Show sunday services service after singing by the choir the nor ear vices at the tabernacle sunday afternoon were opened by prayer by bishop evan the cho choir r then sang the saut ifIll creation anthem in which 8 K R bombard ran rend irad dErad a bass base solo wl with th excellent effect end and harry Bosti bombard ard sang the tenor solo elder D S harris cf diaz mexico was the first speaker tp eaker he eie rejoiced in amestine with the saints in this part of atio continent and finding them enjoy i inz the tb spirit of the gospel he referred to the of god goa and was waa de lighted to worship a being with pat paa loye wisdom and understanding once hp he had bad listened to a conver abiol at a convention of ministers I 1 in kansas an essay was read containing the words god is everywhere present it if god in ig eve everywhere present said laid one 11 then he must also be ba in bell which is is a part of creation 1 11 1 would hate to believe that god is hell bell spoke another the idea wits was finally adya advanced nead by one who seemed to be a leader that while god is everywhere present we can but bat conceive cancel v ot of him as a personality whose logic the speaker thought I 1 wits indeed defective it would mean that we could only conceive of god is as something lie he is not the trouble with the world at ai large has been that while they are willing to endure lape lacerations rations of vie tie flesh C gj oo on p s Z ima a and all sorts aorta of priva boud in tue tua name of the lord they are unwilling to understand him and k bcd at d in all humility the speaker beli believed evaa that while a jr gr at work is in these days being done by youns young men who attend school for years ard and then go on foreign mi misiona yet their calling I 1 ff was as no greater than alit cur fathers were cal called Is d to do in pioneering this western country they battled with the rough elements then than for a poor existence in order to tafoi foi ward the work of god and though nit well educated they had bad great integrity ar aad I 1 their heavenly rewards are sure the kroph ev v in mich micah I 1 the time when the house 0 of I 1 the laid aoud be established in the tha tops of the mount aind was quoted that tune time it ir now upon us as aa witnessed by tue thousands who are these theae days day wending theia way to the salt lake temble clr arff ident smoot believed beli eyed that the cent is ahe mo mot moat t momentous time in the h abort of the mormon people when uc tag geat templo of tle lattur days i g i fixated e tle the people have w ought iu quiny any won lers 6 since nince coming to ibe ha of i these mountains he H red ll 11 to the great storm in salt lale during the first session of the dt dictation aal to ma ati fact that many of itie priesthood of utah stake stood out in that boim with nith the gates gatas of the clofed against them he ha hoped t that hitt this thin mi mistake inake for it was purely accidental ci would be overlooked oyer looked by the brethren and that they would bearno bear no offense in their hearts on HI account of it nolice noice was given ilia the next quarterly conference of utah stake would be h held id next Satu saturday rJay and sunday tt the choir eard bard an anthem anthem wherein miff slay lay zabriskie rendered a most excellent saprano rolo eolo and bo benedic tion was wag offered by elder M L pratt |