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Show Q L B. PARADES P GOVERNORS 11 CONFERENCE 0nstraUon of Prepared js for Active Military !ice Given to Van-State Van-State Execute es ur t enreihfss foi a t ui tar ; the U 11 K arxt 1 t) rnors a 1 , , t d1 s- I the r I l ate esterda th an j er ot pan th a i Ton or row h 1 nerl to) c ot tew e-w I9e it Da 1 I W al h o 1 ore led the parde as on na der f the state s tor e The vis rrn s ani for er j, 6 nora Lma automobiles. Ration of Tarade Ik uifantr reg u eut ha t ma pm oniau u 1 a ter th toot r tatoe the field a t e the brigade s g al and hos ta o i loihCKK train ator H do ' aDot koiKe aud gut Oeneral Nelson T es re were w th Oo ern r a 1 an 1 ltioit Ro eroors an 1 torn r go t on the rev ew n tand h le the imen marches past tore the parade the go emors held fourth esjon for the pree tt on jscus on of papers, the da bo in gd to the treatment of prisoners ipttal pun anient tatement b former Oo ernor C ole tee of bouth C arohna that when are no loncer possible hbert n 11 id called forth a br ef response Governor Ooldsborough of Iarv who aa d tatement Unchristlj ' laa a statement s unehr tlv 1 Orapital pun bhment wrong i l mueh more so s capital pun J HJKot at the hanls of a mobt fibers ad ocat ng abol t on 01 the t& penaltv were read b Go ernor 'P Hunt of nzona and Governor .Kri F Dunne ot Illino s. pbers who fa ored abol Uon of the penalty were former Go ernors iSm of Maine and Adams of Colo- venaor Richard I Manning of 5 Carol na s& 1 that when a lvn h ;took place in h s state the county to par t 000 to the fam lv of the jo. L |