Show SALE OE BEAD ESTATE notice is hereby given that in pursuance ol 01 an order of the probate chui coui i ol 01 salt lake cuu uty utah made shii 1891 IL tue esl ate bilu a bliler decca wd ilie sell m bulb 10 hits subject lu by teiei alc court ou tue 12 dl pooai denral blocs number as weal ye street ailt lake city arid counti utah territory nil itie eglit aue lu deceased at ue title aud interest leiai lue sald has by ol 01 law or otherwise acquired ftuer traitor lu at the his death in anil 10 all that certain ol 01 land situate m Terru ory aud described us follows to wit an undivided one half interest in an d to a carl ctrl tin quarry ll 11 st alon m ald voundy and known as alte t r de abid b ing timber indru notice by ahe locator by they fay iciey aae located anu m kiy sir hundred feel li bOu red sand stone lode vein or deposit beating sand stone and on tile round aa t ai aliis projecting outcrop and monument ago about one ul a thy first water tan H tie JJ ah tr K alti spanish fort canon and six miles firm the mouzli or ahe banou on ine left bund side golub up be canon and sud luc ilois in baid notice slated tb althey claimed fourteen hundred ma souta erty direction and otic hundred feet in a northerly direction oa atone lodge thi nollia and monument a arms centon the purchase pui chase price t to paid on day of sale ol 01 sale bi i said t robabe ct urt and of deed bids must be m writing and may be leit at or lo 10 me peru ally any lime before the bald day daiel january 1891 BRUBACK administrator of of JL B a hlll 6 deceased |