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Show cum PUTS STOP i fflTHFULJOli Industrial School Wards v9 late Parole; Are Sent jfl Back. STILL LOVE' EACH OThJB Girl Tells Matron She WantjJ to Make Home for fl "Teddy." Jm Back to the slate Industrial school 'sB stead of on their honeymoon, went Stl Blondeli and Claud Sadler, wards of Juvenilo court, yesterday. But CuH badly worsted for the nonce, was notB "I lovo Teddy and he loves mo. I'm going to wait for him if i hw6?H and I know he will for me," saij would-be bride, who s a pretty Htufi'H of 17 year.H, -'H "Me, too," chimed in the boy wh?B 0 years old. "And 1 don't expect to hJH to wait very long at that." The brief romance, having for -jH background an orphanage and tha ttifl industrial school, began at Ogden tansH months ago, where The boy and kIm 3H while on parole from ihe lu&nJM school. They had -previously known il other at the school and even earlvB mere childhood, hud encountered aui'm other at the orphanage. It Is Bain The Juvenile court ofliclals took a hB in the affair at Ogdcn when It was fnB the two were paying too much attoniH to eacn oilier. The boy was orderedW stay away from his sweetheart, imM tlem under restraint, the couple nknHi an elopement. They came to Sa l IHi Thursday, determined lo get marrlHI soon as consent could be obtained fnB guardians or parents. Their plana h4lV out, however, and the Juvenile oMeHi were at their heels again Both wP found and taken before Judge UexarH McMa3ter of the Juvenile court, whohB that their actions constituted vlolatloniM parole and ordered their return to tlm dustrial school. u,e- The young couple told their storv? frankly and avowed their undying tfHt lor one another so fervently that seraB. of the juvenile court officials exprcsH1 the wish that they could arrange a UtH. wedding right on the snoL But it coiB not bo, for the Juvenilo court law lg dH' Just the same as any other. 'H Prom what could be found out yestfll day. the boy was sent to the IndoatH school several years ago because lieB into minor troubles frequently. He ls'V naturally bad, but simply a. hit waywV becaiise of improper environment, IK The girl is much the same. Sht B1 reared in an orphanage and cast upon-A own resources too early In life and sent to tho industrial school becauseB1 delinquencies, where she had been 'mk three years when paroled. . She told 'H Juvenile court matron yesterday thauV1 she wanted was a chance to raakdHr home for "Teddy," us she calls sweetheart. V Unless friends of (ho couple arnuM otherwise, they ill have to wait they are 21 years old and have paaB beyond the paJc of the Juvenile courRBj CARNEGIE TRANSFERS Wt TRUST TO SCOTLANH LONDON. July IS. Andrew CarosiSI has intrusted the Carnegie Dunfermllfc trust with the administration of tho"MP come from $1 0,000.000 of 5 per ccnt'BlM bonds heretofore administered by Carnegie corporation of New York. ItBV letter today the ironmaster savs: Bh "The transfer of administration 'E my motherland has not been made -eF cause the fund has not been wlselv Hi( ministered In New Vork, but bccausjKj the nature of things the conditions wEB!1 have enabled inc to keep closely in ioiHi with tiie fund soon must change. ItH, my duty to consider the future." 'Kt Mr. Carnegie adds that the lncomBiI $500,000 hitherto has been devoted toiF brarics and church organs in the UnlV Kingdom, but the Dunfermline trustHt to be given full power to devote the njt. "Into the most beneficent uses foriB good of the masses of Great Britain ifltfi CONVICT PARDONED, BUT MUST PAY DUP HELENA, Mont., July IS, On coaV tion that he repay those he swIndP within five years, Ham A. Hall of BHtt was granted a pardon today by GovV nor Stewart Hall was convicted of hif Ing defrauded clients of his lnveatraB, firm out of from $.10,000 to $75,000 his sentence would have expired in ljlfl. The governor appointed the state bttPl.B of examiners to pass upon the clalms.Vjjii Hall's victims and designated tha through which the repayment is toP made. Hall is to be subject to tbe:k ders of the board of pardons, and shoiF ho fall to make the repayment or shoMt! the board be convinced he was notiiK, tempting to live up to the terms of bT" contract, he must return to prlson complete his sentence. flt |