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Show POSTMEN PARALYZE PMLSEiCE Infuriated by Action of French Senate, Postal Employees Em-ployees Seize Office. PARIS, June 24. For seven hours last nijrht 600 angry postmen were In possession posses-sion of the central postoffice and prevented prevent-ed the movement of all incoming and outgoing out-going mail. The trouble arose over the refusal of the senate yesterday afternoon after-noon to include in the postal budget certain cer-tain increased allowances, in favor of which there had been a strong agitation for some time past. The news of the vote in the senate was receiver by the men with groans and hisses. They then BaUied forth;:: yard and tried to prevent the m.; mobiles from going out. The a-'.: had established guards with a v.-possible v.-possible disorders, but they ve: to prevent the postmen from over f a machine and blocking the gat'j The disaffected postmen rapid!;.'; !-numbers !-numbers and violence, and the '.'.. beaten and driven out of the -All doors were closed and ia:: Groups of postmen stood at the 7. and shook their fists at the pel;': . . men sang revolutionary hymns, jf-y guards and continued to hoi u' office against all attempts, to them. The minister of commerce '- l-Thomson, l-Thomson, sought to induce the z- -withdraw. He pointed out thau:: ate had voted an increase In IN aries to the amount of i2.1.'.v.' that the government favored tte allowance. The minister's wnnif N tie effect. Finally about miur.:-' men left, having accomplished t' pose of completely paralyse t:.e ' -service of the city from 5 o'clock t: |