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Show of j ; The Difference Between "The Summer e. " Girl" and "The Summer Woman." h f. While thG former is having a "good A) time" the latter is too often dragging i around nervous, run down, tired out, 'i ) -with aching back and weary limbs, sleepless and wretched. Often it is "i ' kidney trouble, not female trouble, aud I ; Pole' Kidney Pills are a direct and ' ; poitive help for the condition. Schramm- Vij; Johnson, Drugs, "The Xevcr-Substi- tutors." Five (5) good stores. j '. (Advertisement.) f Improve Your Complexion. ! ' Your complexion as well as your J temper is rendered, miserable by a' dis- rf ordered liver and by constipation. Take fr J Chamberlain's Tablets and you will im- prove them both. For sale by all ml dealers, (Advertisement.) I For Everybody Everywhere 3 1 For workers with hand or brain for v If rich and poor for every kind of people j m in every walk of life there's delicious refreshment ina glass of 4 Afferent and better in purity and flavor. S 1 The best drink anyone can buy M fSA tlBI Be sure to get the genuine. 1 ? wJM Ask for k by its fu" name ff ShflP I Wm. to aV0ld imitations and M I gM substitution. j SCnd lCC k1, dffi "Whenever 'iraTl!- GHil fefaw 2 dd0 Arrow think l!k 2H5a of Coca-Cola. &5 . THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. .AlwR Theso women onco ohil(lle?, now happy nnd physically well with healthy childrcnwill toll how Lydia E. Pinlzham's Vcgot.iblo Compound made .ill this possible. Horo aro tho names and correct addresses write them If you want to, and Icarn for yourself. Thoy aro only a few out of inauy thousands. . , , . fflanwxtja. "Our first baby iz strong and healthy and i fiPlwiwxPal attnbnto this rc- j suit to tho timely uso V' WM oi yur Compound." S?iA Mrs. Fred YOHAtfir, MhpM Kcnt Oregon. " I owe my life and WM0fW0i Mrs. W. O. Spenceh, WiM-zs 5S Alabama. JS$ L mm " 1 havo thrco ch5r- ptSS: 0y.$ffi'& (Iron and took your K::::3y Compound each time." fWTStfSifi Mrs. John Howard, &yfrf. nrr , . TVilmingiou, Vermont. &xWy fej I ha.ro a lovoly baby boy and you can - toll every one that ho WM VJ W$mk is a Pinkham' baby." ilS Mrs.Louis Fisciinn, i$"HM33 Munroo St., Carl- Vk . w ""Wo aro at laBt Kjl Mri. Good Wirt $ g Diessod vith a sweet oglj mtlebbyBlrl.-.Mr3. WW Moutcgut, La. W$M L " 3mm fincst bab5" girls you Mm-- Wttjfc eversaw.-Mr3.Cf.B. $BMhJwm Goodwik, 1012 S. 6th MlSSpm , " 7 hnsband is tho happiest man alivo to-Wmm to-Wmm day-" -Mrs. Cuxkx m'SP&mwl Darbrake, 397 Maril- l3W'"A '. " fpi:yt "Now I havo a nico mm, - MftM baby girl, the joy of ouv home." Mrs. Do-mBm Do-mBm STLVA Cote, No. 117 W$m&$0- "I have a fine strong 0&i "iSf! babv daughter now." teTM&S Mrs. A. A. Giles, Pllk goTfittTillo, N.Y., MMM Kouto 44. mMSi " I hao a big, fat, WffiWR healthyboy.MrS.A: uil&LL n A. Balenoeu, K.F.D. UMJrJP No.l, Baltimore, Ohio. f ESPECIALLY ONSATURDAYS IS THIS f W STORE THE LOGICAL SHOPPING CENTER T B Our friends have learned that we nev&r disappoint them that our adver- I ?k ised features are conservatively announced that what we offer as a special is an ar- JlL Sffl tide which is in demand at the time that quality makes it a desirable purchase that H a. every effort is made to please customers that service is a strong and pleasing factor. jl H Lingerie and Voile Waists Millinery Section Neckwear, Shirts, Underwear Tf SiZf' 4?,c?ffr FivG tmiimed liatS, Values Up SHIRTS Corner Entrance. l.OBl ent styles. Values up lo J.yo, tor , inn 1 7r, , ,0 Art T . (im mm 95c. fOor;$1ea0ch 25c French o i $2.00 Lewis fm 5 starchofl cult's crepe union suit for (T ? Balkan Middy Blouses in all Children's runabout hats, val- goiSi1 or ne"li"ce J'-J" -AH Mm white, white with red, and white "fooVo? 49c $1.75 shirts for i .as ;D1 V8 JflPJ H Wp with navy trimmings. Sizes from " "UU , V"V m Jor -g" SSi trAS M Y 12 to 20, special at 95c. . Women's rough straw sailors, 2.0o sh,rts for i.sa ui5":lj- - V Z ' L worth 75c, rr . .UU aUQ ?pl. (D ? H M Lingerie and Voile Waists, 75 differ- for -OC Underwear . Cooper's closed jfiB H W SoikSn ?SS ' r tclf: SI..oruphi1ho Women's imtrimnied hats, Two-piece Bal- iAJ suit 3 A W.76forl.9. values to $1.25. . fl Suspender 20C, JrOa Tailored silk shirts in white, black mm. :i for 50c. iffYh H fAjO and colored stripes. All sizes. Values up Women's tailored hats, A-alueS J.vu-jjil(X poi- "Waglj fies 15c. VAib H AT to $4.00 for $1.95. t0$2.48f ojfl kmtu :nderwear. 2 foT 25e;'35c. 3 I Crepe de chine waists in white and tor TTninr enife for$l.00. H m& colors, including navy blue Eray, brown PaUCy feathers, WOl'th Up to Mlbriwa i TjllSeeU SllS" gf M mtfj and prune. Regular $o.00 values for .-p2.9o. nn rt 1 -1 o nalbriggan, -19c a peuders. 20c: 3 for Uf? 1 for.' '.$1.19 - suit. 20c. ? Corset alterations- are a feature not ncccs- fVilmWl wino-c oil cTinrW vnl , L0? Sllits, CottOll llOSe 111 H Ufltl sarily a corset purchased here, but any V-vUiUlLU wingb, dll bilctUCb, ctL- balbngan. $1.50 tnn or black, 10c; rnfci corset. es to $1.50, 63c value for 9Sc. 3 for 50c. hI m 1 Guaranteed Suits for Ribbon Section 'Sir I Boys at a Half and a 5 00 yards of ribbon rem- thj J rpi -j y "ants, all. colors and widths, for TVTiccc5 Tcc- Third Less. half price. iVIlSSeS UfeSSCs VAm r 7 ti a bIack vclvct ribbon for 0c Vfi Clfi ?;? for RQr flli H Other Dress Accessories 25c black velvet ribbon for isc jj.uu oaiues toi ovc mjp H 30c black velvet ribbon for 20c j j , S y Ivan Frank Co.'s Clothes 35c bIack vclvet ribbon for ?5c Misses dresses m colorea yo INjB Each suit guaranteed to hold shape Dresden ribbon in plaids, lawns, percales and ginghams; J(jf! 'yg and color. Suits by this maker are stripes and flowered designs i cr' sizes 6 to 14 vears. AH popular P H seldom sold at such low prices but 35c valuc for shades; splendid variety of styles. llCih i heavy stock must be reduced at ' Tr , . nn or tk ulm once Values up to $3.00, tor b9c. KflR H i QiVor. 1 frv 1Q 31. -rMo-r.l-rl 4- o rictor Victrola -would brighten the even- ; "vT 1 oizes 0 10 IO die maiKeCl ai el iSs at home new records hero first. Hire's "Root Beer. Horlick's Malted Milk, hair. , Welch's and Calwa Grape Juice, delicious lfito 1 Wd Sizes under 15 are a third less. . . . ice?t ltclSl tho M )( Regular prices ai-e $7.50 to $16. hllPm Walst Fronts 7 TO Wash suits for Boys' hats of Hnd Embroidered Waist MlllinerV Specials fiffi I the little fellows liEht weight felt i'ronts, made by the Filipino XT H between 2 and 10 and summer cloths. women, shown in our demonstra- for 3 f 1 1 TH 3 V ? 1 ? years old are a For boys from 3 to f Wflfli, i?VPPV n,lft()vn r:e 1 ULU1 J irS lfh third less than S. years 75c val- J 1011 Ust JveeK- ueiy patlein CM- WA H RlJO llsual" x,cs for 45c" terent. An opportunity to get a rimmed rtats mjp H XT Boys' $1.25 Boys' caps A beautiful waist at the lowest , . , , , . y ? shirts for 95c. In laiU variety for possible. Values lip to $8.00, for 0 ldtS in Gaiiv C010.1S, ei V line v H ?fh French flannel with summer w??r-5oi $3 95 milan and hemp braids-specal price. Sl.,0 jWfe H Ulm French cuffs or and 75c values for eaclK . MV) H 1W neglipc and pleat- 35c. 25 Hats 111 light COloi'S, l'lbhoU, f H SHaS8, U B 0 V S ' khaki Z I ' flower and rnilan trimmed wonderful val- ? A A nW lmf, -StiiloHB lro- UNDERPRICED MER- e. at WJO each Jfcj Km r Sl , s e- n?rfoik coat. ruAMPiTCP ctta-dij All patterns, black or white, Lm f thirT ne' tSoi CHANDISE SQUARE everything in summer hats for Half Price T .' Corner Entrance. Sale at Nine and leso. ffm Kim CATCF. SAT F RTivqpv ftillr rj-lnvpc Ifilniffnn The Hair Goods Section offers exceptional JAUD lVP onrvi OllH lVajSei pi Iv LTlOeb, Ip-OUtrOll opportunities in French Hair for Saturday. mi it c t 'i i -ri. lenqth, doublo tipped. Colors, black. " p ? lne ladies Ot Llberty 1 ark white, tan, navy, pink, pongee and sky U(h H MfU M. E. Church will hold a cake sale hero blue $1.25 quality for 90c. Hoover Suction Sweeper demonstration JM AUD Saturday. third floor. 7' H fe pr Redfern and W arner Corsets TO X sMk sJA If III Redfern Corsets are known every- H W MifMw J fial II where t0 be absolute1 correct that TO ir)rm 4 ' the are authoritative in design is ac- ) Jrffe f ImalfHy JV-- Hi knowledged by leading fashion mak- jtfjh f !P (Wi! ers- This means tnat a Redfern moulds X -W-mM PlJ5( P" fa-hionably, and irrespective of the fLl snugness of fit is thoroughly comfort- fjjjp lfh ' I f Fresh shipment of these excellent corsets just I received. State Street window display, yg' Jt (jm Women's Lorraine Silk Underwear the most Women's Bloomers, $3.00 value for $2.25 Women's Swiss Kibbed Black Bathinfr UUn JUil comfortable, economical and luxurious silk r, i- ci i i n Suits. $1.75 value for ............... .1.50 f uudorwear made. Boys7 Balbnfrgan linion Suits; kneo lenpth Women's Black Swiss Ribbed Vest, 7oc T ? . aud short sleeves; regular 75c value for 50c value for 50c Ufm Womcn'B Vmon Suits. 5-00 valo fr 2.05 Girls' and Boys' Nazareth Union Suits. Women's Black Eibbed Tights and Bloom- Kjjg nlln Women's Vests. $2.50 value for $1.75 two to ten years old, special 50c ers, 75c value for 50c Jyjnf 3( SalllnM every vreok ( Fridays to Liverpool, jfrom Montreal ind-j Saturdays to Glasgow. ( Qusbso. ( Sundays to Havre and London. LarRe, Modern Triple and Twin Screw Steam-era. Steam-era. First, Second and Third Class. Popular One Class Cabin" Service (Called second class) Ratc$45 upwards to London. S47.50 to Glasgow. Largest Finest Fastest Steamers To Canada Will Do Ready Summer Season Luxurious Accommodations, Glass Enclosed Promenades; Electric Elevators, Gymnasium, etc. Doaton to CJlaasow, Sailing evory two weolto, carrying one class cabin (second) Passenger-All Passenger-All Steamera fitted -with every Modern Equipment For Roaorvatlona Apply Allan & Co. '27 U. Dearborn St., Chicago or Local Aeon' Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural action, and cures constipation Doan's ReKulets. Ask your druggist for tliem. 25 cents a box, (Advertisement.) The uso of tho Want columns will afford opportunities for tho exchange or salo or household goods. UINTA EjANDS Now Is the time to buy land In tlie Uinta Basin. The Farnsworth Canal has been extended several miles, openlnjr up a large quantity of rich farming land. New settlers going In every day. Railroads Rail-roads being surveyed. Everything prosperous. pros-perous. Prices advancing. The time to buy larld Is right now. WOOD REALTY CO., 411 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. A&soIirteljrFuie Alaska I ' for$66 I Excursion steamships leave Seattle 9 P. M. Tune 20, July 2, 8, 14, 20, 26, Aug. 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, via Inside Passage; Berth nnd Meals included m fare; see Glaciers, Indians, Totem-poles, Totem-poles, Fiords, Forests, Snow-capped Mountains. An ideal vacation voy-age. voy-age. Ask for special folder. A'rservah'ons now on sale PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Los Angele. 540 So. Spring Street Son Frcnciico. 653 Market St.. (Palace Hotel) Soottlc, 113 Jsmci Street H Got out the right workers by means of The Tribune Wants. |