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Show STRONG TONE IS EVIDENT DURING MARKET SESSION At Opening Stock Prices Show Over night Gains, Which Are Enlarged During First Fifteen Minutes of Trading By BROADAN WALL By In e at ona hews Sen- ce NL.V ORK Aug 6 Al ough dea ngs were less active In the s ock market today a strong tone prevailed through out the session se era new h gh records being nade B okers reported a good de ma d for securlt es on a recess on and genera expeCtrft on is ha the upward mo ement -wll be cont nued early to morrow At the opening prices showed over ght ga ns of from one to five points These were enlarged during the first flf teen m nutes of trad ng Before the end of the first ha f hour owever profit ak ng resulted In a recess on of about a point from the best in the standard is sues and about two po nts n he war stocks The market backed and ft ed unt 1 the ast hour when under leader ship of Steel quotat one aaln moved forward the close be ng ear the best Copper Shares Improve D stinct in provement in the copper shares was w messed o vlng to sales of he metal by large producers at 18 cents a pound and reports that the Russ ans were In the market for about 20 000 000 pounds of copper Al tre coppers wars an average of two po nts h gher Ana conda be ng the favor e Tennessee Copper w hich has dai y been mak ng new h gh records attrac ed much atten t on by advanc ng more than eleven po nts to the new fa gh gu e of 60 clos lng at the top quotation Nearly ten points of t is ad ance oc curred ti the las fifteen minutes of trad ng The demand for the stock was so urgent at the close tha odd lot houses after the c ose of business on the stock e change paid as h g as 67 for tbe , s ares over the counter Repo t ate th s afternoon was t at the : Tennessee d rectors were cons de njs a bond ssue of between ?2 000 000 and $3 000 000 bear ng 6 per ce to provide work ng capita and refund the $800 000 of first mor gage 6s ch are edeem able at 103 and wh ch fall due ser ally from De ember I 1915 to De en ber 1 191 It was s ated that the new bonds w 1 be con ertib e Into Btock at 125 Earnings Are Favorable Ra road earnings announced yesterday we e favo ab e but the stocks showed 1 tie en hus asm Un on Pacific repo t ed an n rea e Ln g oss of $287 629 and n net of $17 931 for Ju but those fa orable figures fa led to have anv ben eft cla Influence on the stock. Gross earn I lgs reported for the third week of Au gust by other roads also showed expan s on Utt e notice was gl en by traders to the estab shment of another new low reco d b s er ng exchange The pr nc pal features of the Run ely reorgan zation plan were announced and provide for an assessment of $9 a share on the common and of $1 a share on the preferred Those paj ng the assessment w 1 recei e a good security O 1 stocks were strong ow ng to the advan ing prices for o 1 Ca fo n a Petro eum ose to a new high p e for this mo em en Consump on has o ertaken production in he Cal forn a ol bus ness and CaHfo nia Petroleum s now drawing upon s ac cumula on of o Is stored dur ng the recent re-cent depress on foi owing the outbreak of the wa |