Show aea i kf ff lET ej lawyer collector VEATCH BARRETT collection roo boo asanion a 3 friio block provo city citi utah office honra 0 9 to 12 a m a 2 to 4 p tn A me abo curtain cur tain jfe D ay iy 14 office palace bloch reside act i 1 block south first ward hooting house 8 ctet Kt Kz tet et U no 45 office no 28 PROVO UTAH drs BL H J richards ds AND I 1 F vy T baylot dyl 61 physician tj 1 I geon I 1 I 1 oehm et at cheif the farmer residence reaid ence olt me 1 has s I 1 al A ww I 1 0 street between aiu nud stil aili I 1 faau I 1 I 1 F f 1 F REED BRO BRA dentists have all modern instruments 0 to o the practice of apera operative i tive ants ana A P CROWNS AND D BRIDGE WORK A arvall arv all work guar ill bank building provo dr J 11 aristu asoR 4 surgeon dentist Electric gac gas administered when jo do ired aired teeth extracted by it without cain pain all kinds of di nw work in the beat eat and latest styles all work from ar data will be guaranteed S according tt arding to ape fj ement ament or the money will ho bo re rooms no ho 2 and 4 bank Build buildup lue provo city U tak RING KINO WOODS aawar waR A S office in IB national bank of comerce UTAH I 1 sh 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW bank building PROVO UTAH J W N TTO UNAi YA Y A I 1 LA tp IV aoma 11 and 12 firt first Nat Bank build inz ing PROVO OITT CITY UTA UTAH H DON C JOHNSON attorney AT LAW thoom no 3 bank building springville Spring ville ulah J baff I 1 B booth E A wilson A th BOOTH A YS A W V and land office artias no 2 23 a N J street CITY UTAH 0 V HOUTZ attorney s at lai ROOMS flO OKIS 5 and 7 fir fire national bank building PROVO GITY UTAH E E attorney at law 9 aluk Bail building ding PROVO CITY UTAH UTA 11 A 0 RIA 1 W 4 L I 1 attorney at law office in gates cosite court hube house PROVO CITY ciry btag I 1 R G hatm WATi aaS S Archi architect ted and office JI liaa no 1 union block provo SAM Landu landscape ape agn painter PROVO UTAH sra fair jr it if A aid id III St streets AND ahu 0 A A fifi 41 O MAUI W a 1 are ka prepa red to T 8 ord S sr elake contracts fot fo 1 01 ot ol 11 I 1 v all alf i estimates an appi I 1 abon we have the ba facilities aties lor for Q r aba batand best bu tand and most dorala dor sla ies of BRIK ia 11 any required S samuel annuel lidd liddiard H co VIM uta aua P ze z e I 1 a 4 V rt UM rum r I vio aluie CREAM I 1 iff tw nobi preparation in the anti anil whitening the wor t aftel sad and lace il it ilia ia is not only a an BUD dinda stoute for tit int in every super cirin i tia va irn W orio W lly lin ifan I 1 0 i ant trena trea 1 ao 0 max MAS can be a to nia 1115 avra hildren children c favors the brave because thel the bravi S A LITTLE I 1 learning ear ning b ls is n aeter ever so dangerous na aa when it becomes the property of mor MAN M or W maata aitto but little here below and heeti ii duelcy df t 1 I joao etl in I 1 P told fitka IU tobacco harta them t wi tit CID be cause shat bekk ekes and an hevee hev eB w seat haw att iry it 1 houi braband uaea ea tobacco co yon bod wi want nt to at ephs phs t vb ursell to bac tac it J T ss guaranteed tobe 0 o ceo habit cure for conr or aale book titled i spit J aft away 11 mailed ailed free arini noto no to bac 13 STERLING TERLING REMEDY CO i indiana mineral sp spring rings jodiana Jodi aaa 1 I 1 11 I AIR kair WOMEN A all 11 briant beautiful and I 1 lacin 1 cin atme atiniz women aro ara made more charming by ile ae the artistic use nee of wisdom I 1 famous robertine it enlivens the most re regular u beauty by adding freshness PO parity and brUli LUCY to the 4 0 the more chamberlains cough remedy is use used d the better it is liked we tr ww low of ro other remedy al waya Wava lives gives satisfaction it is good when bod y first rat catch cold it is good when ben your TOOT congh is ia seated and your lungs lunga are sore nore it is ia good in any kind of a conglis we behave have eold bold twenty five dozen of it anti ami every bottle has haa given isalia faction stedman fledman min 2 neeata lake minn 50 cent bott bolt la Is for sale palo by evne maiben druggists miles nerve nerre anu ana liver ville pilla aut act on a new principle we the liver stomach and bowels through the nerves A anew new discovery dr pills spee dilly cure care biliousness billions bad torpid liver piles constipation con unequaled for men women chilgren chi luren smallest mildest surest I 1 50 doses 25 23 cents sam barn plea dies free at evne ane maiben arnica salvo salve the rho best salve halve in the world for cuts Bi ulses sores bores ulcers salt bait rheum e yer sores tetter chapped hands Unil blaina corns and all akin eruptions and positively cures curea piles or required it is guaranteed to gicz iv perfect satisfaction or money refa refunded abed price 25 cents per box for sale by P pyne e sr maiben now try this it will cost coat you yon nothing nomine and wil g barely beij ado do you good if you have a cough cold or any trouble with throat cheat or lungs dr kings new disc discovery vor for consumption coughs and 0 colds cold 1 is la guaranteed to gi eive lve relief or money will be paid back sal hut firera from la grippe found it just the thing and under tinder its use had a speedy and perfect recovery try a cample at our expense and learn for yourself just how bow good a thiP thing jit it is trial bottles free at pyne maidens Mai Mail bens lons drug store large size 80 60 acts and 3 THE MORNING raken baken before breakfast choats croats a 9 false faille ijuro ons appetite A wi ful t dr Henley fl edulise Dai lelion inic in re taken before meals atre eilf he 4 digestive organ sand enables you yon relish a hearty without j toa tonian allegheny pa March 18 16 idof MR ME NORMAN des moines la six SIK I 1 find krausel r headache capsules Capa ales a ready aeller e le r a sal n can s eav a v elp jai lian from personal e experience r n e p t that i t t they 1 y a are r e a good thinly thing as the other night they me of ef a bad attack of nen Deu rali ia in about one hour hoar when usually it lasts a day or so BO C IV SMART for sale by bv smoot prue drug go specimen cases B S 11 clifford now new cassel wis wig was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism his bia stomach was disordered his hio liver was affected to an alarming degree appetite fell away and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength three bottles bottled of electric bittera cured him edward shepherd harrisburg Harria burg ill III had a running sore on his hid leg of eight years standing used three bottles of electric bitters bittera and seven boxes of arnica salve and his bis leg is sound and well john speaker catawba ohad fiyo arga fever sores on his leg doctora caid he ha was incurable one bottle battle electric bitters and one box buckless Buc klens arnica salve cured him entirely sold bold by pyne maidene Mai bene drug drog store 5 3 0 K T dionest He results suite 0 K T mant of me pioneers plon eera ot of oregon and washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful curative properties iee lee the celebrated oregon kidney tea purely vegetable and pleasant to the alie ta and can call 1 te e taken by the youngest c or most delicate woman 0 K T is ia a never failing remedy for pains in the back and loins non retention 0 oi I 1 urine scalding alding Bc or burning sensation while ahil e urinating orina ting discharges ana d ajl ki ill troy iroy troubled lep of either ser bat 1 at at ail dru dm ath SER FACE HER HEK FORTUNE lo 10 1 common IT said of tair gainous rous dealt beauties et bee who vw husos with artistic taste vi IN is doms doma famous robertine has bae fortune in the of a complexion to abich nothing tut cut the blush oi of the robe or ile the fre anness cf the lily can he be coin compared this thi rat lonis just abat it is B claimed V to b tle the most delightful toilet article and only perfect beautifier krown known read bead tha testimonials fram amous artista arti ats celebrated chernis ts and TERRIBLE misfortune many suffering from it today the cry 0 of misfortune is ia never heard beard without a responsive throb of lymp sympathy from those who hear it thousands who have had lagrippe grippe la which left the them in with that constant tired worn out feeling sleeplessness dull headache ha adache depression I 1 hysteria eta etc 1 shave olten often prayed fo for r relief and ana are obtaining it from dr miles milea restorative M lew enyart macy ind 9 says bays your Nerv ifie has cured me of prostration tra tri tion it is just what your tour advertisement nie nt said it was two bottles of cured me of aide sick headache chas wilber Pali palmyra nyra N Y sold sod on a guarantee by pyne maiben call for the Doc doctors toils book new ine facts free 6 ca J 0 0 2 advertisements Advertise menta n anis column I 1 cent per word each dav bathe mon month th LOO per line except mairi marriage age notices birth notices 50 cent announce mants manta free obituary comments com menta 10 cents per line no advertisement taken fox foi less lesa than 25 cents kv wanted an active person 0 of f I 1 go good d character to travel with expenses daid caid representing established house bonse salary with increase enclose reference and self addressed stamped envelope general manager Mana eer lock drawer 11 1 chicago hi the he patriotic order sons ot ol america ameri ca x meet every thursday night those desiring to join the order please ma make e application to any member at the ord order C E LOOSE part president you yon a title to 10 Y year cur home so set cure an abstract from Ifa havercamp cl dark ar k without delay for delays are dangerous and learn the condition ot of your title office first national Nit ional bank utah jtb da II 11 Avic EcAmp blaik will lean ican you money at atlo 10 percent per cent per annum or 01 will burnish you yon an abstract of title to your farm or home on shortest notice office in first national bank building provo utah 4 1 K ROBERTS assures his customers S SK that he be is la in a position to supply them with ith the bist gasoline and coal 0 oil if on the martet market at the lowest once notice jas jaa hickman is not in our employ all laundry work solicited by tin in our name is done without our knoch edge PROVO LAUNDRY t now is your time the ainslie timber lumber company compan y must sell seil their entire provo stock of lumber and other buit buil JinK dinic material within the next sixty days without regard to p prices n ces now is your opportunity to ge get the best barga bargains in lumber ever ob bained in provo W 1 P KLING receiver U ir if bicar BEAN PROVO oct r 11 1882 garden Garde int seeds seed I 1 have for sale bale a full assortment of home grown and imported choice garden and flower seeds in bulhand bul kand also fays prolific currants giant rhubarb roots lowering flowering plants Thor burna extra early potato asparagus root etc orders by mail strictly attended to 0 Gar gardener ciener florist Fio riat fourth ward provo t ap 10 buys a good three roomed adobe house in the third ward enquire of f ch chas E leavitt Lea pro provo I 1 for sale twelve rods front seven rods deep can be divided into three residence lots iota heap cheap terms easy enquire of F W 0 HATHEN hathenbruck DRUCK lw iw bids wanted the undersigned undersigner under signed desired to receive proposals from responsible workmen for laying brick in the erection of jofs 8 meeting house at benjamin utah county bids wanted as follows lat for laying brick per 1000 2nd and for such work per diem the successful bidder will be expect ed to furnish LUl guarantee that his work will be thoroughly satisfactory the of the building are vestry main nuil building ding 20 feet tu to the square proposals Propos ala to be delivered to the under signed on or before april 15 1893 at 12 noon K R S bupt supt construction BINJIMAN march 29 1893 idhaw wanted immediately ten carloads carload 3 of potatoes by A R roberta ason son prove prova notice lotice those interested will please take notice that the assessment work to be done on the gos canal will ovill comme commence on saturday april abib 1893 all assessment work will be de 10 linquest lin quent on and after may let 1893 1993 N supt goa gos irrigation cc april 3 lw iw OK i ra 0 agents to bandle the ratel t alieu iel ie 1 ink rencil irlie most mol nd lid novel invention of tan law age aeo erases in luc a theor hughly in two seconds ec ondi work like mael JO A to per cent pruitt agents makhne 50 30 ler erwe week elc wa alio want are beneral ee agent to take charge charee or of territory und ap appalaro suo agents A r rare m e chance to make money writs write loc for wins an ana a specimen of slug monroe braser mie co X 4 lAl tOMe wis JAP ilal 1 I 1 I 1 FT 11 I 1 L ML I 1 C W JRE T I 1 aw A fa and treatment I 1 suppositories ointment in ca ponies also i ia boz and pills a positive cure care for or external rin tar tenial lial blind or bleeding Ite hinic J M tor t or hereditary files aej bd many obber 1 ases and female emala weaknesses weak it ibisi s 1 flays a treat great benefit to co tile tho genard iti ahe first discovery ofa of a medical CUT cure reo ran j lr ire an n operation oper Oon atron wath jile knits duilia an remedy has moyo dayer ans 0 to a I 1 vill oi aU I 1 tl I 1 per box 6 lor 5 so seat at by mcall why suller butter from this thia terrible wit dh easa irion a guarantee eua rantee to la positively oven with 6 boxes to refund the mon monsy it II not cured atud stamp tor for free sample utter antee anlee Issued byA A 0 smith co cc wh 0 lebale and retail druggists drug elst tole lika lake ety e ty T das dacy W I 1 ta 1 l M A J 0 KET mhd WE BOY fill I 1 I 1 1 soloa solo 5 BEANS iad ame f IC afi I 1 F TT afi 4 1 0 1 P C F MD I 1 I 1 i i i r RYE 1 I C MIND 1 t A IJ ilk VR I 1 11 t IF YOUIL ONLY BE aure mr irr 1 ae W d R lj I 1 4 w L r K S li ar AN jg t ft 0 V A 1 7 I bor i p IIII 1111 AW t I 1 F I 1 X 1 41 1 I 10 lo to R F N i e i 1 it I 1 i s 9 MAKE A I 1 in i n A A ALL ta Ps ak epp IT C 1 I EVERY EVE RY E WANTS I 1 vaa IT I 1 T 1 NJ ar AO J N apil ii M LJ 0 V e will sell all of ofir D DRY R Y GOODS at half balf of the marked prices imail all are sold call early before is 16 broken NOTHING BUT WILL BE TAKEN u katr r a ella N 8 0 B r M n a U U K g 04 i I 1 jol 4 TETia ioia os I 1 fire insurance life 14 I 1 dusenberry KNOWLDEN accident 41 I 1 plate glass t AGENTS live stock it rubber stamps and money ar to seals collections made PROVO MAII B SARA PARILLA his no equal stands standa alone as an the CRE kt k T P PURIFIER ind and lure cure for rheumatism NO KO SAIt SAPA RILLA now sold cold is 13 so fully a en n loread by Phy and complete Coia pleto formula printed on each bottle ask for BROWNS RILLA and use no BROWNS 9 afisu ara 1 I GINGER Is i kw aged to be 10 the best or Dissen dissenters tery and all bowel complaint I 1 it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica Gin gerand blackberry roots hoots Combi combined combated ted avi with th Aronat icis maldrie it an agreeable e safe and effect effectual ital remedy sold by all druggists Z y 5 7 FA qt A 7 7 rg q fa i 9 WA I 1 j F 2 I 1 r i talu Z 1 10 e tg t g I 1 I 1 li 1 4 I il 5 t I 1 I 1 1 ji A I 1 I 1 A ai 27 9 S 1 zi N 0 I 1 I 1 19 I 1 NM a 2 9 tl k 11 1 till ii I 1 L INI AW P YOU M ir I 1 IT a 13 1 from now on nn until til farther notice we wa will sell bell all kinds of material at cost for spot cash 11 9 11 ash we will not be undersold under sold by anybody people desiring goods in our p will eave money by calling alling on us before buying elsewhere call around rid nd be convinced for yourselves we are also the leading coal dealers in provo prove having constantly ot of hand band pleasant valley and rock kock Spring ii coal delivered to any part of the uit city y rock RA ua springs nut coal only 4 per ton i hi old reliable P PL LM L M mandico and B co I 1 RAILWAY DEPOT rike ift y s peak eak route I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 46 COLORADO 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 S SUPERB U PE it B S 0 EN E R Y I 1 v I 1 I 1 I 1 ALL STANDARD STANDARD GUAGE J I 1 id V I 1 shortest line between |