Show aj a AA A A A t A SUMMONS 2 w iti ewt raj court city TERRITORY OF UTAH 1 before A A noon justly of the Peace n 2 aa c john 1 vs john doe defendent anklow oame la o un ft requested this court on tte hii day ot january A i dial ai 10 day to answer a coia plaint fl kald claims wi w samaa caused by your ou til ps bet ai a i follows to ali ater star in brands to beleau and boj bat if you fal antl nw preaU ati b fth iho mutu aina aud the chali of this suit dacej this ath day of janu iry A A OV AJ r 9 A J the SUMMONS ea j in the justice court or city 1 territory utah county 1 before AM nood juluce oi the pi ace joan y SUMMONS john doe defendant to john do tahoe name Is ie unknown QU ellenus elle nuy to appear before day ot january AD 1891 at 10 aclo k a m oi said day to acim filed you wherein ald claims ot two dollars hyl aur alnis on his premises at cily raid almal Is described as kollowa tol lowa to 10 one s ear hotd li elfer brand n left and you are hereby that it you fal and anaw r saad ac the afore salil will be taken you lor sa W ahe anio of aard damage keeping said animal and cost ft teab lax haaz W v f i t ans xa feda justice oribe peace |