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Show PARTY WILL VISIT HAWfllll COLONY Salt Lakers to See Progress of "Clean Town" Contest at Iosepa There will be a Rala elean town contest celebration in the Ha auan ''outh Seas colonr at Iosepa Skull val lev ''aturi which will be attended bv a Urge number of people from alt Lake and Ogden The Haw a iana and Samoans and Tah t ans an 1 others from the lslan Is of the blue Pa fic who hae ome to I tab. an 1 taken up agriculture and stockra sine and homebu lding in kull vallev (which, b the waj they hae rechnstened Hawaiian allev) became rnbued mith the clean town move ment last year Th s vear Mime special pr res were oftered, and there has been much in d ldua) rival rv betiK-een members of tne settlen eut The udging in the content is be njr done now bv James H Pallia, the official scorer for the state boar 1 f health but the making of the awar Is and forma celebration of th te jnination xrf the content vnU take place tomorrow C tv folks who will go to Iosepa to join the transplanted islanders n their celebr-it i will start n automob les tomorrow to-morrow morning at 5 30 o clock from in front of the Hotel Utah The aato ists will stov at Grantsville for break fast, and expect to reach Iosepa short ly after 10 o clock when the exercises will begin The programme w 11 include ad dresses songs and recitations in Eng hsn bv the Hawa ans and ''amoans and talks n Hawaiian and amoan by the lt Lakers Those ho will go in the automo b le artv from here include Pres dent Joseph F Sm th of the Mormon church Ceorpe A Ste ner pres dent of the Commerc al club and Mrs Sterner W 11 G Fairell pres dent of the Iosepa Act cultural & tock companj and family Mr and Mrs George O Eelf Mr and Mrs W L Orem Mr and Mrs F S Murphv F C Schramm Mr and Mrs. B F Redman Mr and Mrs. Charles Tyng Mrs Herbert E Mac Millan Dr Jane Skolf eld Dr T B Beattv secretary of the state board of health E Weslev Sm th W Dar s Ben Holliogsn orth G ''tnngham H H. Cluff George F Stratton Moses Cowley Miss Kate Mc Vll oter M es Et th Hunter M ss L 1 a a Doa M ss Kapalani Chung See M ss Tda Thorn Hard B Richards R E Caldwell and Dr Heber I R chards of Pro o and Mr and Mrs George h Brown ng of Ogden The fest vities at Iosepa will con lu le ith a banquet. Some of the s to i w II return to the c ty Satur dav n ght and others will rema n unt 1 Sunda n ght |