Show stopped by jellyfish jelly jolly fish those who live near the seacoast sea bea coast ate are familiar with tho the fish th the 0 name implies the delicacy of u its ure for the jelly cah ia a mass of living jelly so bo unresisting is its bodily fabric that when lifted from the bea be it seems seema to drain away into a shapeless pulp an english writer compares it to the ministers sermon Ber raon which as an alii 14 lady said etui had bad 11 nae vitala 11 t bat delicato delic delicate ajo and unresisting its aa are jelly fabes when seen been pulsating pula ono one by one through the summer ee se athey lava have been known when combined in masses to stop atop an ocean ethamer et st oamer one right in september yep a year ago the crocodile nn mn english steamship ship was brought to a fall stop bile near tho the equator 1 by s a school ol of jelly dibb they 11 appeared in myriads ny myri rinds ads writes a passenger 11 as far as aa the tha oyo eye could roach reach and the thousands of luminous bodies floating upon the water gave tho the appearance of a scene from fairyland SOMO of 0 the fish got into the strainers of the condensers nail ami blocked the tha holes choloa so that the water could not enter end and the result remit was M that the vacuum went down and then hen disappeared entirely the condensers conden eera he ha oon inies 11 afterward became so heated that we had bad to stop steaming gaBing et altogether take off the strainers and clear them three attempts were intile to steam anti and each failed from the name dome cause in this way wo were delayed no less than fire haars hoars but babat at daybreak daybre ali the fish sank lank and the ship wag able to proceed the name ame thing occurred again on the following night tile the ship being delayed fear hours r lous ona As this incident is it its is not a un I 1 il performance e T f ormande cl 0 nature the p no if li ili so duplicate du d licate that its beauta I 1 I 1 tal fal crystal fades Is an voon oon ai touched yet masses of 0 snowflakes ampol compel tho the swill to halt and stand for hou hours ire in id I 1 I 1 k |