Show administrators SALE OF REAL ESTATE S r 1 hereby alvea pursuance or an the Probate lot salt lake chuu ly utah territory j january i 1891 la au esi ate ol 01 L As b deceased tue sell su private kale co tie by byi i i court lmh styf 12 huou number as west aake city suni ail the right estate ux oie katar deceased at the title aud Imet esl law or otherwise other or in attili deceased at the lime vt bis in and lo 10 alii that certain parcel territory bad and bounded as lol an interest quarry scald utah county no a lilt ad by ibe locators j by they say luey hiie located bun jred luet m by six hundred feet IL width red aana alone lode described oa he ground ag follows f i ai projecting and hie if fourth ot 0 aule rum on the 1 H spanish spork canon and about alx ane mouth of band aid golubi up and locators unsaid claimed ro arteen hun dred leet ln and pue oa inia sand ills nall andi bonu ft A t t aad sale cash b ori day baale ot batet by cask and of deed bids may belelo athor mailed t theraid place or delivered to tue undersigner undersigned under signed ariy assil J B p all i ler deceased js y 1 1 notice Is here by given that in pursuance ot aa order or utah county biah territory made ottilde ath day of sep lemb tet matter ot the atme of thoma the ofle bald estate will sell at private sale lu the bidder for casa gold coin of the united atties and cs to court on the ah ila of 1891 at 12 dinst the office kooman acab bank all the etue and estate of etite ot Us that he jd estate hag ot law or wisa acquit or in to feon of hla abath ln and to ail that or parcel olland situate lying and being lather sald city biati and ter aad described r t S burve yi IIA utah icente baar roda thence north ids ass mss i ceans and cola otlee state ten peren tot 1065 pari par i ine day of sale b blanca on ane conferina said hj rf deed othio expense ofsha trudix AU ia in aru d of the lenay deceased u i aia i this of january A ra urr ff |