Show REWARD ill be given to any person who will the evidence that will convict sly person of starting any of the recent incendiary fires in provo city J E BOOTH mayor of provo city hotel arrivals HOTEL ROBERTS wm gardner san francisco C E bennett salt lake E B critchelow salt lake J W Wal bold oceola E B brown denver A A kraft sacramento H R sheldon juab jas E burton ogden J W barnett salt lake 0 H mcmahon omaha harry salt lake G G dark salt lake mrs H smith salt lake cosmopolitan HA christon Sh riston michigan WJ johnson utah J W torrence keokuk N ANe gave salt lake SM paul bait lake C P stacy chicago E B brown denver J W omaha J M left iowa W J kennedy salt lake frank R gillispie SaIt Lake S V kansas city robert st clair st louis james clyde heber geo smith salt lake joe ludwig st lonia wm cody kansas city charles juab M C terra charles W H snyder jos hodge S keara and wife denhar experience nt a conscientious woman mr wisdom SIR I 1 beg to thank you for the delightful and refreshing Ito bertine you so kindly sent me I 1 have used the toilet preparation of the most celebrated manufacturers of london and paris but consider your eo bertine their superior in point of purity and excellence wishing you the unbounded success you deserve I 1 remain lith fully youra EMMA ABBOTT for sale bv smoot druar co COMMERCIAL DEFT appointed to raise cash A BOOM TO BE FITTED it will benefit provo thousands of dollars and will open at once at p ajon saturday a sen tation ot the business men of provo met in the directors office of the first national bank to con ider and act upon the establishment of a commercial college in connection with the B Y academy hon A 0 smoot was elected chairman and following dr karl G maeser W H berry prof B duff J B keeler and other of the project and showed that in various ways provo is bene fitted from various parts of the territory and that every student who has attended the school from other cities spends at least in provo for board lodging and clothing out of the students stu denta attending the B Y academy not less than are spent by them which results directly to tha benefit of provo and should other students be induced to attend just as much more benefit to provo would derived besides the business and population of provo is such as to fully warrant such a school a grand success the subject was raised as to where a suitable room could be gotten and after considerable reasoning it was decided that to disconnect the commercial class from the main body of the school would not insure success on the ground that extra rent cost of furniture lighting etc would render it almost impraim tic able with the limited means that might be raised in time to commence it was finally decided that another room in the basement of the present building be fitted and furnished for that business some thought that clerks and business men would avail themselves more readily of the an vantages of the school if the college were located somewhere up town but others thought that to expedite the matter and insure its success it should be located in connection with the present body of the school mr dusenberry said lie would give the matter his hearty support and would do more for that than any other project he knew of at present and that this is one of the substantial principles upon which we should boom our city he motioned that a committee of five be appointed to solicit subscript bioni to baart the commercial college which will require about he noticed also that most of our laboring men and mechanics were void of collateral information and that our commer bial college would reach all such classes dr maeser thought the school should not be separated from the present portion of the school mr probert thought it an important move and it pleased him better than any move lately ladeby way of progression but where will the money come arora I 1 favor it as far as able but cannot do as much now as in a little while he thought more of practice than theory in the principle of education and rather the theory than practical part he confessed ignorance in learning and considered himself as good aa alie teacher for he never had one but himself facts be stubborn things ut I 1 stumble on to some once in a while and will do as much for the commercial college as any man of my means peter stubbs said the movement has my sympathy and I 1 am like mr probert in regard to theory much prefer practical education and though limited in means will mr dodd arose and seconded rys motion in regard to the committee mr houtz thought contributions should be made before the meeting adjourned aad that the subscribers pay the same within a few days mr dusenberry asked how and for what the money would be spent professor cluff asserted that it would be expended in fitting the room and purchasing furniture etc mr young thought it advisable to sell a piece of land and get money to crack the ice with mr keeler said not less than were stud dent attending the academy from abroad and that out of tha students stud ends now attending are importations mr graham offered aa ame to mr motion and moved that three instead of five be appointed to act as the committee mr dusenberry accepted the amendment thought that if a little time be given 50 could be raised where people would only pay 25 to day the committee motion was carried and the following business ensued on motion of mr graham ben B eldredge was nominated a committee I 1 man he objected and was excused mr probert mentioned mr J R boshard elected by motion of dabid john J L graham was chosen and elected a member of the committee mr taylor nominated R H dodd be asked to be excused granted mr boshard nominated H S pyne carried mr boshard being the first member of the committee took the chairman chip and after suggestions of lock the dears the cream of the business began W H dusenberry broke the ice with an eagle and the following contribution were made provo book stationary co 25 D D hout 25 david john 2 ben R eldredge 25 H S pyne 26 provo west coop co op 25 J 0 granam 25 peter B II 11 dodd 25 bvm probert va irvine barney 25 east coop co op 30 P L M B co 26 first national bank of brovo 30 how and taft 20 wm roberts 20 robert 10 earnest ia JB keeler 10 hathenbruck co 90 many anther contributions will be made nd before next week is over 1000 will oe railed aa over half of that amount ia i subscribed and only a few of the busi 1 aass portion reached A sure cure for piles piles are known by moisture like causing intense itching when warm this form as well as blind protruding viel dat bouce to dr Bosan kofl pile remedy which acts directly upon the parts effected absorb tumor allays itching and effects a permanent cure druggists or mail circulars free dr Bosanko arch st philadelphia pa sold by pyne maiben athe chiora proprietor of this paper ha frequent colds for some years which were sure to liy him up if not doctored at once he finds that chamberlains cough remedy is reliable it opens the secretions relieves the lungs and restores the system to a healthy condition jf freely used aa soon as the cold has been contracted and before it has become settled in the system it greatly lessens the attack and olten cures in a single day what wo ald otherwise have beba a severe cold DOS Moines Iowa 50 cent bottles for aada by drug co BUSINESS FACTS stable to rent THOMSON FOB BALK pare bred durham bull thomson FOR Imported shire stallion thomson FOR SALE pure bred tersey bull thomson WHEN want first class raisins call oysters arst of ane season at the enterprise restaurant WAGON and buggy business boreale THOMSON cleanliness promptness and cheapness at the enterprise restaurant iv you want a good square meal eo to the enterprise restaurant dinners 25 cents THE dinners at the excelsior knestaut rant are superior to any in town con si dering the price only beeswax wanted at dunn ocoa S notice the display of ladias kid glove ai the provo east co op ladies fine kid gloves ill colborg foster patent for 1 per pair lit the east coop co op still leads the grocery trade of call and epee lor yourselves brov steam laundry Laur dry ol 01 salt lake bevans haa the agency for the celebrated troy steam laundry salt lake city bundles left monday wib be seat and returned free of express charees satisfaction offices at D R G express office in ho we taft grocery filore abent wanted A good canvasser awl agent for sewing machines organs and pianos wanted immediately apply to provo book stationery co GE S manager WILL close our line of striped and plain seer suckers at four yards for 25 cents call early and bargain go important to ladies know ve the citizens of provo city that the lime of year has come when something must be done by each and every store keeper and be feels it his duty to make some special efforts to please his customers with new and where as the firm of jaa thomson co is a new firm they have decided to do something quite novel by cutting the prices of all of their goods to nearly cost underwear j in every variety and ai lov down figures at BROS co J street blidt J for the erection ot a fire department building for city will be received by the undersigner undersigned under signed on or before monday february ac 1891 at 2 p m for plans and specifications call on E C walking architect at his office at the territorial asylum building all materials must be furnished by the contractors the city council reserves the richt to eject any or all bids not considered advantageous to the city E C henrichsen chairman corn on public grounds and cita property are yon troubled with gravel diabetes or any derangement of the kidneys or urinary organs oregon kidney tea is a safe sure and speedy remedy for all anch tron blea aak smoot drug co wanted A lady wants ft home to do lighthouse work with small family will serve as companion to invalid or take charge of a widowers home references required address tf 20 M S silver city utah blankets and fur and plash ap rabaa lelling at cost at C 9 aas cussens mus sens LADIES and misses hosiery are being bold at coat for the next 10 days at B S co J L laiton steam and fias fitter ame wel bia ila ALWAYS ON HAND lelh tuh basins sinks pumps awn SPRINKLER GARDEN HOSE etc houses fitted up inthe most approved savle with steam gas hot and cold water orders promptly attended to ff GIVE ME A P 0 box 16 CENTER ST PROVO UTAH sacramento ant HO 69 st will open saturday january FIRST CLASS MEALS call and see u on terms TOY proprietor the fair Is the place to go to when you fine glassware elegant lamps CROCKERY FAMILY LAWN CHAIRS STOVES INCLUDING MIRRORS ALBUMS ETC the fair HALF BLOCK NORTH OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE inn are completely equipped with all kinds of building malarial lowest prices and prompt attention to orders WE MAKE A speciality OF B naina bici oar establishment is run with the latest and most improved machinery and everything in the building line can be furnished on the most satisfactory terms CALL AND SEE US prop provo J UTAH leading photographer over booth wilsons Wil sons law office wholesale and dealers in furniture of all kinds bedroom aits nits 22 and up parlor and upholstery at bargains baay carriages lace curtains portieres eres backs fec prices to suit all we are now in our new quarters 15 17 19 east seventh street PROVO SHAMBLE M BUTCHERS EAST cash paid for fat calves EXCELSIOR BAKERY BREAD CAKES PIES ET A mr op AT PRICKS 00 in with our bakery we hare a nice cozy lamca AMO BOOK freih oysters and porter rouse always on hand anne PLACE FOR LADIES peoro city J H watch this ay aft TT T T FOR THE provo music first tationa dm tatt sti if jr fc JL JL J paid in cambal 50 as A 0 T R CUTLER t W H C A ASSIST JUTT DIRECTORS S 8 JONES j JOHN 0 i WALTEE B PIKE H H J P B JOHNSON fe deposit vaults absolutely fire proof bents 3 to la 15 lor DEPOSITS PAYABLE ON collections SENT RECEIVE PROMPT AND remitted AT LOWEST RATES correspondents new york NATIONAL bm san francisco aalt lake city bin acquainted with the fact we are already the cheapest that place in town wil appreciate and avail them selves of the opportunity we are offering for the next 30 BAYS we will sell ALL of conr sleek at IS per cent discount to reduce and make room for our spring goods now on tha road remember Ee member 15 per cent of evory hing you buy for the 2 exic 30 days beginning beg ining delmary ast 1st 1891 rn 10 so 14 arnon block I 1 TSE cheapest ji CO the nest dry goods groceries Ladies Children gents furnishing goods BOOTS AND SHOES we are selling off our stock of r LT AND BB CONVINCED Cl g |