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Show aseSJSS!Z of tabernacle, . rrnVISHBD HOU S E -XrVnd floor 'avit SLEEPING BK'fltun Iicat. ga C3449 1 APTS., NEAR UzzZZZg rooms. S10 PER 17 So. 6th EasL BK SUITE OF HOUSE- BRN. COMPLETELY tuning rooms, cro md 2 Second EasL c3oi3 OMS. NICELY fUI?" floor. 33 Church st. 11 c3579 INISHED TWO-ROOM and coal ranw. large liar: modern and upto jtaJl: reasonable. 23 U, and Gth So. onth FURNISHED ROOMS eplng, gas range. Bell c3C5S )OMS FOR LIGHT lUi gas, close to post-i post-i Main at. 3 JENISHED BOOMS lad East st. x2123 JED CLEAN ROOMS: use In. 20S "East 3rd 275 SOUTH MAIN; nu BO cents: $2 per uaa f HOUSEKEEPING 1 South. b!211 )M; MODERN CON-5 CON-5 Gibbons apts.. 2d1 NT. CLEAN ROOMS: porch; 510. Inquire 23 C2315 EWLY FURNISHED; Tabor hotel. 106 So, c3140 L'lTH ALL MODERN r gentlemen. 32 5th C3101 URNISHED SINGLE oroughly modern: two im temple; gentlemen 190-Y. C3321 DOM IN MODERN leat; walking distance, hono 1721-K. c2953 ROOM. BEST LOCA-81 LOCA-81 1st nvc. c3360 ROOMS. STRICTLY 23. 303 Almond street. C3C65 riCELY FURNISHED sot, modern, hot water, month. 537 South W. c3669 FURNISHED FRONT 141 South 2nd East. c33S5 HED FRONT ROOM, ne, close In. 3-13 South d30 2 ROOMS. WITH OR eplng. modern; single North West Temple! d2l riWISHED ROOM TN rlvato family. -160 3rd toentedooms lND room ipM7)TpWEEK': ar 114 East 2nd South. C231S 30MS. MODERN. BY ery reasonable prices. Phone 54-18. C24S0 W ROOMi WITH location for summer. S WITH HOME Plionos; splendid loca- h- C3G57 KOOM. FOR FAMILY men; also single room '. home, close in. 233 t iftsii. c355'l KROOM. WITH 150 So- 2ffi - - " (l -H pTrNfTVABY - Ll'ADVS GOLD-th GOLD-th bows. Return to UTCASE. CON-0Ls''rs. CON-0Ls''rs. Return to Americnn Expross Co. c363S SS vTI0RE- FOUR nlmV .on t,lc loft Hide: "eward. Phono Main cn'"7 BI.AOK . Pl-nSE OV ll"o. Call Boll phono (ins -r" So. Main, room c2627 ht Hi So. Mn In. C.3371 S.h UP-TO-DATE aths v,ilrnon. electric. Vork fxr,,!rIencod nt- .o,I?,,L:.nb,Utcly J Mi-hUyre blrl-.. 7ft el 953 FOE RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED NI'm V. ,li,JLATS, FRONT AND REAR IN-dlvldual IN-dlvldual porches, vacuum cleaning, large lawns, lockers, wash room; everything every-thing the- latest. Stlcfel apartments. 54S Last 1th South. Office 82U Kcarns bldg. c30U 4 TWO ROOMS, KITCHEN. BATH. DIS'-Pljcarinc DIS'-Pljcarinc beds. 407 East 3rd So. Bell 3 1 09-2. C940 OZARK APTS.. 3 ROOMS, STEAM beat, $20.00. 454 Fifth East. Call Dr. Turner, 1035-A Independent. b2432 4 -ROOM KUSTER APARTMENtT n . last oth South: front and' roar porches, stenm hont. hot water, gaa lanco and janitor service froo; 535. See Janitor- Both phonos 402. b2371 F9A . RENT ELEGANT D-RM. APT., light and airy, JLa France. Bell 2027-2. bfi74 HOLLYWOOD APARTMENTS. I;our rooms, bath, closots. Wllfloy beds. Bell phone 5623. slBOS NEW STEWART APARTMENTS. COU-ner COU-ner 1st avc. and C 3t.: 3 and 4-room apartments. Bell 3SS1. t928 . . TUCK APARTMENT, -na East, opposite city and county bldg.. .'-room apt., first floor, vacant March 1 or Defore. Apply first house in rear of npts. No children. bl559 9 -ROOM FLAT. TOP FLOOR. STAUF-fcr STAUF-fcr apts., 16 E. So. Temple. b230 4- ROOM MODERN FLAT IN HOLLY npartments, 762 So. 3rd East. $25 per month. Hoffman Bros.. 22 E. 1st South at. Both phones 244. b355 J3?. 37.50. $40.00 APARTMENTS AT the Meredith. 170 1st avo. c442 SUITE OF 5 ROOMS: LAKEVlEW apartments: all conveniences. 271 No. Main st. Ind. 14922. c588 J25 MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT; NO , ''ea.'; Mamane. 250 2nd East. Phone 35-IC ci437 2 NEW 5-ROOM. MOD.. STEAM-HEAT-cd flats, janitor. 527.50. 320 5th ave. cl7P2 5- ROOM APARTMENT. 243 3RDEAST: very desirable. Scovllle. Bell 3050-K. c2072 4-ROOM MOD. FLAT. 530.00. 7.IMMER-man 7.IMMER-man apt., corner E and 1st ave. c2211 TUCK APARTMENTS 2ND EAST OP-poslto OP-poslto city and county bide. Three and flyo-room apartments. Apply house rear of apartments. c2516 cosy flatT FOUR ROOMS. LARGE closet. Individual porch, close In. 2R7 East 4th South; $28, Bell phone 4337-Y. C2705 MOD. 5-ROOM APARTMENT. ARL1NG-ton ARL1NG-ton Dowse & Morris. Ind. 93. Bell 2170. c3079 4-ROOM MODERN, FRONT AND REAR porch, ground floor. Special features. 154 South 2nd East. c338S TWO 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. ONE furnished and one unfurnished. 350 E. South Temple. c34C2 GLEASON APARTMENTS. 168 E. 6th South: four rooms, strictly modem, steam heat, hot and cold water, sras range. Call Bell 431S-K. or ant. No. 1. c3445 FOR RENT MODERN 5-R. CORNER apartmont in Kensington. Boll 2027-Z. C3001 4- ROOM MOD. FLAT. GROUNH floor. 34S E. 5th South. c3207 STRICTLY MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT. newly pnpered: front porch, Cummins" apts. Boll 4180. C34S7 NEW 5-ROOM FLAT. MODERN. 215 East 6th South. c3480 A COSY .4-ROOM APARTMENT TN THE Oquirrh 325 South 4th East; $32.50 Phono 473 or 4325-X. c3402 5- ROOM MODERN FLAT. ONE BLOCK from Eagle gate: rent very reasonably. Inquire 56 Canyon road. c3670 FINEST MODERN APARTMENT IN city, close In The Sharp Fiats. Bell phone 556S. d60 4- ROOM APARTMENT. STEAM HEAT-cd. HEAT-cd. janitor service, nrivate front porc and slonlng porch. Close in. $32.50. Bu phone 1519. dnG APAKTTVTBTJTfl TTTRNTSHTID tWo MOD.. "FURNISHED ROOMS: verj' convenient for h. k, 125 H Bt. C2213 3 - ROOM FUR. APT.. DISAPPEARING bed, ras, e. 1. thoroughly mod., chean rate. 418 So. Gth East. clOlP IF YOU WANT NICELY EQUIPPED housekeeping apartments, in best location, lo-cation, apply at the Annex. 150 East South Temple. Bell phone 2352-Y. c2481 THE COLONIAL. Elegantly furnished two and '.hree-room '.hree-room apartments, with bath, from $25 a month and up: slncle rooms, with and without both, from S10 a month and un Boll phone Ex. 42; Ind. 4177. f5134 THE COVEY. New. elegantly furnished housekeeping housekeep-ing apartments; elevator service; fireproof fire-proof building; prices reasonable. East South Temple. Phone Bell 5671. b98S THE KEITH. Furnished rooms, single or with bath: best location In city. 122 East South Temple. b257 THE WILFLEY. Two rooms, kitchen, bath and closet: furnished. nl5fjS BRANSFORD APARTMENTS. (Near Eagle Gate.) Location best In the city. Furnished and unfurnished suites. Furnished suites, with or wIthoufnon.nl. American plan; cafo in connection. Open to tho public. x7CG NICE 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 415 3rd East; $25. A. W. McKcllar & .Co.. 63t W. 2nd South. b!556 5- ROOM MODERN APARTMENT. COM-nlolely COM-nlolely furnished, cool and desirable for summer. Bell 10G6-Y. 250 W. 4th So. C2440 THE VINE APARTMENTS. Under new management: one suite of rooms roasonnble; also sleeping room. 443 East lHt Fouth. 2 4- R MOD. APT.. BEAUTIFULLY FU finished, fi-nished, complete. $.10;- oast side. Call Bell 3497-IC. A 4-ROOM APARTMENT. ELEGANT-lv ELEGANT-lv furnlsbud. IhL avo and D si. Boll phoiu; 20S6-X. dS FOR UF.NT TvnSCF.LXATT30US. stalITban YRfKAGWT and water, close In. 133 W. 4(h Soul) BUTCHER SHOP. NEXT DOOR TO rrocery on busv corner In Ogdon: good opportunity Address C. IL. care Ogdec brnnch Trlbuno. WALL PAPER CLEANING s7nt?ar?cle guaranteed: estimates Riven: prkw rensonable. Leave orders T. N- I. Druj. Co. Bell 3S0. Ind. 984. ctCl ROOMS CLEANED FROM $1 UP: PA-perlng PA-perlng acconllngly. Thomson House-clonnlns House-clonnlns Co. Ind. 10003 c3225 HOME PAPER CLEANING CO. WK clean carpets. "Santo ' vacuum cleaner Office Duval'" paper ntoro. Ipd. lHo. Bell Sir.4. vl0Jl FURS AND TAXIDERMISTS and laxldermtst line and carry iom-Diet" iom-Diet" stock of manufactured goods; pny feest Price for raw fur? buadji. H. Sien-ul Fur Co,. 1. 3,,j,i3;; FOR RENT MODERN, 3 ROOMS AND BATH. S12.D0 per montb. 455 E. Gth So. st. Bell Phone 2744-K. cl684 $20 FOUR-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. close In. Bell 4682 -Z. c937 $25 MODERN 4-ROOM, FULL BASE-jt BASE-jt "l0"' laundry trays, etc. Apply 715 g: 3rd South. " vv c338 NO. 32 3RD EAST. 9-ROOM MODERN fn!,n c,a,SB liouse. to bo used by private family only, p. R BothweU. B3113 0:ig, c;KOOM MODERN FLAT. 776 ast cth South. Bell phono 3238-X. X15G2 3- j AND 5-ROOM MODERN ' BRICKS. Inquire 823 E. 2nd South. r2308 HOUSES EVERYWHERE: SAY WHAT you want. New Era Roalty Co. Both Phones 3311. o2846 23 HOUSES. ALL KINDS. LOCALITIES and prices. Tuttlo Bros. Co.. 153 Main st. X993 U9i3S- 3RD EAST: HOUSE. REAR 251 E, 2nd So. Sco Rivera. 48 E. 1st So. aG32 4- ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. WITH basement. Rear 255 E. Gth South. tl311 69 FIRST AVENUE. 8 ROOMS. THOR-oughly THOR-oughly modern; two sleeping porches. Apply F. B. Cook, Felt bldg., or 67 First avenue. b959 T-RCOM MODERN. S10 E. GTH SOUTH Key nt 512 E. 5th South. h2217 FIVE AND FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. close In. 7nquire Bell 4828-Y; Ind 11891. 3S W. Gth South. b23G9 FOR RENT MODERN cTr"oo"m COT-tago. COT-tago. close in. Vndncr. 9th East and Ashton ave. Bell Forest 70-Z. Ind. 11751. b2827 CHOICE 2. S AND D-ROOM BRICK: pantry electric light and water; rent low. 556 So. 2d West. . c4 0-ROOM MODERN. NO. 15 EAST 7TH South. 535. Hubbard Inv. Co.. 66 W. 3rd South. c!3C THE ELEGANT RESIDENCE AT NO 234 NO. MAIN ST,, TO PRIVATK FAMILY ONLY. FROM FORE PART OF APRIL. FRITSCH. NO. 202-203 FELT BLDG. PHONES: IND. 747: BELL 3567. , clG3 9-ROOM HOUSE; 272 SO. 3RD EAST ST. FRITSCH. 202-203 FELT BLDG ciGD MODERN COTTAGES. JUST PA-porod PA-porod and cleaned; 4 and 5 rooms. Bell 2027-Z. c729 STRICTLY MOD. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. 634 So. 1st West. c684 6- ROOM MODERN HOUSE; 677 SOUTH Gth Eao'. c471 413 WEST 3RD NORTH. 3" ROOMsTlll. Rear 717 East 7th South. 3 rooms. $12.50. A. M'KELLAR & CO., 631 West 2nd South. cl30o STUDIO. 2 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH. gas, electricity, furnace heat and fireplace. fire-place. 183 Center st. Adults only. cl329 7- ROOM MODERN HOUSE: FURNACE 771 E. 1st South. Ind. 236S. "2325 7-ROOM HOUSE, 314 SO. 1ST WEST: $35. Phone Bell 5S22. c2757 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $25. 653 Bcllcvue place. Ind. 1440. c279l 5- ROOM MODERN HOME ON BRIG-ham BRIG-ham street. Inquire No. 47 Main street. Phone 780 Bell. 907 Ind. c2998 G-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN. $25. close In. 116 East Gth South. c3375 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. ON CAR line; fine location. Apply 51 8th East b4S9 FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE." VERY nice and close in. Inquire 71 West 7th South. c.3392 FIRST CLASS NEW MODERN HOUSE. 6 rooms, close In, 51 Vine street, J25 per month. c33S7 3 ROOMS. HALF OF DOUBLE BRICK house; toilet, electric light. 557 Eist 6th South. c3092 CLEAN. 4-ROOM. MODERN HOUSE. Marlon ct., 261 E. 1st South: $20 ncr month. Ind. 3270. c3137 FOR RENT 1 AND G-ROM HOUSES. Innulp) at No. 1. rear of 655 W. 1st North. C3218 TWO ROOMS AND SUMMER KITCII-cn, KITCII-cn, $8. 522 E. 3rd So. C3236 CLOSE IN. 4-ROOM BRICK. $12. ris Hazel court. Key nt No. 439. C3459 FIRST-CLASS MODERN 7-R. HOUSE 320 5th East. C. W. Miller. Ind. 1410. C3I70 NEW SEVEN-DOOM MODERN HOUSE. 'aundrv and hardwood floors. Inquire 137 H street c34S0 TWO FOUR-ROOM MODERN HOUSES, with disappearing bed. 851 South State, $18 and $16. c3477 DOUBLE HOUSE. 5 ROOMS EACH sldo; bath, gas stoves, modorn. $25 month. 326 E. Bin South- A. C. SndW. 514 Felt bldg. C3544 7-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN. 143 SO. Sth East. Bell phono 5367. c3557 MODERN SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE $35 per month. Inquire 1157 E. 5th So. 03654 NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE; STRICTLY modern: full cement basement. $16. Rear 632 So. 7th East. c3663 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE R-RN AND shed. Flf'i East and llth South. Inquire In-quire J. G. McDonald Chocolate Co. Rent reasonable. c361S 4- ROOM COTTAGE. APPLY 225 O street. e3620 FLATS. $4 TO $10. 32 N. 7TH WEST. 4 rooms. $S.50. rear 23S E. 7th South. c-3612 $25 PER MONTH. MY BEAUTIFUL north Fide home. 5-room mod. bflek. Pop owner. 1 to I p. m.. 331 G at. Take Gth ave. car. d-IS 5- ROOM MODERN I'OUSir- R.WGU linoleum In kitchen: $30. 217J 2nd E""' il:!7 3 "n. 00 NEW f.-R.M. MODERN RRK'IC. Inquire 711 So. Isl West. Ind. 10"n. (1 1 2 5-ROOM MOUSE. V7 U STREET. 1-nulre 1-nulre :3 M street. dU NEW (-ROOM. MODERN" HOUSE. W Kni Norlh Temple, with gaw- Be'l 2730 -X. rifi EITHER 5 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE strictly modorn. 115 Canvou Road. ll THREE ROOMS. HOT AND COLD water, gas and electric light; $12. l"7f 9lh Easl. 'b5 G-ROOM. 2-STORY MODERN MOUSE, close In: low rent. Phone Bell 1510. dOS FOR, RENT HOUSES FURNISHED MD'TlOTCOrTGr university; $35. Bell 1703. .-,(; 6 5-ROOM MODERN BRICIC. GAS RANGE, pnvod streets. Inqulro 209S-K. c2707 9-R. FURNISHED MOUSE. 62 K ST. C. W. Miller. Ind. 1440. c3471 7-ROOM HOUSE. STRICTLY MODERN, elegantly furnished: ronl $60; beautiful, sunny rooms. Ros.i C. Davis, 303 JudKO bldg.' SPANISH LESSONS MCSSONH IN SPAXwT. GRAA1MAR ami conversation. Apply P. O. box 142. j ,.,lv c3550 FOS SALE FOR, SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE NEWLYFURNISHED boardlnghousc; must bo Bold at once. o71 So. Main. c942 SEE PARKER & BALLARD FOR ANY-thlng ANY-thlng to exchange. 400 Atlas block. a744 AUTO EXPRESS TRUCK CHEAP: ALSO AL-SO Ford runabout. In gtod condition, cheap. C3-59 So. West Temple. a2480 if you Want second-hand trac- tlpn englno, call aec what wo have. Parker is, Ballard. 400 Atlas block. a2770 NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS bought, sold and exchanged: wo sell on i8; . E. Glors. 316 State at. Bell 383; Ind. 3836. b2325 NOTICE TO MINING MEN. We will build a gasoline traction engine en-gine to order to suit any existing conditions, condi-tions, capublo of handling any tonnage from G to 60. Parker S: Ballard. 4U0 Atlns block. b282l D1AUG. . STORE FIXTURES. SODA fountain, showcases, cash register; very ffr Apply Bfice rjmg Co. cl-Ho EOR RENT OR FOR SALE Boardlnc; fiu Vsc. 8 rooms, ncwlv furnished; rooms linn13;- 421 Soutl 21 West. Bell Phone 1 (U0-K. clo4 BIG BLACK MAMMOTH JACK FROM tno blu grass of Kentucky. H. W. "unn, Healy hotel. Ogden. Utah. claiO SUCCESSFUL POULTRY AND SQUAB ranch; Incubators, etc. A. E. Lavcn-der. Lavcn-der. R D, No. 3. Ogdon. clG90 A GRAPHOPHONE: COST $50. WITH silver-plated horn, cost $10: 6 reversible revers-ible records, total cost $G3. Will take $40 from right party and allow time. H. S. Dnynes, 55 So. Main, phono 4164. c2494 HOSPITAL EQU1PJIENT FOR FORTY beds. Dr. C. E. Coulter. Ogden. Utah. c25'J3 ANY ONE WISHING TO PURCHASE one and two-year-old wethers after spring shearing can purchase same by applying to G. T. Olscn. Richfield. Utah. c2714 SECOND HAND SAFE. GOOD SIZE. good condition. 337 West Second South street. c30U 2ND -HAND PIANOS FOR SALE OR rent. Weber Grand, uprights, pianolas; all In Ist-class condition. Call G2 Pitt St. Ind. 3518. C3097 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A $750 mahogany Interior player, used 6 months, with 25 rolls music and new bench $575; terms. A cabinet for talking machine records. In mahogany; all polished. Was $20. now $10. A talking machine: cost 560; cuaran-tecd cuaran-tecd In perfect condition. $10. Terms. H. S. Dnynes. 55 So, Main. C309S ONE BATTERY URNS. COFFEE AND tea; 1 fine folding bed. 1 lot mahogany chairs. 1 lot tables, two cash registers. 2 desks all cheap. Apply Semloh hotel. 0 c3326 STALE BREAD FOR SALE CHEAP AT Royal Baking Co. stale bread depot. c348S A $75 PHONOGRAPH AND 75 REC-ords, REC-ords, as good as new. Address Box 834 Bingham, or phono Ind. 15. c3548 SINGLE CYLINDER HARLEY-DAV1D-son motorcvcle. fine condition, new last fall. $150 cash. Apnlv today. 10S So. W. Temple room No 3. c3625 3000 EWES. WOOL ON. SHEAR 7i pounds, bred to bli Ramboulllet ram. "ommence lambing Mav Sth. Wo will furnish good lambing grounds and summer sum-mer range near Ocden. Will deliver Black Rock. Utah. Salt Lake or Ogden anv time before the 15th of Anrll. Terms .eash. R. S. Brooks & Son, Ogden. Bell nhono 258. c3616 LARGE ARMY TENT FOR SALE. chean. 25 ft. snuare: also 100 small tents for sale. 144 W. 3rd South. c3635 .Mrr-:?: NEW AND SECOND ?7i.NTi Phones 415K. t NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPH. WITH 16 records, cheap if takfn at nnw, col $35; will sell for $15. Bell 2991 -NK. d23 HORSF.R A N"n VT'.TTr!I-F.S toTihuw1Thv all our saddle horses. They are In good phnpo now and we can give you satisfaction. satis-faction. SALT LAKE HORSE AND MULE MARKET. MAR-KET. 344 W. STH SO. BELL PHONE 4167. IND. PHONE 4131. c3499 TWO WORK AND ONE PADDLE horse, 1000 to 1200 lbs. 2S0 So. 10th West. r3345 FIVE HEAD MORSES: THEY DRIVE single or double, or saddle. Apply J136 East 2nd South. c-3549 FOR SA.TF. FTT"P,JTTTT"RT,1 DON'T SELL YOUR FURNmjRlT Have It rounholstercd made new again. Phone 3299 about It. S. L. Mat-ress Mat-ress & Mfg. Co. cinSl WILL PELL FIVE ROOMS OF FURNI-turo FURNI-turo for $260, house for rent. Inoulre 231 Constitution bldg. Ind. phone 4199. c3C47 FURNITURE OF 5-ROOMS. COM-plete. COM-plete. very cheap: mupt be sold nt once. No. 6 Thornton avc., 5th So. bet. West Temple and Main. c3030 pQ-p CAT.T". . A 7TTOMOT?TT,P,p 5 - PASS ENG ER . 4-'cYLINDER AUTO: lust overhauled: good condition. Be'l 2705. Ind. 1051. c3l95 USED AUTOMOBILES. JUST THE CAR YOU APE LOOKING FOR. AT THE PRTCE -YOU WNT TO PAY. HARRY C. BEESON. 223 SO. STATE ST. nl797 CARPET CLEANING PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY WORK KUarantond : prices as low n good work will nermlt. Am. Carpet Cleaning Co Bell 2170. Ind. 93. b232S CARPETS CLEANED ON FLOOR: SPE-clal SPE-clal rates until 15th: work guaranteed. Bell 5906. b2035 SANTO FOR tiALE OK KENT; CLEAN ir.g done. Stewnrl -Gliuvsun Co. "Jti W. vV,,fW .1 lr.l' "" I-.fl 70? V.tl' ALARM CLOCKS ALL ARE GOOD; SOME ARE BETTER. wo neli ihu butter kind. Big Ben, other dopendable alarms. $1 to $2.50. Ro-liable Ro-liable jwwcluM. fiurhauKh'a. 1 McCornlck n!dg a DENTISTS building- Ioobc ttotb (pyorrhoea alvoo. larls), Vienna, threo applications treat-ment: treat-ment: gun rant e.-d. hl.T-J MOTORCYCLES. tho machine for sbrvlco. Sea tho Har ley before buying, at 32 Richards ctreet. Walter M. Jones, c347 PATENTS TopatISnt Tnvuntio trade-marks or cnpyrlgbtii. so j, M, Tbomaw. Engle block. xlC53 SXGNS AND SCENERY CRAT?TEHON brass, enipped glus, uud painted. Both phouc-s. x24 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FINEST ROOMING HOUSE In town of 5000, 31 rooms, half block from depot. Now Arnold, Nampa, Ida. r.2840 LARGE STOREROOM. VERY SUIT-able SUIT-able for Ice cream, candy, soda water wa-ter and fruit porlors: rent very reasonable. reason-able. Apply Brlco Drug Co. cl442 FOR SALE BY OWNER, ROOMING house, 3-ycar lease at $10 a month, 11 rooms; $350. 1401 Stato sU, Murray. Phono Ind. 61-D. c3637 ONE ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE. close in; housekeeping and bedrooms, a snap. Address S-45, Tribune. c3636 YOU CAN MAKE $50 PER DAY WITH an Armstrong Quam well drilling machine. ma-chine. General western agent, 1122 Boston Bos-ton bldg. c3401 FOR SALE SMALL BOARD ING house, cheap. Bell phono 3565-Y. c3556 MARTIN'S SANITARIUM. Good business; complete apparatus of jleclrlc. dry hot air and latest methods for all treatments, terms reasonable. 2391 South Main. Ind. phono 1930-A. C3361 FOR SALE.' CHEAP. FURNISHED house, suitable for restaurant or bakery. bak-ery. Owner 111. Splendid business chance. L. Dufaull. Callente. Nevada. (121. CAPABLE, ENERGETIC MAN CAN secure fourth Interest highly profitable business for $2500: salary also, if desired. de-sired. Bell phone 1494. d27 IDAHO DRUG STORE FOR SALE: fine snap; good business. Write at onco for particulars. Dr. Lynn. ChaUls. Idaho. d20 FIRST-CLASS LUNCH ROOM, DOING good business; best location In city; ions lease: will sacrifice If taken nt onco.' Phone Ind. 2280. dj7 FOR SALE POULTR"17" NT "PT.t STOCK CHOICE YOUNG roCKER'? RFnv for service. Rhodo TInnrt Rrrts. White Wvandottcc. Plvmouth Rocks. White Leghorns, Leg-horns, nt XI. 5n, $3.00 nnd $5.00 each. Vogelcr Seed Co. cl596 EOGP FOR HATCHING. DET.TVERn Silver Pnangled Hamburgs. Black Minorca?. Mi-norca?. Saunders. Phone 2374-Y. cl572 WHITE PLVMOT-TH ROCK AND S. C Rhode Tsland Rod eggs; XI for 13r prize tonk. J. H. Vincent. 364 E. 4th So. Bell 4262-Z. clOS6 RHODE ISLAND RED EGGS $5 PER loo faiiv ftr". XOf ortrh. Cress Brook. 3510 7th East. Ind. 10092. e.1074 SOME FINE THOROUGHBRED RHODE Island piiliots. also White and Barred Plymouth Rocks. 1045 Lincoln ave. C2102 WHITE LEGHORN EGGS'. SINGLE settings or bv the hundred: will deliver. de-liver. Ind. 10164. c2828 EGGS FOR HATCHING. From the best stock in Utah. White Leghorn. Cornish Indian. Black TiTlnorca. Rhode Island Rod and Black Langshan: guarantee all eggs fertile: If not will replace re-place without cost. HILL CREST POULTRY FARM. East 17th South. Phono Murray 3491 Red. c2674 GUARANTEED STRICTT Y FRESH eggs. 2?lc ner doz. or $5.50 per 30 doz. Ind phono 524. Bell phone 4617. 62t South State. c2966 EfJGS IN STOCK FROM OFR PRIZE Rhode Island Reds and White Plymouth Ply-mouth Rocks. Vndner. Oth East and AFhton nve. Tako Ashton ave. car. Bell phone Forest 70-Z: Ind. 11751. n3324 MR. CITY MAN YOU CAN TNSTAL A modern poultrv plant on Your back lo without molesting your flowers, lawn or neighbors and have home-made eggs for breakfast. Chantecler Colonv Coops are complete: nlwavs snnitarv and guarante"? evcrv hen a money-maker. It's so. It's business. It's your move. Phone us your address for complete circular or call. Chnnteclcr Poultry Farm. 310 E. 15th So Bell phono Murray 310. c315R FIVE-YEAR-OLD .TERSE Y-DURHA M cow: heavy milker: perfectly gentle; also two dozen laving hens; parties leaving leav-ing city. Main 4230-X. c3659 BARGAINS: - ENTIRE EXHIBITION stock While. Lcghoros, two Ideal coon" and runs: settings. S2. 15: amateur's chnnce. Hudson, 902 West 2nd North. c36M EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM S. C. R I. Reds: nure. stock: $1 per setting: $5 ner ino. 66S E. 1st South st. Boll phone 2451 -Z. c3029 ME-VDOWBROOK FARM, MURRAY. S. C. W. Orpingtons. S. C. W. Leghorns. Leg-horns. Telephone Murray 322-X Indian In-dian Runner ducks. State fair. 7 ribbons, rib-bons, silver cup; poultry show. 17 ribbons. dS FOR SALE FARMS AND ACREAGE CASH PAID FOR WELL IMPROVED farms. Walker & Thompson. 49 South Main a2771 V. A. BETTILYON. 10-12 East Third South. ol4S IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A furm. se Colonial Realty & Trust Co., 14 East South Temple. Either phon-4567 phon-4567 blOi 24.1 ACRES. 9 MILES FROM TEMPLE. all fenced, good house, cellar, stables (lowing well, machlnerv, 140 shares wa-j t-jr. A. Trcppmann. 43 West 4th South, or 1170 4th East. c2947 100-ACRE FARM IN BOX ELDER county in exchange for city propertw Call Bell phono 970-Z. C34GS THE CHANCES OF A LIFETIME. 160-acrc farm In Utah county: SO acres Idenl fruit land, all cultivated; alfalfa, grain and etc.: fencod and cross-fenced, water right. 3-rnom hrlck house, farm machinery and Implements; wagon, har- J nesses 6 fine large maros. Also SO acres drv farm, fenced and all In fall wheat. All for SI 1.500; good terms - Fine home, corner 9th East and 12th South streets; 9 lots with 2-story brick house of 7 rooms: bathroom, closets, halls, pantry, collar, barn, orchard and city water; paved street to within short distance. A fine location for stores-ample stores-ample room for store building and three other house's 5S500: terms. THOMAS ALSTON. Owner. Abstractor and N'otnrv Public. 301 D. F. Walkfr Building. Salt Lake City. Utah. cOSlS PARK VALLEY LAND Is as good In ovrv respect as Is the land if Salt Lake valley. It lacks people only. That Is the reason this company Is offering offer-ing 15.000 acres in small or large tracts at from $12.50 to $20 per acre, on llv(-year llv(-year terms Bnv while buvlng is easy. Ask for lesrrlntlvn namnhlnl. PACIFIC l. AND & WATER CO. 816 NEWHOUSE BLDG. 0.165(1 GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. 10 acres. S200: .M0 rasli. bal. easv. 11 acres. ?500; $100 cash. bal. easv. SO niM'-s. $101)0; $2rtfi cash, bal. oasv. 160 ocreB. $2000; $100 cash, bal easy. . And an much larger tract as you want. This land Is the best In tho state for the money and suitable -for poultry raising, rais-ing, fruit or farming. Write, phone or nee me a I once and make arraugotnunts to go sen tho bind and get choice. SCOTT DANLEY. Boll 415. S1G Newhonse bldg. Ind. :tr.2 I29 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS, $100: CAR13-ful CAR13-ful soloctlons by surveyor who made original government survey. A, D. Pack-ard, Pack-ard, 1122 Boston block. c3634 CLEANING AND DYEING SALT LAKE CLEANING CO.. 351 SO. Stato. Bull phono 5235. Ind. 1734. rJ2lO FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IMPROVED FOR SALE TODAY: A dandy lot. 21x8 rods, on 13th East near 4th South, for 11200. A splendidly built house on 6th East near 6th South: east front; the Tot EOx 165 feet. Tho house Is modorn. 6 large rooms, bath, furnace, sewer connection, and all special assessments pafd in full; on easy terms for $6500. A modern 9-room brick residence: large lot; on 13th East near new high school. This Home Is modorn in every respect, including furnace, laundry, good barn; $4200; $1000 cash, balance caBy terms. $6500 will buy an up-to-date bungalow bunga-low on 2nd avo,; south front, hot water wa-ter heat, beamed celling. 6 large rooms, sleeping porch, fine cement collar, with laundry. It will take $4000 cash to handle han-dle this place. Here Is one of tho best speculative buys In the city. It's located on the corner cor-ner of 6th South and 1st West; 100 feet frontage, or. Oth South and 79 feot on 1st West. Improvements consist of a 10-room brick residence, which with vory little expense can be changed Into- three apartments. It can be bought for $5000; $500 cash, balance easy payments. I am certain the value of this property will Increase not less than 50 por cent In the next five years, besides paying a fair ro-turn ro-turn on the original Investment. Many others. There Is a wide range of servico in a good real estate office. There's some way In which wo can serve you. Think about It. A. RICHTER, 73 South Main, street Phones Gil. C3442 V. P. HISKEY. successor to Danley & Johnson: real estate es-tate loans nnd rentals. 30 West 3rd South street. Phone 4426. x394 LOT ON CAPITOL HILL. 50X140. $1200. Apply John Slddoway. Vernal, Utah. c337S FOR FARMS. ACREAGE AND HOMES, see L. R. Martineau. 400 Herald bldg. b757 IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE C. W. Miller. 112 West 2nd South. d2434 WILT, PAY CASH FOR HOUSES. VA-cant VA-cant lots or any kind of real estate. A. N. Humphries, 1 8 W. 2nd South street. C310G $1750; 10x10 RODS D ST. ALL OR PART (Terms.) Squires .Bros,, 22 East 1st South St. Bell phone 2737. c2986 SPECIAL NEW. MODERN. BEAUTIFUL. 4-ROOM HOUSE ON A CORNER. ONLY J300 CASH. $25 PER MONTH. SEE OWNER: FRITSCH. 202 FELT BLDG. THONES. IND. 747; BELL 3567. t a3238 WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S all. Tuttle Bros, Co.. 153 Mnln st, c!397 BARGAINS WHILE THE EARTH lasts. Tho Campbell-Cheesman Realty Co. c2089 ASHTON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE loans and insurance. 72 Main street. Phones 907. m3077 IF YOU WANT MONEY For your real estato. see A. McKELLAR & CO.. 631 W. 2ND. SO. 83370 GREAT SNAP SEVEN OF CHOICEST building loUs in Liberty Heights. Must let them go at great sacrifice. Five on Browning ave.. two on 14th East. Inquire In-quire Granite Furn Co.. both phonos. c3448 MY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ON A 50-FT. lot, fenced, lawn, trees, pavement, flowing flow-ing well, sheds nnd 20 chickens. $2300. 141 Wentworth avenue. Hollywood. c3452 BY OWNER. TWO-STORY. EIGHT-room EIGHT-room modorn fine house; $6500; terms; hardwood finish and floors; hot water heat. S-35, Tribune. c3476 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. ONLY $3800. SPLENDTD 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE COT-TAGE NEAR 13TH EAST AND 4TH SOUTH: MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE; OWNER LEAVING CITY. $700 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS. FRITSCH. 202 AND 203 FELT BLDG. PHONES IND. 747, BELL 3567. C3491 MIKE MAYS HAS' ONE 3-ROOM house on Central ave. and State street. 85 feot front. 150 feet deep: nlso 14 building build-ing lots at $1S0. cash or time payments: besides there Is $1000 worth of property on Slate, facing cast, a rcsldcnco. 12-room 12-room brick house, three other buildings Included: artesian wells and good vatr right: has an income of 75 nor month. Purchaser of the wholo ($7500) can pay $1500 down and $1500 in six months, balance In 5 years nt 5 per cent Interest. Good Investment with possible quick returns. re-turns. A snn If taken at once. See ownr. Mike Mays, who is in Salt Lake for 5 days onlv. nt White House hotel, or address E. H. Lovesy. P. O. Box 15. Bingham Canyon. Utah. c2G14 WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER A lot or mod. 5 to 7-room house; would orefer bet. 5th So. and 3rd ave.: "must ie a snan:" give location nnd price. Ad-drosa Ad-drosa S-4R Tribune d28 FREE. FREE. FREE. homestead under Smoot ac. I know where thorc sin a number of choice 320-aere 320-aere tracts and I want to get a number num-ber of people to join In taking m same. Vn location fee. Clvvip railroad fare. Residence nnl required. Call for Barnett. 400 Atlas block, for particulars. dj SiJSSJJ-JiSS.- HOMESTEAD LANDS OPENED for entry. A fine tract was opened for ntry on February 3, I know of a number of fine 320-ncre tracts for location: Ideal soils, nil agebrnb lan''s, water for domestic pur poses, nt a reasonable depth. Near rail road: npeclal railroad rate. This la np opportunity to g a choice free homestead of 320 acres. No residence is required under this act. Don't delay. F. J. LEONARD. Publlr Lnnd Lcrntor, S09 Nowhouso Bldff. C3622 FOR SALE OR LEASE c7m5icest uocxtio bIstween Hotel Utah and union station, for rent, lease or se.le. For particulars address M-40. M-40. Tribune. cl219 LAND rOR RENT GOOD FARMING LAND FOR RENT, near Sth East and 10th South streets. HOFFMAN BROTHERS. LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 22 E. First South Street. Both Phones 24 c2600 HOTELS CcamiNIvvL TfcTrirC: stuctlT modern: nowly furnished: reasonable rales U$ East 1st South. m3533 riit. LA MELL HOTEL; ELABOKATE-ly ELABOKATE-ly furniBlnid; absolutely fireproof; prl-vuio prl-vuio bat.Ms; reasonable rates, 126 South State. b2527 ONE FRONT SUITE AT THE MANX. 24 East South Temple, c3624 HOTEL TKE.MON'T. S POSTOKFICK plnco. Strictly modern: stenm heated; family trado eollcltod. A. C. Morrloon. proprlotor. (1833 i ! SECRET SOCIETIES ACAcDTlODGTsPuTIx. F. AND A. M. jH Regular meetings hold at Masonic torn- IH Pic. corner First South and Second East. the first Saturday of each month. Mem- tM bcrs of sister lodges and sojourning brethren cordially Invited to attend. JOSEPH G. BYWATER. W. M. ' F. A. McCarty, Secretary. c758 I ROYAL ARCANUM SALT LAKE Council, No. 1517 Second and fourth I Wednesday, K. of P. hall. 123 East Third South street, T. S. Klnnoraley. regent: E. L. Jonea. secretary. EL K A LAI I TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. S I Regular cessions held at Masonic temple, corner Second East and First South, the third Wednesday In each tM month. Sojourning nobles lnvltod to at-tend. at-tend. James H. Brown, 111. Potentate: J. JH M. Marriott, III. Recorder. ft ARGENTA LODGE NO. 3. F. & A. M. At Masonic 2T temple, corner Second East and First South streets, first iH ' j Tuesday of each month. jH Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren invited. Harry Clark, W. M-: Mobob C. Phillips. Secretary. MT. MORI AH LODGE NO. 2. F. AND A. , M. Masonic hail, second Monday each month, corner First South and Second ) Last. Members of sister lodges nnd so-jourriing so-jourriing members In good stnndlng In-vLtcd-.Ia.na T- Smith, W. M. ; Chrlsto-phor Chrlsto-phor Dlehl, Secretary. WASATCH LODGE. NO. 1. F. nnd A M. Masonic temple, corner First South l??ntl E-,,8t' Regular meetings sec-onQ sec-onQ Friday of each month. Members of Sii?r ,?dB;;fl fnd sojourning brethren cor-dially cor-dially fnvited. H. S. Knight. W. M.; A. J. Lowe. Secretary. jf LYNDS CHAPTER NO. jH feti&3 1. Order Eastern Star. lH fsjW Masonic temple. Stated jH meetings first Friday jH "grTi. each month. Visiting IH V members will receive a IH W cordial welcome. Ada IH K. Hartcnqteln, W. M.: IH Nellie T. Spencer. Socre- IH tary. v MIZPAH CHAPTER 'NO. 6. Order Eastern Star. WSffl Stated meetings 8 jujw p. m. first Monday of each month. Masonic r7 temple, corner Second W East and First South. v Visiting mombers cor- dially invited. WILLIE CLAY KEYES. W. M. LOUISA STEWARD, Secretary. a ELECTA CHAPTER NO. V&dw S, Order Eastern Star, WjSOs Stated meetings third yj. Tuesday of each month. J2lSk Masonic temple, corner v7 Second East and First W South. Visiting mombers v cordially invited. MARGARET E. B EVE RIDGE. W. M. DORA FRANKLAND, Secretary. A. A. S. RITE THE FOUR CO-ORDI-nate bodies of tho A. A. S. Rita or Free Masonry bold stated meetings the third Thursday In ench month at tho Masonic temple, corner First South and Second East. Sojourning brethren in-vlted. in-vlted. W. M. Rash. 3 2d deg. ' W, M. Joruan lodge of Perfection No. 3. 'H A. C Wherry. 32d deg. i W. M. James Lowo Chapter of Rose iB Croix No. 1. O. B. Pfoutz. 32d deg. Commander of Salt Lake Council of Ka-dosh Ka-dosh No. 1. A. E, Hutchinson, 32d deg. 'H M. of M. Consistory No. 1. 1 Christopher Dlehl, 33d deg. Register far all the bodies. UTAH COMMANDERY NO. 1, KNIGHTS Templar Stated conclaves hold at IH Modonlc temple, corner Second East and IH First South, the first Thursday of each month. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially Invited to attend. JOHN A. HOUGHTON. E. C. E. O. LEATHERWOOD. Recorder. glOOO UTAH CHAPTER NO. 1. R. A. M. Stntcd convocation last Wednesday In each month at Masonic hall, corner Sec-ond Sec-ond East and First South streets. Com-panlons Com-panlons cordially Invited. C. F. Jonnlngs. H. P.; Mosos C. Phillips. Secretary. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. FIDELITY LODGE NO. 17. I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday night at S o'clock. L O. O. F. templo, Visitors wel-come. wel-come. H. B. Warner, N. G.; J. C. IH Smith. Secretary. ' H JORDAN LODGE NO, 3, I. O. O. F. Meets every Monday night at I, O. O. F. templo. Visitors invited. A, H. Kelly. Jr.. N. G. A.; W. T. Hopkins. Secretary. I. O. O. F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY. Subordinate lodgos meot ns follows: , Salt Lake lodge No. 2. Friday. Enterprise lodge No. 15, Tuesday. H MIRIAM REBEKAH LODGE MEETS ' first and third Saturday evenings of each month at I. O. O. F. templo. o2175 f fM NAOMI REBEIdVH LODGE NO. 1 meets every second and fourth Satur- i IH day evenings of ench month at Odd Fol- , H lows' temple, Market st. n3552 FORESTERS OF AMERICA MEET first and third Tuesdays each month B at Eagles hall, H. A. Welling. F. S. , EXCELSIOR CAMP 10892. MODERN , Woodmen, meets Tuesday ovoning In H M. W, A. hall. 161 Main street Visiting IH neighbors welcome. A. D. McGulre, V. C; J. W. Ewln. Clerk. GREAT SALT LAKE CAMP, 10071, M. W A., meets every Tuesday night nt tM S o'clock in the Odd Fellows' temple, P. IH O. place. Visiting neighbors cordially in IH vlted. a2603 UTAH CAMP NO 338 W. O. w7. Wednesday evening. F. O. E. hall, 168 H S W. Templo. Visiting neighbors wel- H come. Frank Harding, consul; E. W. H Hall. Clerk WOODBINE CIRCLE NO. 41. WOMEN of Woodcraft, meets evory Thursday. 3 o'clock, at I. O. O. F. hall. Knights of Pythias. CALANTHE-MYRTLE LODGE NO. 1. K. of P. Every Monday, K. of P. hall. B George H. Klonz, C. C: N. W. Sonne- deckor, K. of R. and S. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3 Evory Thursday cvonlng. K. of P. hall. 1G1 Second East. James Terry. C. C.r S. N. Randolph. K. of R. and S. LINCOLN LODGE NO. 23. K. OF P. IH Meets evcrv .Saturday evening at 3 BBpJ o'clock. K. of P. hall. 123 E. 3rd So.; en- HKfA trance Linden hotel. G. E. Evans, C. ffflffl C: A. O. Ganctt K. of R. and S. B-VJ HERMIONE TEMPLE NO. 3, PYTHIAN Rlqters Meets ovcry Monday afternoon at S ! p m. at TC of P. hall. 161 So. 2nd i East. Emma Bets. M. of R- C. o2573 jH FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, 'H Salt Lnko Aerie No. 67 Every Friday. , S p. m. Eagles hall. KNIGHTS OF THE MACA tirrs. SALT Lake City Tout No. 2 Every Thura- day. I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting knights In-vlted. In-vlted. H LOYAL ORDER OF MOOE Or" THE World Salt Lake City lodge No. 259 meets In tho Moose clubrooms. 222 South West Templo street. Thursday nights. 8:15 o'clock. H. W. DENNETT. Dictator. JBbVJ S. R WELCH. Secretary. VAVfll FAMII.Y LIQUOR STORE ALTTTci?niQOFV I H for family trado. Frco delivery. Tho Rrrgerman Co.. 23S So. State. Bell 5692: IBBVJ lp. 80S. a2734 , ATTORNEYS. ' poviHismrToneatjx x O. W. Powers, Tlios. Mnrloneaux. J. W. 1 McKlnnoy. JHShKb Attorneys-at-T,aw. Kcarns Bldg. Ton Floor Front. BHI Phone Main 1850. i IH GLOVE MANUFACTURERS , South, cxcluslvu glovo store. Glove j JH mado to ordoc Repairing and cleaning. , , x . H |