Show 4 DAILY i JOHN jill q 0 ORA GnA granam nAM AN manages flip E telephone number Is 27 local mention in this cal colemn 30 cents line each insertion per AlVertise advertisements ments and changes must most be sent to tas taic ENQUIRES office not later I 1 iban ban 10 a in to secure seanie ausez inser on no sime gaina day dav WEDNESDAY january 25 1893 pro a ma mail L bervice MAILS HAILS LEAVE n U V fault lake closed pouch 7 s is 11 a 9 in U P colne boulli 95 9 IS a 26 ID ft G wooing WG v u east cat a in V G W gob golani na north am UP UK loins jonh Ko nh P in wina palina and ogden F 11 mao 1020 P in siina and osen ogden west 11 50 pm MAIM MAILS ARRIVE 11 peron P eron 8 ailt lake labe 9 aa in 92 1 act a the west 1 1 d I W V 11 gar G 1 ar abis hait 3 2 a in balena an all I 1 ogdan on froia fro W west e 8 t 7 wa lo 10 il an aji balna and 0 leu ion trosa from exl ewt 14 pm p m r aimi from alt lasta 6 0 p in vt ve e from boutu ao utU P in OFFICE HOURS the general delivery deli yury sta stamp P and reg ostry windows open at 8 a in and close at p m the money order window opens at 9 i m An tad clocea delones at 4 p lq in on oa sunday tuo general pener al delivery an and d r windows are pen open frim 12 m to I 1 1 p I m JERRE Postin natel children cry for pitchers castoria when baby was iras rick nick we gave her castoria when she was a child she cried for castoria when she became miss she ehe duns clung to Ca castoria storla when children Cb ildren she ehe gave them ch castoria storia TERRIBLE misfortune many suffering Haffen ng from it today the cry ot of misfortune is never beard without a responsive throb of sympathy from those who hear it thousands who have had lagrippe la grippe which left them with ehlt constant tired worn out oat feel ing sleeplessness dull haada haa dachs dhe depression hysteria etc have often prayed for relief and are obtaining it from dr miles restorative irvine 31 low lew enyart edvart macy alacy lad ind says I 1 your has cured me of bf prost pros tra tion it is ia just what your advertisement said it acas two tiro bottles bettles of cured mo me of sick beat headache lache chas wilber palmyra N Y sold sold on a guarantee by pyne maiben call for the doctors book new ne facts free 5 I procter focer academy y lecture course A lecture baurse is to be ziven oven in the procter academy hall on friday evea ins ings hv by the following lowing fo talent jan 27 flora of utah prof pro M E jones M A feb 3 Gb ghosts hypnotism and double consciousness prof G E R matthews aeb 10 recital by prof and mrs davis david feb 17 Religion Religions Tt us and false rev W V 8 hawks feb 21 the making of a man 0 rv R v J B lectures begin promptly at 8 single al admission mission 10 acts courna tickets 25 23 acts tickets for sala eala at hines dru drug store provo book stationery co ant by the pupils of the acad academy emy Z I 1 0 R lan FA r iq 0 K I 1 1 I I 1 C E y n N NOM 64 lah ki 92 n 9 0 1 G r browder der I 1 the only pure cream of tartar powder no ammonia no alum used in millions of homes 40 years the standard the flip anece of chamberlains congh in effecting a speedy core care of rolda colds croup and whooping cough abse it into great lesses less rs Poin tius son of cameron ohio say sar that it tins has gaint d a reputation seona pei ond tn ta none in that vicinity jas AL Qt atit ireen ed W va davs it is the thebes bes e every ever used B Y V jones druza it i wino a miss sav E S chamb chamberlain a rl a in cough is rel laSle I 1 have alwaes wn craned ranted ned it and rever failed 10 lo give eive the most rf Ct sat onlia feti fiu liori orf 50 cent bottle for caly hv pinea maiben f cripple creele a great success abe of cupplo creek as aa a great gold ruining mining die district triet ia now dow assured beyond question the dead work lias has bpck done on a large number f claici and many mines are on pay ore into the camp continues ed an average of 50 30 people going in daily the colorado tf midland idland has baa met men employ pd ed in dmn Y apling the exten adon hion into the camp and as aa soon boon as aa the iha branch line lina is in in op ratin a new impetus will be riven given to the the route into l t crippen i ia via the I 1 midland lid land ll It ailway bation and thence bv line into fremo it tle the center of the alie district ta this a is ia the only buic A and feal feasible ble route to rc rca a creak 5 I 1 0 highest gh est of all in leavening power latest US U S goat report R 13 0 tn I 1 ar R R n V I 1 a 7 1 7 0 o I 1 I 1 21 notice moeice A A s c nf the school trustees of alic districts of 0 utah counte is t ceba called for saturday next jin jan ash th to crim mence at ten a in at 1 tl e ve central i Q abool house P provo f 0 yo c acty lay to ron sider our duties and pr vr rags anler tin for the ohp jaw and any roat mat wp ibi may ecay tend to 0 o promote cor car edu Sli uDal inta rests and particularly the bett of keeping school district no anand stid rendering vouches 9 for eivet dimmy ard qu sti 1118 per tillin to 0 o allie 11 e cony aid te sitf atal funds fanes E A WIL all 0 ON 01 1 I 1 county supt bupt of schools r 1 WISDOMS VIOLET CREAM the most exquisite preparation in the world for softening Boft enins and whitening the bands P and nd face it atia is not only a su aaa I 1 sainto for but bat in every respect reaped super aarto glycerine gly cering cold cream vp vaseline seline vad elins and like try it preventing future misery if abers I 1 Is in iii ibis ibia value of hearp a more prolific ru irn ir n CP ce nr nf ird ery tery than the rhu matla matle t we nave yet to bear people are born with wih a tendency cit to rheumatism just as they thay aro are with one to consumption or to scrofula slight cade may develop this As ronn itam a the agoni agonizing complaint manifests it reir peir lecourse r li hould b bs hd to Hos lettera stomach bitters which checks il lii further in rod abd the rheumatic pois poison u from tafv estem this abig statement tallies ex ae iv tile the opt ft physicians I 1 clans who I 1 av a employed eipl oyed this fine wood ep ur ut in meir private proc practice tice there is 19 a also I 1 so the amp besl im professional and aad enral tes kimory a tb to I 1 ibe be c 1 1 he malaria liver complain coro plaint loc constipation 0 indigestion adney truble tr uble and ins of ap petit and flesh arter after a wettin w he ber tol lowed by a cold or no tilbe elvei batera is F SP in binl qs as the initial attack of if I 1 mung ammu aft 0 tre sa JL J L provos provo 3 s wholesale and 11 1 1 acl retail grocers C I ka Z agents FOR ROOKS jr MOCKS T for the best coal oil utah send in ill our orders in ill in U utah jl county 3 iq 1 el C a 4 D AL C V A AL I 1 J a castle gate lump S 4 tk 44 stove 47 C t 44 nut 1 P Y V lump anthracite 1050 50 cents per ton c extra for drayage di avage C i leave orders at or by telephone to J T T JAR lf 1 M provo prove Comi nercia savings bank satisfaction guaranteed spafford stubbs agents fire insurance life L I 1 lisenberry BERRY KNOWLDEN accident 11 ll I 1 plate glass 11 1 t 1 GENERAL AGENTS live stock 49 tcp 0 o al rubber stamps and seals collections adade PROVO it no ti 0 U O I 1 advertisements n this column 1 cent per word each day bythe month per line except marriage notices birth notices 50 cents cent death announcements free obituary comments 10 cents per line no advertisement taken fol foi less than 25 cents miscellaneous MEETINGS he patriotic order sons sona ol 01 america ameet the meet every thursday Thu night those desiring to join the order please make application to any member of the ardai C E LOOSE pant president now is your time tim e the ainslie aiesha lumber company must sell their entire provo stock of lumber and other building z i material na ieria lw atlin the next sixty days without it hout regard to prices now is your opportunity to get the best bargains in lumber ever obtained in provo WB W B kiso KING receiver U H BEAN local abent oct 23 1882 I 1 wanted WASTED WA boex to ex hange a modern re ii i dence and corner lot in 1 salt lake city for Provo apply at E offices office 3 5 f I 1 I 1 F havercamp dark clark will wil loan you money at 10 per cent pr pr p r annum or 01 will burnish you vou an abstract Pbs tract of bf title to your farm chome or horse on shortest notice office in first national bank building provo utah HERS HERE IT IS the popular route east vi via a rio grange grande westerland western Wester dand and color colorado ado midland aile ays ticket office no main lain I 1 treet salt lake only ou 0 chicago NOTICE notice is hereby liven given that the business in pino f merly known ra as the i colorado lumber company will trill be conti continued aued under the firm name of anslie ainslie lumber company with 11 H bean Ps as manager WILLIAM 13 KING if 11 receiver hava you a T title itle to your hanie S se fe e tire cure c an abstract from havercamp I cla dark rk without delay for delays are dangerous dan rous and learn the condition at al your title office first Nab national rinal bank bide prevo utah dan for saie anic cheap for cash ava vo acres of very arpod land arnd in limik or in lots located w iti the east fields i under union ditch A good chance for working men to set get a home at bed rock prices for further particulars enquire of E M dugdale 0 R J engdale gdale prove city am m for exchange will exchange a residence in salt lake city new house modern improve I 1 merits first class in evera respect for provo I 1 r 0 vo city property I 1 H 11 SMITH mee 3 2 doors north first national bank lost A 1 dair of ophra ula fp at ho 03 f pra souse or bet betge we n h b mi to re jf jan 11 opposite opp isita site to asil il n i al F f i t the finder will I 1 p I 1 biting nn liem lom at J W 7 r a 1 lq 0 6 11 s U I 1 A iq N 1 W 4 11 I 1 headquarters TOR jewelry jeweld 7 watches watch es 1 f wk W k I 1 I 1 r I 1 I 1 er e I 1 I 1 I 1 A bilm f A iti rork t the largest and best stocal in diamonds set and lonce lome to select froni from repairing io in all its brunches Brian clies first firby class julius jalm jensen I 1 j I 1 HE J ENTEL ell MOE R BT G OPENING of our cur fall and winter stock of bib Chili I 1 lons I 1 US hals I 1 bonnill i all of which will be sold cheap to lor r cash we the largest and most complete of goods to select from call early and make your selections remember the place corner of ath A H streets Str pets mm H IV DAVIS birst va nation 1 I 1 a I 1 I 1 M P I 1 1 I am ati rie I 1 i ai n aji 1 I 4 P PROVO ci CITY ay UTAH ura H I 1 paid in capital capit tal 00 surplus DIRECTORS A T C S S JONES vice president EL H CLUFF JOHN G U GRAHAM IV R PIKE J P R JOHNSON GEORGE TAYLOR i W H R dusenberry owma mrs 9 afe Depo sitTa cults fire proof rents 3 to 11 per year receives deposits pay on an demand collections sent ua na deceive prom A attention and remi remitted tied at lo 10 lowest west rates correspondents new york national park bank san pan francisco pacific bank salt balt lake T ako city deseret national bank THE KEELEY P r I 1 t S tn I 1 T U lf i 9 of salt late lake city at eGardo th house I 1 11 As AB a matter nf 4 justice to orr oi r selves and to the reputation of dr leslie E keele Kc eleya Y Is world famed remedies Eem edies for liquor IS opium and tobacco wo we warn ivarn I 1 the public that these rei remedies nedies aroused aused by no institution of any I 1 1 kind in the territory of utah diahy excepting oni only Y the keeley TC beeley institute of q f salt rake cake city all others claiming to use dr feyd Pem remedies edies or formulae are ara frauds and impostors imposters im posters since january last we have made nearly SOU cures ind and these acu are among 0 the people of utah uenh today as living evidence of the abe F I 1 ocallis of Allis treat tient infill we the genuine keeled treatment as administered attlies at aliis institute to be perfectly harmless arrangements for treatment may be made our representative INI mr r C A IVINS or with S K M C A f 4 s X gardo S gaH alt Jake 1 A A aw |