Show 0 I 1 if 0 in the tha firth ward of efthia this city cily april loth ISM isalin in anne ann Kb helene ll elene wild wife of jorgen C nielsen Niel seii sister NiI sn wm was born in Ifor sens den dau mark june junea 1813 1843 embraced the alm gospel when 15 years of age ein ml grat it to uth utah with bar mother ill 1801 sim it no of n 0 9 children 3 of whom bare 4 didd he mother and 8 6 are ara loft left with the lather father to itts mourn the loss of it I faithful wl fai and mother abbe 0 rasa as a f faith A iab ful fill lottor day saint and died blied with a sure hire hupa hope of a resurrection af ou on Tuo idAy the hist albert agod aged 11 II yeara 0 months on dinst clenry fixed 5 years 1 a I anil and on oil sunday ith sati elizabeth only daugh berago ter KOI 3 ii all of J joseph 0 h and elizabeth for fork also jamet jame F son ion ol of anil and Mai maitlall 11 blunter aged ayears and 9 daya american icek |