak T b z I 1 k 5 I 1 IV I 1 1 C ae N V 1 aft A I 1 1 i I 1 I 1 I I 1 Z zt 7 1 m i 1 4 4 V j k I 1 s anci douei sag Z aki 1 V mi I 1 1 g f 4 i jt n I 1 X ar og L y ah I 1 z I 1 tl 1 9 alwi arim 4 z M t 1 I 1 7 az 0 o 1 ez IN Q I 1 I 1 AA I 1 1 M ariit low jw A xi r I 1 op eyono t P I 1 ar I 1 |