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Show GOOD NEWS ARRIVES. Samuel English Learns That Brother Was Not' Drowned. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, June 23. Not until he received re-ceived a letter from the relative a few days ago was Sam English, a resident of Ogden, certain that his brother, Alfred English, fifth engineer on the steamship Empress of Ireland, had not gone to the I bottom of the St. Lawrence river in the recent accident. The Ogden man had not been able to find the name of his brother In either the list of dead, or among the survivors. In his description of the disaster Engineer Engi-neer English relates in the letter that he was asleep when the crash came. He hurried to the engine room, hut that portion por-tion of the ship filled with water so rapidly rap-idly he was forced io seek safety. As the vessel listed he was able to walk over the side of the hull almost to the keel. After sinking with the steamship he came to the surface and clung to floating wreckage until he was taken on board a lifeboat. |