Show daily JOHN 0 manages manager laic E telephone lione number is ia 27 local mention in this column 80 30 cents per line each insertion advertisements and changes must be bent to THE office not later ihan 10 a 8 in to secure inser on aime day MONDAY APRIL 10 1893 rg sa k ain r AM aft r the only pure cream of tartar powder no amm ammonia onia no al alum r used in millions of homes io AO years th standard commercio Com mercia and savings bank bivs five per cent interest on savings deposits ep inderst compounded com bOUnded four fo u r limes a year vear t children cry for pitchers Ci when baby was waa sick rick we gava five her castoria when V ahen she was wag a chud child che bhe cried for Cuto Cast rift orlik when she became miss misa she iha clung to Ca cantoria Cai toria starla when she had children as cave them cantori Castor Cac tori ls k 0 WILLIAM ROBSON M E R C S L I 1 L K Q 0 1 I loudon 1 I am satisfied Batis Ged that more thin one halt the deaths which occur fin engelau easland d are caused tr marila by impaired action 0 of f the kidneys and the consequent retention in the blood of the poisonous poi onous kidney acid warders Warn cra sale cure the kidneys to expel this poison checks the escape of albumen relieves relieve the and prevents illanes from brou impoverished blood I 1 and emphatically state iffat I 1 have h aad be been u able to give more relief and effect more cures by the tha use of carpers War warners pers safe 0 lure cure than all the other ril edi cinon as aan certai to the profusion WM EDWARD the doctors doctors agree ff N M D germany I 1 my att attention antion having been exiled called to warners warnera sate sale cure I 1 gave the medicine to a patient of nine mine who was wa suf fering ferine irom from a complication ot of kidney and liver diseases the usual remedies for such euch disorders disorder had been tried tred in yain and the mans case caie seemed hopeless under the uee nee of sale gala cure he be WAS waa cam completely restored to health greatly to my surprise and tion I 1 haye have and shall continue cont inns to ir recommend Wa gainers Wain iners erB ftfe care in all circles of my acquaintance da man SS all lands endorse it salt cheap for cash a frame bouso with two moms aud lot located on L street between 2nd and and ard 3rd streets first ward provo city for farther darting a a inquire of X effice deim for rout rent or lease A good opportunity is ia thus offered foma ente enterprising person or dersons th alje amer american ican pork fork creamery can be a ither either rented or leased for the coniing coming i season by the abe month or year enquire of simpson Mi Mie euert sabert american forte t Mm jmwa WA I 1 R A GUNN M D now new york A para oual frind friend whose applies ti kioa an for life if insurance in aurance had ben been rejected was cured under my direction dir action by the me 1288 of warn ors site safe curt cure alter AI tr this demonstration of its ita howera I 1 ore r ascribed scribed it with the 14 salts alta in a large class clan of ailments where the blood is ie in ia an unhealthy tate state where there there is no BO evidence of organic orga itic mischief hat but where bre the health in ia depleted d the face willow swallow the anne urine colored instituting ilia be bilious bilion condition the Advant advantage are rained pained arom from the use of warner safe cure cura ii ia romark ble and I 1 ain i ad lad tn ta acknowledge and commend it thus favorably R RAG A rox M MD D it will certainly help you provo opera house J P B R Jok jordson manster spec special ial engagement one nig sight ht only FRIDAY APRIL M mrs S W J florence f accompanied P acied by mr idy howard ff ard coveney Go veney and special Specia 1 now new york cast in a grand revival of the famous comedy f aho IV 11 9 ty dollar the costal costumes 9 worn by MRS FLORENCE alre from special designs by the great felix of paris USUAL PRICKS PRICES seats on sale thursday april I 1 13 batio at 10 a in at provo book more 4 rig W essential to the production of the most perfect and popular laxative remedy known hive have enabled led the cali california fornia fig syrup co to achieve a great success in the reputation reou renn tation of its remedy syrup of figs figa as it is ia conceded to be the universal laxative laxa tiye for sale bale by all druggists BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE come around and get the only MUIR bar bargains 9 abis I 1 AT THE galt LAKE lip A S DONT MIS US here are a few of our BARGAINS boys summer suits cis up lle mena na suits baits from up oboes ladies underwear from acla up window curtains 11 docta up we wa are located at the store formerly occupied by DUNN aco II 11 JACOBSON JACOl tSOK M HOTEL CE CENTRE ST PROVO room 9 flut class one dollar per per da day or six Doll dollars dollaris arii per week weed L E M MASSIE arop pro artress rt ress if you yon want a pretty and stylish spring hat or bonnet call at mrs Weid ners EASTER OPENING 0 OF IF PATTERN HATS and BONNETS bonners ua mitch 2110 formerly stand CHEAP CASH STORE J K parcel has baa removed to the west coop co op building and carries a full line of fancy ancy and staple groceries GLASSWARE earthenware HARDWARE and NOT NOTI IONe ONd and dealer in UTAH PRODUCE A ACARD CAR D having recently taken the malage ment ot of the provo L M B co I 1 desire to inform the public that we are ar in a position to furnish them with the th the following flowing fo goods viz lumber lath shingles shi neles rustic siding biding flooring ceiling pickets Lets and all kinds of buising buil jing max aerial we also aleo handle paints builders bui hardware and co fencing len cing we tire are prepared to do all kinds of mill work such as stair work 1 door and window frames turning Dg etc we employ skilled mechanics we are the leading coal dealers in the city having constantly on band rock kock Spring sand pleasant valley vailey coal I 1 I 1 11 I 1 take pleasure in thanking the pub lie lic for their kind patronage in tha past band and solicit your trade in the future and W will ill guarantee you good goods at fair I 1 prices and courteous treatment yours respectfully P L M A B co W K R if sapt gr W nf 1 NJ I 1 M ff I 1 totne U X CUBED OR NO PAY no N d bertion lencou tion from business Luain eBS we refer yon on tp tn wort more than patients in Cu colorado lorado mil and utah alao I 1 notional Nit ional hanks in denver ond mccornick AI k A 0 co 0 o bankers Ban Lera salt lake 1 0 I 1 11 i beir w antl od written to absolutely eare aie all kinds of RUPTURE of both exes texes t act s without the use of KNIFE or SYRINGE no DO matte atter of how long standing examination the 0 E MILLER CO rooms 1201 and constitution block opposite Z 0 M I 1 salt lake labe SEND FOR FOE CIRCULAR k LC OG I 1 G SOB 5 ale ae D 0 py 0 I 1 t aj ITs EZ M tr P F 3 TS F 4 C OG cl T N L 1 el N r aa pa a bew if you will find a place for it when you see our spring P A 9 display 11 sp ay of quality ual y and elegance E e al Z f AM ii jk 4 our spring stock need nothing but buyers hey will gome they will W T be e satisfied 8 a lis fied they will buy at the m ak de ic h 0 P ft U a it visitors are not ask asked e d to believe but are shown goods to convince them that we are leading th the trade in ora is am CIO M Ms mill FRI R S IBI M S hills 9 etc IF YOU WISH TO SEE THE LATEST AND NEWEST IDEAS FOR THE SEASON gome coma anel amis see us IF F YOU WISH TO SEE THE VERY IN STANDARD STYLES AND RELIABLE MAKES gone cone and ami see us IF YOU WANT WAFT VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY some come ani and sep see us truth brands a buds our roods honest fashion F ash on pronounces themi correct vo ut styles estyl economy ja 0 commends our oar low ilow prices 41 A if you want to enjoy the full purchasing pur hasing power of your on war spend it ft with I 1 AF AF air AV CLO THIER TER 0 0 I 1 ER ER H AT 1 eft J OUTFITTER 2 THE proy milling co are prepared to clean aceil see d wheat from cockle seed feed smut and small grain crain or broken grain cheap wm Ashwor ashworth tL lasee draw |