Show LEGAL an fn probate con rt in and for I 1 r 1 utah county atory t la the of be esaue of JOHN M da K n d notice Is hereby thai in pursuance 01 an order ot the probate u iiri ol 01 utah C duniy on hie day bif oer 1830 in the alie desiate or jubin al drake decea seil ire ilia ud of said will ulu to alie lilibet t bidder and lu ron by the isaid probate curt ou or afier atie day of 1 itai it ai all me iuie resi and of inc said jotin M drance ufa at he aline i nis deth de th iud all tle ellit lailo and hat tie aid estate ha by operation ul law other thaur th aur lu addi the hald bis death in aud to all ibri resort known a the diio nud lr allf resort pos gitlit 0 o at undivided half tn ngu situated on the bhore ol 01 chuh lake t ili erin inns atif the provo kiy Kiil rod in sio lion nine 9 tonii nip seven 7 tull wo 2 eaas sll lacco i i h territory iber kiili AH aall interest Ini erest tio bath houst x y salouh abil oilier structures bal alo all suitor suit fr t liquors row beai antl biber ny belonging whereto and in llon wilh resort for terms and of ale apply to 1 l i toria alo reaid bids anat aty be maile at any after the first publication of notice abiud becore ahe mahln ot ibe sale all bids and chars must be made in writ ing and left at the oattie sali admiel i rover batore at the corner of adal city utah and tt or to the personally itie right to reject all bids dated at provo cuy december alst A D 1330 administrator ot tap estate of john 11 drake deceased |