Show LEGAL NOTICE in the probate court of butali county territory ot Ulab v notice of time and place lor hearing or pa atlon for admission to probate of will in the V alter ot the esisto of gideon B wood dec pursuant 0 o an order of bald court in said natt r notice as hereby aven that saturday the slat day of jam a ya D 1191 at 10 a mal courthouse Cur in city dlan of utah in the court room of gald court has been atae time and place for iba bearing ot a petition of alexander roberton and isaac bal forthe admission adms sion to probate of par to be thelast will and of D wood wh n and where nil i arons li terestea may lupear and coit the said willor ahe granil nii of letters to as Dat edat proto c ty january probable clervi utah county utah |