Show KANSAS carr feb IG abe times today says that president nettleton of the kansas city fort scott memphis has determine tu carry out plans which have been under consideration of the memphis with the missouri kansas texas the aln alao the purchase by ilie broadi of missouri 10 he built through kandab city to topeka kas to boone villo mo the terminus of 1 he missouri kansas texas thia giff tw latter an entrance into and terminal iu kansas city and would tit time hy means of a arnum arrangement mith alie bur linit ton fruin make hh road to chicado Chi caso another of Nettle tons plans which the jimes is to aft carried out is providing an independent line fur the memphis from ali to alie seaboard the first step of the latter plan was taken two days ago hu president sparta of tue georgia aurida and maon birmingham bought the covington lacoa macoa road tue next step is the consolidation of ane georgia florida southern and the roanoke systems alhia accomplished accomplish fd the two consoled con solid cited Sou Hiern lines will the memphis this will be the hig independent terminal facilities at im and two feea board terminals savannah and new orleans then should the missouri kansas texas deal be carried through says the times the combined batem would make ahe strongest of all southwestern and southern roads |