Show laiu A ab hii the NJ lisca r ivory an danklets anklets klets often very he heavy avy aro are only worn by the ibo women en of wealth and importance lut but the metal anklets danklets worn by others may bo be many pounds in weight weigh tand and some of them wear huge brass plates perhaps a foot in diameter which once fixed to the ankles are never neve removed the men wear a single strip of cotton cloth but those who come much in contact with the europeans are now learning to wear trousers their Ive weapons apons aro are flintlocks flint locks bows and spears tho the latter both for hurling burling and thrusting the huts aro built of mud and matting and are quadrangular in shape tho center canter I 1 is an open courtyard at ono end of which is ia the apartment of the head of the house whilo while the wives and family ae are accommodated in other rooms on tha right and ifft if ft of the tha courtyard there is no furniture or ornament and but a fow few household utensils sils and weapons all the year round L I 1 mr berg was authorized to have hava drawers p placed 1 I aced i in n the table fur or members of the board board adjourned for one week wo we may render the words of I 1 one language literally into those of another and yet lose the very spirit of tho whole but therease the there reaTe are cases of what may be called translation ona on a c leaa 1 u night elred ared light can t ba distance ce it is said than seen at a greater a white light while vhf 10 on a dark night it is is claimed the result is ast the reverse |